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With the rapid development of science and technology, film ushered in a digital revolution. The emergence of digital cinema to screen the film brought many wonders, profoundly changed the face of the film industry. This new wave of digital cinema unit swept the globe, with its unique virtual reality, success in today's media age has a legend.
     In view of the fact that the digital movie's traditional definition has not been suitable for to summarize its most recent development, it is necessary to limit it for by the digital technique penetration manufacture, the editing synthesizes and shows the entire process, and its scene establishment, the whole show and the story narration depends upon the movie which the digital technique completes. Through the digital technique high fidelity, the high creative superiority, the digital movie has opened the epoch which the movie displays, caused the movie art to realize from“the reappearance reality”“the virtual reality”, from“the real myth”“the real rumor”, from“approached the life”“the restoration life”three big promotion.
     From the dissemination study angle analysis and the contemplation digit movie, is helpful in us discovered that its dissemination characteristic and the rule, are helpful in clean up and direct it further development direction. The digital movie's dissemination attribute both has the mass media dissemination common characteristic, and has its own distinctive quality. In the dissemination pattern, the digital movie both has the biography who satisfies Russ the Uygur pattern, the content, the channel, the way and acceptor these five big essential factors, and has had code and the decoding the cyclical pattern cloud explanation and the interaction. Looks like under the innovation proliferation's theory apparent threshold, the digital movie's practice conforms to Luojiesi's convergence dissemination pattern specially. At the same time, the digital movie and the traditional movie compare, its intuitive, interactive and the restoration characteristic is even more remarkable, then has had the complex versatility, namely in same cultural community's authority words system. The dissemination effect aspect, the digital movie take microscopic, the miniature agenda establishes as the manifestation, is constructed for the movie the audiences one kind of unique virtual environment. The words and the environment interaction, namely forms the practice background which the semiotics relies on. The movie mark mainly divides into the image, the sound and the writing three broad headings. These three kind of marks have the different connotation and the extension respectively, from this produces connotation, extension and combination, also and combines these two symbolic language constitution way through the cluster, constructs a significance together the complex network.. In brief, through to its dissemination study characteristic's assurance, the digital movie's characteristic, the pattern and the rich connotation, will launch gradually in its practice and is promulgated.
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