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Taking the state-owned firm's female workers of Zhijiang as research object,, collecting the materials by the methods of the questionnaire investigation and case interview, this paper analyzes the character of job stress of state-owned firm's female workers, and the correlation between job stressor and pressure reaction.. Then combining of stress management, we raise some pertinence management tactics for state-owned firm's female workers s and their organizations.
     The study indicates that first, state-owned firm's female workers' primary work pressure is the pressure of overlaod of workload, work crisis, The work-family conflict, salary, work environment and work time; subordinate work pressure is the pressure of work role, career and achievement, organization structure and climate and overload of work difficulty. According to the character of job stress, besiding stress focus on intrinsic to the job, state-owned firm's female workers also have stress on work-family conflict and transformation of society and economy.
     Secondly, the degree of negative pressure reaction is low(the degree of physiology reaction is highest, then is mental reaction, the degree of behavior reaction is lowest). And the degree of pressure reaction of job dissatifition is highest, then is job turnover, the degree of job mistake is lowest
     Thirdly, all job stressors have obvious relaition with pressure reaction. Among them, relaition between work independence and pressure reaction is negative correlation; the relaition between other stressors and pressure reaction is positive correlation. The related degree between various of stressors and pressure reaction is different.
     The fourth, state-owned firm's female workers are short of technique in stress management. Which stress management method to used is follow the principle of instinct, but not the guide of theory. The state-owned firm's don't adopt any measure to help their femail workes lessen stress. From individual side of stress management, female workers should set up confidence, strengthen their ability to resist stress, reasonable arrange their time, get more social support, formate a health life style and go to psychology doctor if need. From Organizational side of stress management, the organization should cancel exterminate or diminate job stressor that can cause negative pressure reaction (for example, improvement of work environment and condition, reasonable arrangement of workload), strengthen their femail workers ability to resist stress, help femail workers to alleviate and release their stress.
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