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Phalaenopsis. Spp is one of beloved rare flowers that regarded as "The Queen of Tropical Orchid ", tissue culture is its main progenitive measure. Tissue browning which hamper cell differentiation inhabits the whole process of tissue culture, and also restricts the industrial product of Phalaenopsis Spp. Studies on the mechanism of of tissue browning in Phalaenopsis Spp is with great significance. Using Phalaenopsis Spp as experimental material, changes in cytology, physiology and biochemistry of explants when browning have been investigated. The main results are as follows:
    1. There were black substances deposited in parenchyma cell of explants, and more browning more black substances deposition under microscopic observation. TEM pictures showed that, compared with controls, browning cells were not regular-shaped, cell wall break, chloroplast structures seriously damaged and nuclus decomposed.
    2. In experiment of mineral element (Fe, Cu, K, Ca and Zn) influence on tissue browning of Phalaenopsis Spp, Fe and Cu concentration in culture medium enhanced browning, however, K、 Ca、 Zn in media showed a negative correlation with browning.
    3. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) was used to analyze
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