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Since 1986, the employment system of professions has been put into effect to ensure the management of professional and technical personnel. And the specific policy towards the middle school teachers is " The Trial Regulations on The Profession of Middle School Teachers". In accordance with the reality, specific measures had been made and thus the systematic career ladder policy had been formed. The career ladder program of middle school teachers described the career ladder, responsibility and assessment of teachers with the core of promotion. Promotion, in the career ladder program, means teacher promotion. In other words, promotion is the growth of teachers in their major and increase of capability and performance in their tasks. From the above discussion, it's easy to see that here promotion is totally different from the climbing in the administration post. Through the promotion policy, the Educational Administrations hope that teachers' enthusiasm and creativity can be brought into play and their speciality and capability can be increased.
    In the process of 20 years, especially at the beginning of the implementation of the policy, the promotion policy made great contribution to increase the teachers' status and enthusiasm. However, with the time passing by, both the policy and the components of teachers have experienced changes, thus many problems emerged. Nowadays, complains can be heard from teachers, headmasters and educational administrators. However, researches about these problems haven't been conducted thoroughly, such as how many contradictions are there in the implementation of the policy? Are they common problems or just complaints from several individuals? As a result, this paper aims to reveal the following facts from the aspect of policy assessment and demonstration: whether the promotion policy is still effective? Does it stimulate the enthusiasm of most teachers or hinder their professional development? If the policy is not proper in some way, what are the representations?
    Chapter 1 mainly deals with the motivation of the research, that is, the contradiction exists in the implementation of the promotion policy of middle school teachers. The objective, contents and methodology are also introduced in this chapter. Chapter 2 is document review, which introduces the history of Chinese teacher promotion policy, the production of the relevant researches and the main problems discussed in those papers. Besides, the system, measures and features of the teacher promotion policy in Singapore and some states of America have also been introduced. Through reading the document review, I hope that the readers can grasp a better understanding of the background and historical problems of Chinese teacher promotion. Through the brief description of the teacher promotion in foreign countries, a new perspective to perfect that in our country is offered. Chapter 3 mainly deals with the survey. Firstly, I described briefly the core of teacher promotion policy in China, and then reveal the problems existing in the career promotion of middle school teachers through questionnaire and interview. The survey reflects the effect of career promotion on teachers' development and morale through six aspects. They are: motivation, criteria of assessment, key factor of promotion, the limit of functionary proportion, the equality of assessment of promotion and the implementation of separation of titles. The survey indicates that external power-oriented promotion of professional development leads to the deviation of the inner pursuit; Indicator is the key factor to determine the promotion; the limit of proportion exerts a negative impact on teachers, the limit of ratio can not promote equalization of distribution; the actual premise of education standards hinder the emergence of outstanding teachers; the distortion of assessment weakens the equality of promotion; Separation of engagement does not happen in actual implementation. The results of the survey show that the current secondary school teachers' promotions policies and their implementation are not accordance with the practical work. Many measures have not been recognized by most teachers. The guide also fails to achieve the objective of inspiring teachers. On the basis of empirical investigation, Chapter 4 analyses the reasons for the decreases of teacher promotion. This paper holds the view that " the arrangement of the current structure weakens the incentive functions." " non-professional standard interferes the professional evaluation." " the inversion of the main power of evaluation," and "the promotion weigh competition rather than cooperation, thus weakens the professional pursuit ". After that, chapter 4 offers suggestions to perfect job promotion from the perspectives of the structure of profession, the criteria for promotion, promotion concept and evaluation principals. The recommendations are: increasing carder ladder, changing the concept of "career promotion is equal to the increase of salary", perfecting the assessment criteria of career promotion.
3 深化职称制度改革的战略及其对策研究课题组.职称改革新论[M].上海:复旦大学出版社,1989,18.
    4 深化职称制度改革的战略及其对策研究课题组.职称改革新论[M].上海:复旦大学出版社,1989,22.
    5 魏海波.厘清学衔制度、学位制度、职称制度的几点思考[J].浙江万里学院学报,2005(12).
    6 中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室.现代汉语词典[M].商务印书馆,2005(714).
    7 由于国家对专业技术人员实行专业技术职务聘任制度,以及评聘分离的操作程序,因此职务晋升的工作系统可以概称为“评聘工作系统”。
    8 参见1977年九月《中共中央关于召开全国科学大会的通知》。
    9 参见《邓小平同志论教育》,人民教育出版社,1990年版。
    10 在文献中,很多教师仍然习惯上用“职称”一词,但实际上表达的是“职务”的意思。
    11 Abebayehu A. Tekleselassie (2005) .Teachers' career ladder policy in Ethiopia: an opportunity for professional growth or "a stick disguised as a carrot?", International Journal of Educational Development 25 (2005) 618-636.
    12 参见新加坡教育部网站http://www.moe.gov.sg/teach/edupac.htm.
    13 王学风.新加坡中小学管理的特点[J].教学与管理,2002,(6).
    14 对Career Ladder Program,不同的文献对它的称谓不一:职业梯度,职业阶梯,职级制,本论文采用台湾一些学者的叫法“生涯阶梯制”。
    15 张延明.建设卓越学校——领导层·管理层·教师的职业发展[M].北京:北京大学出版社,2004,585.
    16 Joel Spring. American Education—10thed. Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2002,60.
    17 自从1957年苏联人造卫星上天后,政府投入了更多的精力到教育质量的提高上。由公共和私立基金会、联邦政府、州政府委托完成的报告扮演了催化剂的作用,把公众的注意力聚焦到提高从幼儿园到大学的教育质量的需求上来。这些报告形成了几次浪潮,第一次浪潮中,那些报告对教育中的一些具体问题进行厂 详细阐述,这些问题包括:学生考试分数的下降,数学和科学课程的缺失,中学毕业生工作技能的缺憾,新教师的技能下降厂……然而,解决这些问题的办法却是以更趋全球性的术语提出来的,比如:政府加大对教育的经费投入,增强教育领导者的责任,增加数学和科学教育中的核心课程。
    18 H. Jerome Freiberg (1987) .Career Ladders: Messages Gleaned from Experience. Journal of Teacher Education.1987(7-8).
    19 Peter Burke, Kathryn Gilbert Lind (1987). Performance Assessment Techniques for Teacher Career Ladder Advancement. NASSP BULLETIN (9).
    25 Q1-1代表问卷的第1个问题中第1小题,Q-2指第1题的第2小题,以下同。
    26 摘自《上海市普教系统教师职务结构比例和岗位设置的意见》 (沪人[2004]128号)。
    27 根据《上海市教育委员会关于做好中学高级教师职务评聘工作的通知》(沪教委人[2004]77号)的规定,学校聘任委员会由5至9人组成,校长任主任委员。聘任委员会中应有教代会或工会负责人和教师代表参加,其中教师代表不少于三分之一。
    28 参见《上海市教育委员会关于做好中学高级教师职务评聘工作的通知》(沪教委人[2004]77号)。
    29 钱莹.2002年度上海市中学教师高级职务评审特点及效果分析[J].上海教育科研,2003(8).
    30 钱莹.2003年中学教师高级职务任职资格评审工作顺利完成EB/OL].http://www.seei.shec.edu.cn/.
    31 《上海市专业技术职称(资格)评定与专业技术职务聘任相分离的暂行办法》(沪人[1999]52号).
    32 Baker, Jensen and Murphy(1988).Compensation and incentives: Practice vs Theory. Journal of Finance, 43,PE593—616.
    33 初级职务包括中学三级和二级教师,按照规定,大学本科毕业生从事教师工作一年见习期满,可以认定为中学二级教师,考虑到在沿海或大中城市新教师主要为大学本科文凭毕业生,因此,这里所指的晋升初级主要指这些新教师晋升为中学二级教师。
    34 上海市教育委员会.2004年上海教育年鉴[EB/OL].上海市教育委员会网站.
    35 教育部.教育部2006年第19次新闻发布会散发材料之二:中小学教师队伍建设背景材料.[EB/OL].教育部网站.
    36 苏东水.管理心理学[M].上海:复旦大学出版社,2003(230).
    41 卢乃桂,黎万江,许庆豫.教育改革及香港和中国大陆的教师专业发展[J].教育研究集刊,2000(7).
    42 Freiberg, H. J., Waxman, H. C., & Knight, S. L. (1985). [Teacher incentivesurvey]. Unpublished raw data. 转引自 H. Jerome Freiberg (1987). Career Ladders: Messages Gleaned from Experience. Journal of Teacher Education.1987(7-8).
    43 Brookover, W. B., & Lezotte, L. W.(1977). Changes in school characteristics coincident with changes in student achievement.East Lansing: Michigan State University, College of Urban Development. 转引自 H. Jerome Freiberg (1987). Career Ladders: Messages Gleaned from Experience. Journal of Teacher Education.1987(7-8).
    44 参见中青在线.现行工资制度,老师们满意吗?——对现行教育工资制度的新思考[EB/OL].http://edu.cyol.com/content/2006-08/02/content 1466415.htm.
    45 钱莹.2003年中学教师高级职务任职资格评审工作顺利完成[EB/OL].上海市教育评估院网站http://
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