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The characteristic and the way of rumor short message propagation are analyzed in view of the course of the rumor short message propagation as networks growth. The initial network is star like, and the link nodes connected with the new added one are chosen in the local world. The selection of the local world depends on the value of network path between nodes. Model generating algorithm of rumor short message propagation networks is suggested. Degree distribution, clustering coefficient along with average path length are analyzed. Simulation result shows that the rumor short message propagation network has both small-world and scale-free property with clear community structure.
     Community structure not only reflects the important characteristics of overall structure properties of networks, but also it determines the stability and the robustness to a large extent. As a result, on the different network modes of community structures’message propagation, network casecade failure simulation has been carried out to study community structures which affect the stability of the message propagation network. To this end, the complex network simulation platform has been designed. By the platform, the different community structures network are generated. On the base of improved node dynamic cascading failure model, Cascading failure on the message propagation networks was investigated. To the different density values of community structures, the stability of networks was explored, respectively. Simulation result shows that the stability of networks weakened at first and then enhanced with the increase of the community structures density value, and there was threshold value which was related with the scale and capacity coefficient of networks.
     Finally, a summary about this theory is given, and a further prospect about this theme is offered.
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