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1 本研究的选题依据与目的
    2 研究方法
    DZ.14$ 试
    D 根据本研究的目的,选取了云南省第二监狱(主要关押重刑毒品犯人入五华监
    l 狱(主要关押轻刑毒品犯人乃5岁以下的所有涉及贩卖、走私及运输毒品的男性罪犯
    l 共 526名男被试进行测试。进入统计分析的有效样本容量为 378人。
    12.2 测量工具
    D 本研究采用的测量工具是美国加州伯克利人格评估研究所教授H肛大”n
    IG.GOUgh编制的朋利福尼亚心理调查表① 亿C八(中国修订厂该量表有较高的信
    D 度与效度。
    IZ.3 统计指标与方法
    D 根据本研究的目的,对经过整理的资料做了如下统计分析:
    D 毒品犯的特殊人格结构的构成因素。
    l@利用T 测验上的测试结果划分毒品犯的p 人格类型及自我实现水平并将
    D 其与正常人对照组的测验资料进行差异检验叮检验入 分析当前在押毒品犯的人格特
    D 征的基本情况。
    l 进行2祁蛇的多因素方差分析与T检验,以探讨这些变量对毒品犯人格特征形成的
    D 影响。
    l@以毒品犯的年龄、己服刑期、是否减刑为自变量,以p 测验原始分数为因
    l 变量,进行5例的的多因素方差分析与T检验,以探讨这些因素对毒品犯人格特征
    D 形成的影响。
    D 分类,比较不同类别罪犯之间的人格特征,为制定毒品犯矫治措施提供科学依据。
    13 结果与讨论
    l 对被试在 CPIRC20个分量表上的测验原始分进行因素分析,得到特征根人>=1
    l 的因素共有四个,累积方差贡献率可解释 67.689%的变异。通过主成分分析和极大正
    D 交旋转获得四个因素的命名和含义如下:
    D 遵从性因素是毒品犯人格结构中最突出的一个特质,说明毒品犯的人格首先是
    D 与是否遵从社会规则、符合社会道德规范相联系的。
    D 外向性因素是表征个体与周围环境及他人的关系,表现在社交行为即与他人关
Study on the Drugpusher's Personality Structural and Categories' Characteristics and their Influence Factors
    1 The reasones and purposes
    On the basis of retrospecting to the past research and the current situation of the personality structure, the criminal's personality and their categories' characteristics, this paper brings forward four personal standpoints. Firstly, most of the past personality structure researches chose normal but not the special groups as their subjects. It is important for the across culture research of the personality structure to touch upon these special group realm and it also can make more easy to understand the personality structure characteristic of the spectial groupt. Secondly, most of the past researches were simply based on some average comparison and they cann't help to understand the personality structure characteritic of the criminal. Thirdly, the personality categories reasearches of the criminal provided science bases for making differential treatment strategies for different criminal, so that, how to classify reasonable categories is the key to make successful treatment. Fourthly, the drugpusher is a new criminal type in our country so that study for this task has many theoretically and practically meanings.
    This paper discussed personality structure, Categories' Characteristics and their influence factors of the drugpusher. Thare are three purposes as followed.
    Firstly, this paper tries to explore the main constitute factor of the drugpusher by factor analysis.
    Secondly, it is tries to explore the category and its feature of the personality of the drugpusher by classter analysis and confirm some essential principles of sorting-treament.
    Thirdly, it is tries to explore the relationship of the stability factors and. the dyamic factors with the development of the personality of the drugpusher such as the nation, the education degree, the zone, the age, the having-stay-time and the times of commute.
    2 The methods 2.1 Subjects
    The subjects of this study come from all the drugpusher of the Second Prison and Wuhua Prison of Yunnan province. All of them are younger than 55 age. The subjects of valid sample total up to 378.
    2.2 The means of measuring
    The California Psychological Inventory is selected as the measuring tool based on the purposes and the ideal of this study. CPI is of higher reliability and validity.
    2.3 Criteria of Statistics
    2.3.1 The paper discus constitution factor of the personality of the drugpusher by takes the factor analysis with the test scores of the CPI.
    2.3.2 By plotting CPI's personality category and the self-realization level of the criminal and comparing it to the" norm group's, the paper tries to analysis the essential status of personality characteristic.
    2.3.3 By taking the nation, the education degree and the zone as independent variables and taking the test of the CPI as the dependent variables, the paper tries to discuss whow these influence the development of the personality by multi-variables analysis.
    2.3.4 By taking the age, the having-stay-time and the times of commute as independent variables and taking the test of the CPI as the dependent variables, the paper tries to discuss how these influence the development of the personality by multi-variables analysis again.
    2.3.5 In order to campare the difference between difference category this paper classified the criminal by Q-type classification.
    3 Results and Discussions
    3.1 The personality structure of the drugpusher
    This paper gained four prominent communal factors which eigenvalue is beyond one by factor analysis and they can interpret 67.689 percent of all variance. The denominate and meaning of these four factors are:
    Obedience: This is the most prominent factor among the personality structure and it indicates this concept closer to obey social rule, accord to social ethic, etc.
    Extraversion: It represents the connection between man and his ambience, the social behavior with others and the attitude to outside.
    Mature: It represents
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