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德育活动课程是相对于传统的以“说教”为主的学科课程而提出来的,它是指寓德育于活动之中,并以活动为实现德育之基本手段的一种德育形式。当前我国正处于社会整体变革时期,社会转型期与多元化价值冲突必然要求培养时代所需求的具有新的素质、新的精神面貌的人才。基于此,学校德育面临着严峻的挑战,要冲破现实困境, 现实危机,学校德育必须寻找保证其合理运行的关键所在,那么,站在新的视角,用新的眼光探讨活动课程在德育中的作用也许正是所要寻找的答案。
Activity curriculum of moral education is put forward corresponding with the traditional discipline curriculum that used to “preachment”. It is one type of moral education in the activities and makes these activities the fundamental means to fulfill the aim of moral education. At present our country is standing in the whole social changes position, the time of social changes and the value conflicts multi-demand will inevitably require us to train the talents who possess new qualities and new mental outlook that age requires. Based on the reasons mentions above, school moral education faces a great challenge to overcome difficulties and dangers, school moral education must seek the crux that can ensure it goes well. Therefore, making and inquiry into the function of activity curriculum played in moral education by the new point of view and the new angles maybe just is the answers that we are looking for.
    The article is composed of four parts. The first part probes into historical source, theory foundation and reality basis. The second part analyses certainty and necessity of forming activity curriculum of moral education under background. The third part elaborates forming of activity curriculum of moral education, which includes principles of forming, establishing the goals and selecting the contents of activity curriculum, gathering the activity curriculum resources, as well as putting into practicing and appraising of activity curriculum. The fourth part proposes the several questions, which should be paid attention to during forming activity curriculum of moral education.
    In a word, as a kind of educational idea, activity curriculum has original values to moral education. Studying and practicing activity curriculum of moral education have extremely important significance in improving the present state of moral education, forming new kind of
    education pattern step by step, making moral education really to be the scientific and efficient education course.
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