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The research for the relationship between politics and literature in the aspect ofthe ideological functions displayed in the process of political cultural socializationbelongs to cross-disciplinary studies, which has not been considered as a formal wayin the new-rising aspect of literary criticism by the academic circles owing to the keypoint in literary studies and criticism lying in the pursuit of artistic aesthetical valuesaccording to the traditional regulations in literary studies and criticism. In fact, literarycriticism has multiplied values when studied from different perspectives. It is clearthat there is commensurability between politics and literature if the concern for humanbeings to which the two disciplines have paid attention is put for consideration; in theprocess of political cultural socialization, on the one hand, it plays a great role in theservice of political power construction and resolves the contradictions between thesubject and object of public power so that social order is stabilized by the means ofideology formed in the public space, and on the other, it has also found the legitimacyfor literary criticism in political aspect.
     The core content of political culture lies in improving the citizens’politicalrecognition, strengthening their political beliefs, and improving their enthusiasm inparticipating in political activities. Political socialization is the main way leading tothis goal. According to Machiavell’s theory, the stabilizing and the properly workingof public power, generally speaking, do not only conduct by the compulsory meanswith the state machinary but also the educational means with the influence of ideology.
     The state machinery plays the decisive role in restricting the civil strifes anddefending the military invasion from other countries while the educational means withideology plays much superiorer role to the effect of the compulsory means with thestate machinery. It is just the unique ideological function that political nature inliterature shows. The means of education with the way of teaching in pleasure mayimprove the citizens’ability of political recognition, identify a certain politicalstructure, and voluntarily take part in political activities, which is the unique effectthat literature plays in the process of political socialization. Therefore, literature exertsa subtle effect of social atmosphere or social adhesive in stabilizing social orders withthe effect of ideology.The function of ideology is the pursuit of writers’own political ideal based onhuman political ideal with artistic aesthetic pursuit as the prerequisite. Different fromthe works of natural science and social science, literary works that belong tohumanities is created basically by the authors with the way of fictionalizing orsymbolizing their works. But the political prospection of literature has the motivatingfunction in social development and the construction of political system althoughliterature creation is conditioned by the productivity level as well as influenced andcontrolled by social relations. It is the main expressive way for literature to expressthe authors’ideal society and to criticize the autocratic monarchy. Human beings have never stopped their pursuit of the ideal society since human society was formed. Inthe field of literature, the construction of ideal utopian society has been the mainespressive way. From Plato in Ancient Greece and Tao Yuanming in the transactionperiod of Dongjin and Liu Song Dynasties till 15th century English writer More, theChinese and western authors have imagined and described various ideal societies andcountries starting from both collective and individual consciousness based on artisticaesthetics. As for the aspect of literary prospect, these authors’contributions formotivating forward the social development can not be denied although the utopianliterature can not transcend the thinking development of the times, with a lot oflimitations. Only when Marxist’s theory of state was formed, which consists offorming, developing and dying out of state and finally reaching the ideal communistsociety without class exploitation and compression, has the theory of state madescientific and made the utopian literature step into the creation with revolutionarysignificance in practice. The poem Internationale created by Eugene Pottier, whoparticipated in the revolutionary practice of the Paris Commune, has become one ofthe representative works in this field, having been propagating revolutionary sprit,inspiring the proletariats of all over the world united and fighting constantly andbravely for realizing the ideal society of Communism. Contrary to the utopian form,another totally different literary form is anti-utopian literature with the features of theconverse thinking. As a new genre and trend of literature, anti-utopian literature holdsa totally defferent attitude toward utopian literature, taking the converse thinking todeny the control of material civilization over the spritual civilization, showing theprotagonists’lost spiritual pursuit while controlled by material pursuit and lost realhuman freedom while science and technology highly developed, with the converseway of thinking in such kind of works. Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, G.Orwell’s Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four as well as Zamyatin’s The War ofthe Worlds and other similar anti-utopian works play a great role in criticizing theactual society and also display the model effect in expressing the authors’politicalideal in the converse way of thinking.
     It is another distinctive feature for the political thinking in literature to criticizethe autocratic monarchy. Even if in the present mass commercial time, elite literaturehas been gradually marginalized and instead popular literature marketized, and withcontemporary authors who have high political responsibility, the thoroughdesalinization of the criticism over the autocratic monarchy has not occurred. In theevaluating of Nobel Prize in 2011, Peruvian writer Mario Rargas Llosa was awardedthe prize just for the reason that he had been criticizing autocratic monarchy anddescribing the citizen’s resistance to autocratic monarchy. As a politician andlitterateur, Llosa knows clearly the effect of ideology and its working system, so thathis representative novel La Fiesta del Chivo is anastomosed with the artistic featuresof fiction creation, therefore his political novels have not only set the example forpolitical thinking in literature, but also found the new way out for the presentpost-modern literature in difficulty.
     Throughout the whole literary artistic field, it is the core content for the circle togive concern to the people living in different societies and political systems. Sincesociety was shaped, human beings have become non-freedom from freedom in thedifferent forms of society. And the fundamental cause of the conditions lies in thehuman natures, that is to say, the relationships among human beings in the specificforms of societies and political systems. Exploitation and depression in the primitivesociety did not exist, but human beings lived in the conditions of material difficultiesowing to the low productive force. Class exploitation and depression appeared with the excess of the means of living that followed the social productivity improved, sothat the living difficulty appeared with the features of the opposability between theoppressing and the oppressed. Even if in the western developed countries, in whichmaterial civilization has been well developed, citizens are now still situated in thedifficult conditions, a kind of new spiritual. All in all, the authors are provided withthe original material for creation and the social and political bases based on which theauthors reflect how human beings break through the tension that the living difficultyhas brought them. According to Maksim Gorky, the three dimensions of“literature ashumanist”lie in literary creation as starting from human beings, being human beingsand benefiting the human beings. When the literary reflection reaches to a certainextent, it must merge into the study of political relationships among human beingsbecause human nature is seeking benefit and avoiding the unfavourable according tothe political theory concept of Niccolo Machiavelli. Human beings’activities’finalgoal is spiritual feeling, happiness and gay, according to humanist economics,although human beings’main activities are the economic activities, which has beentaken into the final reflections in the form of art by the authors in their literarycreation, and what is reflected in their works is the authors’understanding of freedomand justice. In the history of one hundred yeas in Nobel Prize for literature evaluation,must of the winners have been awarded the prize for their perfect depictions of theideal in their works. On the contrary, there does exist a literary phenomenon that thewriters serve only the rulers, who speak for the autocratic monarchy, not for the mass’appeal. The poet laureate John Dryden in the history of British literature belongs tothe category of writers serving the rulers These disintegrated literati can not becategorized as public intellectuals because they have become the spokesmen for therulers and the declining classes.
     Political literature is a form of literature directly reflecting the pursuit of statepower, whose writing is to purposely serve the construction of state political power.This kind of texts is usually categorized in the field of political texts because theyused to be exactly political documents without traditional literary plots or symbolicway of literary creation. However, these texts are selected to be models for literaturestudies and criticism by the authoritative anthology of literature because of theircharacteristics of artistic aesthetics and their functions to promote the social andpolitical progress. The texts of political literature usually take the human nature as thestarting point for political philosophical consideration, to discuss the legitimacy of theformation of a new state system from the idea of human rights, showing much moredirectly their significance in the great practice of social change by way of promotingthe mass’political recognition and firmly building up their political beliefs.
     Political literature is often related to ethnology, the thinking of state sovereigntyas well as both justice and injustice in war because of its direct state system pursuit.
     The establishing of a new nation-state is necessarily related to the forming of thenation. Only when the members of the nation are highly united in thinking, can thesocial change succeed, so that political literature must be related to the study ofethnology in reflecting the nation’s pursuit in social change. The common region,common language, common economic life and the common ideological prop based onthose factors, the definition defined by the four main factors in forming a nation byJoseph Stalin, plays a great role in understanding the significance of the relationshipbetween literary political criticism and ethnology. It is universally acknowledged thatThe Declaration of Independence drafted by Thomas Jefferson, Common Sense andThe Crisis written by Thomas Paine and similar works of political literature signifythe relationship between literature studies and a nation’s idea as well as the functions they displayed in helping a new nation’s birth. Both Jefferson and Paine were greatpolitical thinkers and litterateurs, in whose political writings, they criticized thecrimes the English tyranny committed over the North American people referring thetheory of human rights by using the theoretical reasonable core of the Europeanpolitical thinkers; they described the necessity of establishing a new bourgeoispolitical regime as well as the right and responsibility that the new governmentpossessed, whose writing made immortal contributions to helping the North Americancolonies get themselves freed from the control of UK, their suzerain. Therefore, asingle English nation finally was splitted into two nations, English nation andAmerican nation, and the North American colonies became an independentnation-country by getting rid of the subjection relation with their suzerain. Whereas inthe modern revolutionary history of China, Zou Rong learned from the Americanbourgeois revolutionaries, also used the European theoretical reasonal core and thepractice of American Revolution for reference, wrote his historical political book TheRevolutionary Army, which made great contributions to help propagate the Chinesepeople to overthrow the feudal monarchy, establish a new China-type bourgeoisrepublic, and has also taken the lead in the development of political literature inChina.
     The war literature is also one of the literary forms in reflecting justice andinjustice in wars. A war is bleeding politics while politics is an bleedless war; the waris the means while politics is the objective so that the objective of war serves politics,which are all the essential points that literature of war holds. Since human society isshaped, human beings are accompanied with wars. On the one hand, civil wars arecharacterized with the struggling for political powers; on the other hand, there havebeen existing death-and-live wars between or among countries for nationalsovereignty. The beneficial interest is always the starting point and the objective inalmost all the wars.
     The novel War and Peace written by Leo Tolstory describes vividly the destinyof Russian people while suffering the savage war, affirms and praises the patriotismand optimism that the Russian people showed in the anti-aggression war. The novelHow the Steel Was Tempered written by Nikolai Ostrovsky shows the author’spolitical and life beliefs, which makes the protagonist Paval Korchagin the shiningmodel for the young people who are devoted to their whole life for Communist case.And the book is regarded as one of the typical revolutionary works of the proletarianliterature. While Ernest Hemingway’s war novels, based on the two world wars, haveexpressed the author’s reflections of the natures of the different wars, affirming thejust war while denying the unjust war. As for The Romance of Three Kingdoms, one ofthe classical masterpieces in China, belongs to quite different kind of war novels,which only represents the chasing of power among the three interest groups and noneof them have the significance of discussing the nature of war, so it can not be listed inthe range of war novels being related to the significance of war nature discussion.Anyhow, all of the war novels have revealed the deep evaluation of the nature of war,and become the reflection of human beings themselves, and played the propagandafunction for human beings to strive for real freedom in the public space, no matterwhat kind of war novels they belong to.
     All in all, literature involved in politics is a kind of objective existence since itsbeginning, therefore literary criticism in the political aspect is given its legitimacy.
①参见刘华初等编:Britannica Concise Encyclopedia.上海:上海外语教育出版社,2008年版,第430页。
    ①外网综合:《秘鲁作家略萨获得2010年诺贝尔文学奖》,中山网http://www.zsnews.cn/News/ 2010/10/08/ 1531379.shtml.
    ①[美] J.艾捷尔编,J.卡尔顿点评:《美国赖以立国的文本》,赵一凡、郭国良主译,海口:海南出版社,2000年版,第5页。
    ①Emory Elliott ed. Columbia Literary History of the United States. New York: Columbia University Press.1988,P.1028.
    ②参见[美]诺姆乔姆斯基:《9 11》,载于哈佛燕京学社编:《全球化与文明对话》,南京:江苏教育出版社,2004年版,第1-74页。
    ①[美]诺姆乔姆斯基:《9 11》,载于哈佛燕京学社编:《全球化与文明对话》,南京:江苏教育出版社,2004年版,第5页。
    ②Catharine R. Stimpsom. Literature as Radical Statement, See Emory Elliott ed. Columbia LiteraryHistory of the United States. New York: Columbia University Press,1988,P.1076.
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    ①该图摘自展江:《哈贝马斯的公共领域理论与传媒》,http://www.people.com.cn/GB/14677/22100/41466/ 41467/ 3028032.html,人民网,2004年12月02日。
    ③Ronald Gettesman et al. eds. The Norton Anthology of American Literature (Shorter Edition), New York London: W W Norton & Company, 1980, P.190.
    ②Antonio Gramsci. The Prison Notebooks: Selections, trans. Quintin Hoare and Geoffrey Nowell-Smith,New York: International Publishers, 1971, P.9.
    ④Alvin Ward Gouldner. The Future of Intellectuals and the Rise of the New Class. New York: SealburyPress, 1979, PP.28-29.
    ①刘华初等编:Britannica Concise Encyclopedia.上海:上海外语教育出版社,2008年版,第430页。
    ④See Ronald Gettesman et al. eds. The Norton Anthology of American Literature (Shorter Edition), NewYork London: W W Norton & Company,1980, PP.190-195..
    ③News: Mario Vargas Llosa, 2010 Nobel Prize Winner. See http://zh.englishbaby.com/forum/LifeTalk/thread /419880. 05:33 PM Oct 07 2010
    英文颁奖词为“his cartography of structures of power and his trenchant images of the individual'sresistance, revolt and defeat”
    ①D. S. Savage. The Withered Branch, London: Eyre, 1950, P.27-31.
    ②Sean O’Faolain. The Vanishing Hero. Boston: Little, 1957, P.144.
    ③Ernest Hemingway. The Old Man and the Sea.(英汉对译版),北京:商务印书馆,1963年版,第150页。
    ④D. S. Savage. The Withered Branch, London: Eyre, 1950, P.27.
    ⑤Delmore Schwartz. Ernest Hemingway’s Literary Situation. See Robert P. Weeks. HEMINGWAY: ACollection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc, 1962, P.1-16.
    ⑥Emory Elliott ed. Columbia Literary History of the United States. New York: Columbia University Press,1988. Part Two. P.850.
    ①Annette T. Rubinstein, American Literature Root and Flower, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching andResearch Press, 1988. See Preface.
    ②William Joseph Long. English Literature. Boston: Ginn & Company, 1919, P.371.
    ②[美]W. C.布斯:《小说修辞学》,华明等译,北京:北京大学出版社,1987年版,第3页。
    ④Terence Martin. The Romance. See Elliot, Emory. The Columbia History of the American Novel. NewYork: Columbia University Press. 1991, P75.
    ①See William Dean Howells: Criticism and Fiction. New York: Harper and brothers, 1891.
    ③David Van Leer. Society and Identity. See Emory Elliott ed. The Columbia History of the AmericanNovel, New York: Columbia University Press, 1991, P73.
    ③Antonio Gramsci. The Prison Notebooks: Selections, trans. Quintin Hoare and Geoffrey Nowell-Smith,New York: International Publishers, 1971, P.328.
    ④J. B. Thompson. Ideology and Modern Culture. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1990, P7.
    ②在英文和法文中,民族文学和国别文学均采用同一个词,在英文中是“national literature”,在法文中是“literature nationale”,因而在英文和法文中,national和nationale均具有“国家的”和“民族的”两层含义。当用来指代政治含义时,汉译时通常采用“国别文学”的译法。
    ①Emory Elliott ed. Columbia Literary History of the United States. New York: Columbia University Press,1988, P.578.
    ⑥Isaac Bashevis Singer:Enemies: A Love Story. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 1972, P.46.
    ①兰守亭编著:《诺贝尔文学奖百年概观》,上海:学术出版社,2006年版,第367页。英文颁奖辞为:for the human understanding and subtle analysis of contemporary culture that are combined in his work.
    ①Judie Newman,“Foreword”, See Guo Qiang Qiao, The Jewishness of Isaac Bashevis Singer, Oxford,Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Farnkfurt am Main, New York, Wien: Peter Lang, 2003, P.9.
    ②美国黑人女作家托尼莫里森于1993年因“在想象力和诗意为特色的小说中,使得美国现实的某个重要方面栩栩如生”而获得诺贝尔文学奖。英文颁奖词为:“who in novels characterized by visionary forceand poetic import, gives life to an essential aspect of American reality”参见[瑞典]万之:《诺贝尔文学奖传奇》,上海:上海人民出版社,2010年版,第158页。
    ②Elain H. Kim. Asian American Literature: An Introduction to the Writings and Their Social Context.Philadelphia: Temple University Press. 1982, P.285.
    ①Frank Chin, et al. eds. Aiiieeeee!: An Anthology of Asian-American Writers. New York: Anchor Books,1975, P15.
    ③Emory Elliott ed. Columbia Literary History of the United States. New York: Columbia University Press,1988, P684.
    ③Emory Elliott ed. Columbia Literary History of The United States. New York: Columbia University Press,1988, p18.
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    ②Ronald Gettesman et al., eds. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Shorter Edition. New York London: W W Norton & Company,1988, P190.
    ③Id, P193.
    ④Id, P193.
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    ③Delmore Schwartz. Ernest Hemingway’s Literary Situation. See Robert P. Weeks ed. HEMINGWAY: ACollection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc.,PP1-16.
    ①Wyndham Lewis. The Dumb Ox: A Study of Ernest Hemingway. See Robert P. Weeks. HEMINGWAY: ACollection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc., PP1-16.
    ②D. S. Savage. The Withered Branch, London: Eyre, 1950, PP27-31.
    ③Sean O’Faolain. The Vanishing Hero. Boston: Little, 1957. P144.
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    ①Emory Elliott ed. Columbia Literary History of the United States. New York: Columbia University Press,1988, P.1061.
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