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泡桐属(Paulownia Sieb.et Zucc)包括9种、4变种,分布于东亚地区,我国均产之,其自然分布与栽培区遍布全国23个省(市)、自治区,是人工林、农林间作系统和四旁绿化的重要树种。
     1 毛泡桐(P.tomentosa)不同种源生长性状差异明显。在北方正常情况下不存在冻害现象。物候期表现出种源纬度愈高,发芽愈早,种源纬度愈低,发芽愈迟的趋势。树高、胸径生长随地理经度的增加而增大。与纬度的关系较弱。早期各年间生长性状相关明显,速生品种选择在5a生以后比较可靠。
     2 河南引种白花泡桐(P.fortuneii),不同种源生长及适应性差异巨大。云南、广西、广东等种源越冬后大部分被冻死,保存率低。自然分布区北部种源保存率较高。室内电导法测定种源受冻率与田间受冻率相关明显,可以用电导率值来指示不同种源抗冻性的强弱。种源所在地气象因子与各种源的表现关系密切,主要表现在低温的影响上。种源所在地低温越低,保存率越高,受冻程度越小。原产地温度年较差越小,引种后保存率越低,受冻程度越大。降水量与引种地的冻害及保存率关系不大。不同种源生长与其原产地的地理纬度关系不大,呈现一种随
The genus of Paulownia including 9 species and 4 varieties is distributed in eastern Asia and all species and varieties of the genus occur in China. Paulownia trees grow in23 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, being important species to plantation forestry and agroforestry intercropping system. P. tomentosa and P. fortuneiii,24 provenances of P. tomentosa and 33 provenance of P. fortuneii, and 31 hybrid clones were studied. A randomized completely block design was used for the provenance trail of P. tomentosa, with 3 replicates each consisting of 10 plots planted with single line trees. For the hybrid trial and the clonal test, a randomized complete block design, with 4 replicates consisting of 6 plots with single line trees. Measurements were conducted for growth, tree crown, phenology, damages respectively by freezing and disease. The lab analyses were made for cell membrane penetrability, wood properties etc. Based on the data obtained from many years of field trials and the lab analyses, principal component analysis, single linkage cluster analysis, correlation analysis and gray regression analysis were conducted to study the geographical variation of P. tomentosa, the potential of introduction of P. fortuneii to areas out of its natural range, the performance of the inter-specific hybrids, the pattern of stem re-growth after topping, the variation in MLO and the wood properties. Main findings are summarized as follows:1 Significant geographic variation of growth traits was found within the range of P. tomentosa. In normal condition P. tomentosa does not suffer from freezing in the north of China. The higher the latitudes of a provenance, the earlier the seeds germinate. The height and the DBH (diameter at breast height) increase with the latitudes of the origin of the provenance. However, it is weakly correlated with the latitude. Year to year correlations indicates that selection of fast-growing trees can be reliably conducted at
    the 5th year.The cluster analysis indicates that provenances can be divided into 3 groups, provenances from Anhui and Hubei provinces, provenances from Funiu Mountains, the central area of the distribution, Dalian, Taiyuan, Yanan and northern areas of the distribution, and provenances from Gansu and Shanxi, northeast part of the distribution. This finding corresponds to the geographical locations of the provenances.2 The species introduction trial of P. foriuneii indicated that the growth and adaptability varied greatly within the range of species. Majority of the provenances belonging to Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong were frozen to death in winter, leading to a lower survival rate. However, the north provenances displayed a higher survival rate. The conductivity test showed that survival rate was closely related with the field freezing rate, indicating the possibility of using conductivity to reveal extent of field freezing. The performance of different provenances was closely correlated with meteorological factors in the provenance origins. It was found that the low temperature had stronger influence than did the other factors. Results indicate that provenances from lower locations had higher survival rate. Provenances with lower mean annual temperature in their origins had smaller survival rate. No significant correlation was found between the precipitation and the survival rate and damage by freezing. The growth rate was not correlated with longitude of provenance origin, but significantly with latitude. Height and DBH (diameter at breast height) appeared to decline along with the increase of latitude.Provenances from areas with latitude lower than 26?displayed a survival rate of 56.69%, those from between 26皛29?showed a survival rate of 65.71%, those from latitudes higher than 29?had a survival rate of 74.59%. This indicates that the climatic conditions in Henan had significant impacts on provenances introduced from central to south of the distribution range of Paulownia.Gray connecting analysis indicates that Henan,Shanxi,Shanxi and the north from Shanxi are n
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