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     到目前为止,西方学术界和国际组织提出的关于语言权利的文件主要是:国际语言教师联合会(FIPLV)《世界基本语言权宪章》(1992年);欧洲安全与合作组织(OSCE)为少数民族高级专员服务的族群关系基金会《关于少数民族语言权利的奥斯陆建议书》(1998年);国际笔会之翻译和语言权委员会《世界语言权宣言》(1996年);TERRALINGUA发布的《世界语言人权宣言》(Universal Declaration ofLinguistic Human Rights)。
The issue of language is a part of ethnic problem. Recently the problem of language rights has aroused the concern of the international society. Jurisprudential analysis of it can bring the issue into the view of the domestic circle of jurisprudence, and provide strong theoretical basis for the legal protection of the linguistic rights of ethnic minorities. The exploration will provide theoretical reference for Chinese legislation about ethnic minority languages. Because language is a part of culture, the exploration of language rights will be a window through which to examine the problem of cultural rights.
     The paper carries out the approach of jurisprudential analysis and probes into the problem of language rights in the ways of normative analysis, value analysis, document analysis and historical analysis.
     Chapter 1 explores the theoretical and actual basis of problem of language rights. With the progress of globalization, linguistic diversity of mankind is being threatened seriously more and more. Languages are special parts of cultures. Meanwhile, they are the foundation stone of cultures. Language is of vital importance to the surviving or disappearing of the corresponding culture. The lost of it may mean the extinction of the culture. To protect cultural diversity involves the protection of linguistic diversity.
     Languages are important vehicles of ethnic identity.
     Languages are not only cultural and linguistic and scientific resources, but also a kind of economic resources. Communication in one's own mother tongue is the most efficient use of the naturally acquired resource. To the contrary, to be forced to acquire any other language means the burden of time, money and opportunity costs. The economic values of languages vary from one to another. This does not contradict linguistic equality.
     Human beings use their own languages to weave the net of social life. Language is the essential resource for one to enter into societal communities. The legal world is the world whose working depends on speeches, and a typical world in which things are done with speeches and effects are achieved with speeches. Rights exist and manifest themselves in relations between persons. Language plays a pivotal role in the enjoying and realizing of all kinds of rights. It speaks for them.
     The use of language is so important. Moreover, oppression on language use happened in history and happens in real life. For these reasons, it is appropriate and meaningful to establish certain rights on language use. What establishes language rights isn't the internal value of language but the value of it as tool of communication and vehicle of identity.
     The problem of linguistic rights has been emerging in recent thirty years. Besides the concerns arising from the lost of linguistic diversity, it has its profound real backgrounds and academic ones. In the transition of Eastern European countries to liberal democracy, ethnic conflicts surged, many of them along linguistic lines. Language Policy plays an important role in the transition to democracy. As a super-national democratic polity, the European Union has being taken great efforts to develop pan-European democracy. But linguistic diversity is a main obstacle. Any response to the real challenges of building a new kind of transnational democracy has to try hard to tackle the problem of linguistic diversity. Within a nation, language is also central to promoting democratization and dealing with nationalism of regional minorities. In the background of globalization and informationization, immigrant transnationalism arising out of immigrant integration and the appearing of multiculturalism also give rise to certain problems of language rights. Within humanities and social sciences, especially politics, the concern about linguistic rights is the central problem of the theories of multicultural citizenship and deliberative democracy.
     Social life can't work without language. Among the problems language policy tries to resolve, many can be phrased as problems of language rights. They involve interior language use of state organs, public services, legislation, justice, education, private language use, immigrant and naturalization.
     Chapter 2 probes into the concept, classification, subjects, nature and features of language rights from the view of jurisprudence. The concept of language rights is a difficult question in the theory of language law. In the present paper, it is defined as a series of rights formed, with the kernel of choosing mother language (the language of the linguistic group) or other language or languages to use. This definition does not reveal the subjects or contents of language rights, but only the heart of them, which is the right or freedom to choose which language or languages to express one's own thoughts, feelings or identity. Language rights, legally seen, relate only to the forms of languages, not the contents of thoughts expressed in the language or languages, not to mention the valuation of the contents, whether they be backward or advanced, legal or illegal, honoring or relegating. Language rights are a bundle of rights, not a single right. The main purpose of them is to guarantee the freedom of right subjects of language use and to prevent public power of the state from implementing policies or measures with the intention of linguistic assimilation, and to enable concerned subjects to avoid language shift against their own will.
     Language rights have the characters of collectiveness, territoriality, non-exclusiveness, and infiltration. Among these features, collectiveness is the most fundamental. Many theoretical and actual puzzles result from it. Language rights are both individual and collective.
     All linguistic groups and their members, whether they are majority or minority, have language rights. However, the language rights of linguistic majority groups and their members are guaranteed by social rules and customs. For them, the enjoying of language rights is of course. The language rights of linguistic minorities and their members are the core objects that language law should concern about. Language rights refer usually to the language rights of linguistic or ethnic minorities.
     Chapter 3 examines linguistic rights in international law both vertically and horizontally. That is to say, to explore the developing history and contents of language rights in international law. The survey of the contents of linguistic rights in international law reveals that language rights in international law take on a nature of patchwork to a considerable degree at present, and hasn't been established as fundamental rights. This does not match very well to the theoretical claim that they should be basic rights. There are two possible reasons for this. One is the consideration of state interests. State is basic subject in international law. Many states deny recognizing that there exist minority groups or ethnic minorities, or oppose the protection of minority groups. They think that the protection of linguistic minority groups has adverse effects, undermines national cohesion and threatens state unity. The prohibition of discrimination and intolerance of linguistic minority groups accords with the interests of most countries, for it can prevent interior conflicts from outbreak, which does harm to international security. As a result, states can agree on a system of linguistic tolerance. But a system of linguistic promotion is seen as not conforming to the interests of most states. The other reason may be the managerial difficulties of linguistic diversity of the state.
     Chapter 4 discusses the normative or right-granting principles of language rights. Since linguistic minority groups were concerned about in international law, language rights, as a problem, has been troubling the governments and academic circles around the world. At present, language rights are indirectly guaranteed mainly through the principle of equality and non-discrimination, freedom of expression and right to education. In the recent thirty years, international society has begun to take efforts to codify language rights, and separate language legislations in some countries have centered linguistic rights consciously. What language rights should the state grant its people, especially those belonging to linguistic minority groups? And to what degrees? Before answering these questions, here the question of normative principles of language rights is put forward.
     The concept of normative principles of language rights is the principles as fundamental guideline and basic value rules when the state grants linguistic rights to the individuals and organizations under its jurisdiction. It is fundamental guideline governing the legislation, enforcement, abiding and legal supervision of language rights. It has great importance in linguistic law.
     Here the author puts forward tentatively the principle of equality and efficiency, the principle of collective right and individual freedom both emphasized, the principle of territoriality and personality both emphasized. And Weinstock's three principles of language policy are indorsed, which are minimalism, anti-symbolism, and revisability.
     Chapter 5 looks into different versions about universal language rights put forward in international society. In recent thirty years, concerns about the problem of language rights have been increasing, and different kinds of organizations and individuals have shown interest in it more and more. Most of them think that language rights are a kind of fundamental rights and have the nature of universality. Taking a route of universalism, they intend to reveal the general contents of language rights.
     For the time being, there existed no legally binding international law document in UN framework which specifically deals with language rights. The contents and ranges of linguistic rights are still in discussion. It will be a long way for the states around the world to conclude a legally biding universal document which specifically provides language rights in all fields. Chapter 5 surveys mainly a few documents separately addressing the problem of language rights put forward by western academic communities or international organizations. They have different degrees of representativeness. In the process of their formation, the academic circle played the main role. So, they can be seen as academic stands. In chapter 5, academic opinions in Mainland of the China will be introduced.
     By now, documents about language rights raised by western academia and international organizations are mainly as follows:
     1. Universal Charter of Basic Human Language Rights (FIPLV, 1992);
     2. Oslo Recommendations Regarding the Linguistic Rights of National Minorities (OSCE, 1998);
     3. Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights (the International Pen Club, 1996);
     4. Universal Declaration of Linguistic Human Rights (TERRALINGUA).
     Within the Mainland of China, beside a few papers have dealt with the problem, cooperating with Norwegian academia, Chinese scholars have put forward the Beijing-Oslo Recommendations on Guaranteeing Language Rights of Ethnic Minorities.
     Through the analysis of these valuable efforts, we may find that it is unbelievably difficult to seek for more universals about the contents of language rights, and that it might be meaningless to talk about the contents of language rights abstractly. They maybe are contingent upon specific states, specific languages, and so forth.
     Chapter 6 discusses different kinds of measures by which language rights are guaranteed. Rights without guarantees and reliefs aren't rights essentially. In international law, some language rights are guaranteed according to substantial and procedural norms. Within a country, the protection of language rights entails state legislation establishing the contents and boundaries. Administrative protection, especially the use of languages of linguistic minority groups in state function and public services, is the key to guaranteeing the right of these groups to use their own languages. Governments' measures of social progress and development, education, training and propagation, establishing of necessary agencies will play a basic role for the protection of language rights. They need also necessary judicial reliefs.
     Chapter 7 checks guarantees of language rights of ethnic minorities in China, and makes preliminary evaluation. The situation of languages and their writing systems is complicated. Under the correct theoretical guidance, the freedom of the ethnic minorities in China to use and develop their own languages and writing systems is guaranteed effectively. Many fields of the state, such as legislation, administration, justice, education and pubic media give enough rooms to the use of minority languages. China enforces a policy of equality of all ethnic languages and their writing systems. In the protection of language rights, the principles of collective guarantee and territoriality are adopted. Chinese government's promotional linguistic rights regime arrangement and practice have indicated that language rights of ethnic minorities are positive rights. The Constitution and concerned laws of China avoid the two concepts of national language and official language. This takes sufficiently into consideration the equality of all ethnic groups in national symbols and is a wise decision. Finally, some fragmental thoughts are put forward about the future legislation on ethnic minority languages in China.
     According to preliminary survey, the paper is found to be the first dissertation for degrees in China. It systematically discusses the basic dimensions of language rights, such as its concept, classification, differences from and similarities to other concerned concepts. It puts forward the normative principles of language rights domestically and systematically for the first time. It introduces, analyzes and evaluates preliminarily and systematically the main documents about language rights by different international organizations. It introduces, analyzes and evaluates comprehensively concerned legislations and practice of China.
1 Lauri M(a|¨)lksoo.Language Rights in International Law:Why the Phoenix is still in the Ashes?Florida Journal of International Law(2000).Vol.12.p.432.
    4 May,S..Language Policy and Minority Rights[A].Ricento.T.An Introduction to Language Policy:Theory and Method[C].Black Publishing,2006:258.
    5 黄行:《少数民族语言研究及其相关问题》,http://iel.cass.cn/news_show.asp?newsid=1828,2008年4月9日访问。
    32Phinney,J.S.,Ethnic identity in adolescents and adults:Review of Research[J].Psychology Bulletin,1990,108(3):499-514.
    33 Carla J,Reginald J.Racial identity,African self-consciousness,and career decision-making in African American college women[J].Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development,1998,26(1):28-36.
    34 周庆生:《语言与民族识别问题》,载《中国社会科学院研究生院学报》2006年第3期,第133-136页。
    35 高梅:《语言与民族认同》,载《满族研究》2006年第4期,第49页。
    36 钱冠连:《语言:人类最后的家园--人类基本生存状态的哲学与语用学研究》,商务印书馆,2005年,第161页。
    60Tove Skutnabb-Kangas.The Globalisation of(Educational) Language Rights:International Review of Education / Internationale Zeitschrift f(u|¨)r Erziehungswissenschaft / Revue internationale de l'(?)ducation,Volume 47,Numbers 3-4,July 2001,pp.201-219.219.Also see http://chinesesites.library.ingentaconnect.com/search/article?title=linguistic+human+right&tititle_t ype=tka&year_from=1998&year_to=2008&database=1&pageSize=20&index=19.
    65Communications Nos.359/1989 and 385/1989,U.N.Doc.CCPR/C/47/D/359/1989 and 385/1989/Rev.1(1993).
    69E.Sapir:Conceptual Categories in Primitive Language,Science,Vol.74,1931,p.578.
    70B.Whorf:Language Thought and Reality,edited by J.Carrol,New York,MTT,1956,p.252.
    71B.Whorf:Collected Papers on Metalinguistics,Washington,1952,p.11.
    76OSCE Report on the Linguistic Rights of Persons Belonging to National Minorities in the OSCE Area(The Hague:OSCE,1999),section Ⅲ(D).
    77雷·塔拉斯(Ray Taras)讲了一个悖论:西方原来的单语制国家转向尊重多样性,而原苏联的多语制国家正迫切地转向单语制。一个笑话说在苏共政权下,只要你赞誉苏共,就可以说自己喜欢的任何语言,而在新政权下,只要你说多数的语言,你就可以发表任何政治观点。Taras,Ray(1998).'Nations and Language-Building:Old Theories,Contemporary Cases',Nationalism and Ethnic Politics,4/3:79-101.
    78Weinstein,Brian(1990).Language Policy and Political Development.Norwood,N J:Ablex Publishers.
    79Grin,Francois and Daftary,Farimah(eds.)(2003).Nation-Building and,Ethnicity and Language Politics in Transition Countries.Budapest:Open Society Institute,LGI.
    81W.Kymlicka(2001).Politics in the Vemacular:Nationalism,Multiculturalism,Citizenship.Oxford:Oxford University Press.13-105.
    82 W.Kymlicka(2002).'Justice and Security in the accommodation of Minority Nationalism',in Alain Dieckhoff(ed.),Nationalism,Liberalism and Pluralism(Lanham,MD:Lexington Books).
    83 Hechter,Michael(2000).Containing Nationalism.(Oxford:Oxford University Press).
    84 Baubock,Rainer(2001).'Culture Citizenship,Minority Rights and Self-government',in Alex Aleinikoffand Douglas Klusmeyer(eds),Citizenship Today:Global Perspectives and Practices(Washington:Carnegie Endowment for International Peace),332-335.
    85 关于移民跨国主义,参见:Castles,Stephen(2000).Ethnicity and Globalization:From Migrant Worker to Transnational Citizen(London:Sage).
    86 关于美国的移民多元文化主义,参见:Nathan Glazer(1997).We Are All Multiculturalists Now(Cambridge,MA:Har:Hard University Press,).关于加拿大的移民多元文化主义,参见:W.Kymlicka(1998).Finding Our Way(Toronto:Oxford University Press).
    87 Brimelow,Peter(1996).Nationalism Reframed:Nationhood and the National Question in the New Europe(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press).
    88 Portes,Alejandro and Rumbaut,Ruben(2001).Legacies:The Story of the Immigrant Second Generation(Berkeley:University ofCalifornia Press,).传统的语言转用的代际模式即移民将母语传给子女,并在家庭和宗教活动中使用,但是这些子女很少将其传给自己的子女,因此,到了第三代,祖先传下来的语言就消失了。
    91 W.Kymlicka(2001).Politics in the Vernacular:Nationalism,Multiculturalism,Citizenship.Oxford:Oxford University Press.
    92 参见第39-40页。
    93 Tamir,Yael(1993).Liberal Nationalism(Princeton,NJ:Princeton University Press).David Miller(1995).On Nationality(Oxford:(Oxford University Press).Canovan,Margaret(1996),Nationhood and Political Theory(Cheltenham:Edward Elgar).
    94 Oldfield,Adrian(1990).Citizenship and Community:Civic Republicanism and the Modern World(London Routledge).Skinner,Quentin(1998 ).Liberty before Liberalism(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press).
    95 Blattberg,Charles(2000).From Pluralist to Patriotic Politics(Oxford:Oxford University Press).Habermas,Jurgen(1995).'Citizenship and National Identity',in Ronald Beiner(ed.),Theorizing Citizenship(Albany:SUNY Press),255-282.
    96 Galston,William(1991).Liberal Purposes:Goods,Virtues,and Duties in the Liberal State (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press).Glendon,Mary-Ann and Blankenhorn,David(eds.)(1995).Seedbeds of Virtue:Sources of Competence,Character and Citizenship in American Society(Lanham,MD:Madison Books).
    97 Reich,Rob(2002).Bridging Liberalism and Multiculturalism in American Education (Chicago:University of Chicago Press).
    98 关于“多元文化公民资格模式(multicultural models of citizenship)”,参见W.Kymlicka (1995).Multicultural Citizenship(Oxford:Oxford University Press).关于“群体区分的公民资格模式(group-differentiated models of citizenship)”,参见Young,Iris Marion(1990).Justice and the Politics of Difference(Princeton:Princeton University Press).关于“多元化的精神气质(ethos of pluralization)”,参见Connolly,William(1995).The Ethos of Pluralization fMinneapolis:University of Minnesota Press)。关于“陌生的多样性(strange multiplicity)”,参见Tully,James(1995).Strange Multiplicity:Constitutionalism in an age of Diversity (Cambridge:CambridgeUniversityPress).该书已有中译本,参见詹姆斯·塔利著,黄俊龙译:《陌生的多样性:歧异时代的宪政主义》,上海世纪出版集团,2005年。关于“承认政治(politics of recognion)",参见Taylor,Charles(1992).'The Politics of Recognition',in A.Gutmann(ed.),Multiculturalism and the 'Politics of Recognition'(Princeton N J:Princeton University Press),25-73.
    99关于西方国家语言政策的国别研究,目前笔者能见到的西文论著主要是:Mcrae,Kenneth (1997).Conflict and Compromise in Multilingual Societies:Vol.3:Finland(Waterloo,ON:Wilfrid Laurier University Press);Coulombe,Pierre(1995).Language rights in French Canada (New York:Peter Lang Publishing);MacMillan,Michael C.(1998).The Practice of Language Rights in Canada(Toronto:University of Toronto Press);Schmidt SR.,Ronald(2000).Language Policy and Identity Politics in the United States(Philadelphia:Temple University Press);Sandra Del Valle(2003).Language Rights and the Law in the United States:Finding Our Voices.(Clevedon:Multilingual Matters).
    100如:Fishman,Joshua(1991).Reversing Language Shift:Theoretical and Empirical Foundations of Assistance to Threatened Languages(Clevedon:Multilingual Matters);Edwards,John(1985).Language,Society and Identity(Oxford:Blackwell);Phillipson,Robert(1992).Linguistic Imperialism(Oxford:Oxford University Press);Nettle,Daniel and Romaine,Suzanne(2000).Vanishing Voices:The Extinction of the World's Languages(New York:Oxford University Press);May,Stephen(2001):Language and Minority Rights:Ethnicity,Nationalism and the Politics of Language(Harlow/London:Longrnan/Pearson Education).
    101如:Laitin,David(1992).Language Repertoires and State Construction in Africa(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press).
    102罗尔斯认为,由各种合理的宗教、哲学和道德的综合学说构成的现代民主社会的多样性,并非是即将消火的历史现象,而是民主的公共文化的永恒特征。在自由制度的基本权利和自由的保障下,就算这种多样性一开始不存在,它也将诞生并持续存在于这种制度之中。“合理的多元事实”不同于“实际的多元事实”(the fact of pluralism as such),后者是各种利益或各种价值在剧烈冲突后的偶然平衡。合理的多元事实既是自由民主制度的永恒特征,也是人类自由的必然结果。参见:Rawls.Political Liberalism.Columbia University Press.1996.
    104Dryzek,John(2000).Deliberative Democracy and Beyond:Liberals,Critics,Contestations (Oxford:Oxford University Press).
    105Blattberg,Charles(2000).From Pluralist to Patriotic Politics(Oxford:Oxford University Press).
    106Simone Chambers(2001).'A Critical Theory of Civil Society',in Simone Chambers and Will Kymlicka(eds),Alternative Conceptions of Civil Society(Princeton:Princeton University Press):99.
    107 Rawls,John(1999).Collected Papers(Carnbridge,MA.:Harvard University Press):574;
    Dworkin,Ronald(2000).Sovereign Virtue:The Theory and Practice of Equality(Cambridge,MA.:Harvard University Press):364-365;
    Michael Sandel(1996).Democracy's Discontent (Cambridge,MA.:Harvard University Press);Habermas,Jurgen(1996).Between Facts and Norms:Contributions to a Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy(Cambridge,MA.:MIT University Press);
    Simone Chambers(1996).Reasonable Democracy:Jurgen Habermas and the Politics of Discourse(Ithaca:Cornell University Press);
    Fraser,Nancy(1992).'Rethinking the Public Sphere:A Contribution to the Critique of Actually Existing Democracy',in Craig Calhoun (ed.),Habermas and the Public Sphere(Cambridge,MA.:MIT University Press),109-142;
    Young,Iris Marion(2000).Inclusion and Democracy(oxford:Oxford University Press).
    109 McRae,Kenneth(1986).Conflict and Compromise in Multilingual Societies.Vol.2:Belgium (Waterloo,ON:Wilfrid Laurier University Press),189-202.
    110 Skutnabb-Kangas,Tove and Phillipson,Robert(with Rannut,Mart)(1994).Linguistic Human Rights:Overcoming Linguistic Discrimination(Berlin & New York:Mouton de Gruyter),19.
    112 Schmidt SR.,Ronald(2000).Language Policy and Identity Politics in the United States (Philadelphia:Temple University Press).Crawford,James(2001).At War with Diversity:US Language Policy in an Age of Anxiety(Clevedon:Multilingual Matters).
    113 Young,Iris Marion(1990).Justice and the Politics of Difference(Princeton:Princeton University Press),Ch.6.
    113 例如,加拿大的几个省和芬兰实行分别学校制。在芬兰的许多地区,说瑞典语者可以进自己的学校。
    115Levine,Marc V.(1990).The Reconquest of Montreal:Language Policy and Social Change in a Bilingual City(Philadelphia:Temple University Press);
    Pierre Coulombe(1995).Language rights in French Canada(New York:Peter Lang Publishing).
    MacMillan(1998),The Practice of Language Rights in Canada(Toronto:University of Toronto Press).
    116Hermann Josef Goerres,Case C-385/96,Judgment of 14 July 1998;Yannick Geffroy v.Casino France SNC,Case C-366/98,Judgment of 12 September 2000.
    117David Laitin(1992).Language Repertoires and State Construction in Africa(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press),Ⅺ.
    118 Kloss,Heinz(1977).The American Bilingual Tradition(Rowley,MA:Newbury House),52.
    119 Schmidt SR.,Ronald(2000).Language Policy and Identity Politics in the United States (Philadelphia:Temple University Press),24-28.
    120 Will Kymlicka(1995).Multicultural Citizenship(Oxford:Oxford University Press).
    121 Barreto,Amilcar Ontonio(2001).The Politics of language in Puerto Rico(Gainesville:University Press of Florida).)
    122 维基百科全书(电子版),http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%AE%98%E6%96%B9%E8%AF%AD%E8%A8%80,2008年9月12日星期五访问。
    123 一种从拉丁语中衍生出米的语言,是瑞士一小部分国民的母语。尽管在瑞士只有0.5%的人使用这种语言,但依然被列为瑞士四种官方语言之一。
    131Britta Schneider.Linguistic Human Rights and Migrant Languages:A Comparative Analysis of Migrant Language Education in Great Britain and Germany.Frankfurt am Main;New York:P.Lang,2005:19.
    133 Douglas A.Kibbee,"Presentation:Realism and Idealism in Language Conflicts and Their Resolution",in Douglas A.Kibbee(ed.),Language Legislation and Language Rights:Selected Proceedings of the Language Legislation and Language Rights Conference,the University of Illinois at Urbana-Charnpaign,March 1996(J.Benjamin Publishers,Amsterdam,Philadelphia,1998).
    134 Will Kymlicka and Alan Patten(eds.).Language Rights and Political Theory(Oxford,New York:Oxford University Press),16-25.
    135 Reaume,Denise(2000):Official-Language Rights:Intrinsic Value and the Protection of Difference,in Will Kymlicka and Wayne Norman(eds),Citizenship in Diverse Societies(Oxford:Oxford University Press),245-277.259.
    136 《俄罗斯苏维埃联邦社会主义共和国民族语言法》,杨艳丽译,载中国社会科学院民族研究所、“少数民族语言政策比较研究”课题组、国家语言文字工作委员会政策法规室编:《国外语言政策与语言规划进程》,语文出版社,2001年,第164-169页。
    139 Tove Skutnabb-Kangas.Linguistic Genocide in Education-or Worldwide Diversity and Human Rights.Lawrance Erlbaum Associates,Publishers.Mahwah,New Jersey,2000.pp.499-501.
    141Timothy Perry.Language Rights,Ethnic Politics:A Critique of the Pan South Africa Language Board.第46页。http://web.uct.ac.za/depts/praesa/Occasional%20Paper%2012%20text%201ayout.pdf,2008年8月20日访问。
    142Leslie Green(1987).'Are Language Rights Fundamental?',Osgoode Hall Law Journal,25:639-669.
    Denise R(?)aume(1991).'The Constitutional Protection of Language:Survival or Security?',in David Schneiderman(ed.),Language and The State:The Law and Politics of Identity(Conwansville:Editions Yvon Blais),37-57.
    Denise R(?)aume(1994).'The Group Right to Linguistic Security:Whose Right,What Duties?',in Judith Baker(ed.),Group Rights(Toronto:University of Toronto Press),118-141.
    143 Kymlicka and Alan Patten(eds.),Language Rights and Political Theory(Oxford,New York:Oxford University Press),30.
    144 Ronald Schmidt SR.(2000).Language Policy and Identity Politics in the United States (Philadelphia:Temple University Press),20-22.
    145 Robert F.Weber.Individual Rights and Group Rights in the European Union's Approach to Minority Languages.第28页。http://law.bepress.com/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=7347&context=expresso,2008年6月26日访问.
    146 Capotorti,Francesco.1992."Are Minorities Entitled to Collective International Rights?" in Y.Dinstein,and M.Tabory(eds.),The Protection of Minorities and Human Rights,pp.507-508.Dordrecht:Martinus Nijhoff.
    147 Kymlicka and Alan Patten(eds.),Language Rights and Political Theory(Oxford,New York:Oxford Universitv Press).30.
    149Skutnabb-Kangas(2000).Linguistic Genocide in Education-or Worldwide Diversity and Human Rights? Mahwah,N.J.:Lawrence Erlbaum.p483.
    150 Timothy Perry.Language Rights,Ethnic Politics:A Critique of the Pan South Africa Language Board.第26页。http://web.uct.ac.za/depts/praesea/Occasional%20Paper%2012%20text%201ayout.pdf,2008年8月20日访问。
    151 MacMillan,1986:5.转引自 Timothy Perry.Language Rights,Ethnic Politics:A Critique of the Pan South Africa Language Board.第54页。http://web.uct.ac.za/depts/praesa/Occasional%20Paper%2012%20text%201ayout.pdf,2008年8月20日访问。
    152 Timothy Perry.Language Rights,Ethnic Politics:A Critique of the Pan South Africa Language Board.第38页。http://web.uct.ac.za/depts/praesa/Occasional%20Paper%2012%20text%201ayout.pdf,2008年8月20日访问。
    153 Leslie Green(1987).'Are Language Rights Fundamental?',Osgoode Hall Law Journal,25:639-669.
    154 Kymlicka,Will.1996.'The Good,the Bad and the Intolerable:Minority Group Rights'.Dissent,Vol.43,No.3,pp.22-30.
    155 Heinz Kloss.1971.The Language Rights of Immigrant Groups.International Migrant Review:250-268.1977.The American Bilingual Tradition.Rowley,MA:Newbury.
    156Ruth Rubio-Marin.Language Rights:Exploring the Competing Rationales.in Language Rights and Political Theory.edited by Will Kymlicka and Alan Patten.Oxford;New York:Oxford University Press,2003.pp.52-79.
    157关于这两种方式,参见:Will Kymlicka and Alan Patten(eds),Language Rights and Political Theory(Oxford,New York" Oxford University Press),2003:28-29.
    159 Language Rights and Political Theory,Will Kymlicka and Alan Patten(ed.).Oxford,New York:Oxford University Press,2003.pp 29-30.
    160 Kenneth McRoberts(1989).'Making Canada Bilingual:Illusions and Delusions of Federal Language policy',in David P.Shugarman and Reg Whitaker(eds),Federalism and Political Community:Essays in Honour of Donald Smiley(Peterborough:Broadview Press),153.
    161 Ruth Rubio-Marin(2003).'Language Rights:Exploring the Competing Rationales',in Will Kymlicka and Alan Patten(eds),Language rights and political theory(Oxford,New York:Oxford University Press),56.
    162 同上,第57页。
    163 Leslie Green(1987).'Are Language Rights Fundamental?',Osgoode Hall Law Journal,25:658.
    167 Robert Phillipson(1992).Linguistic Imperialism(Oxford:Oxford University Press).该书已经有在中国大陆出版的版本,即Robea Phillipson:《Linguistic Imperialism语言领域的帝国主义》,上海外语教育出版社,2000年。
    174 6 Eur.Ct.H.R.(ser.A)(1968).
    175 Communications Nos.359/1989 and385/1989,U.N.Doc.CCPR/C/47/D/359/1989 and 385/1989/Rev.1(1993).
    176 Peter.L Patrick:Linguistic Human Rights:A Sociolinguistic Introduction.Available at http://privatewww.essex.ac.uk/~patrickp/lhr/linguistic human rights.htm,2007年12月7日访问。
    177 Peter.L Patrick:Linguistic Human Rights:A Sociolinguistic Introduction.Available at http://privatewww.essex.ac.uk/~patrickp/lhr/lingguistic human rights.htm,2007年12月7日访问。
    179 http://www.massvote.org/docs/Policy_ML_Citizens-Sect_203 of VRA.pdf?docID=261,2008年10月10日星期五访问。
    185Capotorti,Francesco.1979,Study of the Rights of Persons Belonging to Ethnic,Religious and Linguistic Minorities.New York:United Nations.
    186 Calvet,Louis Jean.1974,Linguistique et colonialisme:petit trait(?) de glottophagie.Paris:Payot.
    187 Dessemontet,Francois(1984),Le droit des langues en Suisse,(?)diteur officiel du Qu(?)bec,Quebec,at p.29.作者还提到:1515年的一项条约有类似的语言界定:1403年Bern和Fribourg这两个城市之间的一项条约使用一个德语词“welsche”米识别潜在的敌人。该词的是指说外族语言的人。
    188 Capotorti,Francesco.1979,Study of the Rights of Persons Belonging to Ethnic,Religious and Linguistic Minorities.New York:United Nations.p2.
    189 1815年《维也纳会议决议》第1条:Les Polonais,sujets respectifs des hautes parties contractantes,obtiendront la conservation de leur nationalit(?),d'apr(?)s les formes d'existence politique que chacun des gouvernements,auxquels ils appartiennent,jugera convenable de leur uccorder.
    190 See for example the case of the Vlach minority,who speak a distinctive form of Romanian,whose schools were protected under the Treaty of Peace between Bulgaria,Greece,Montenegro,Romania and Serbia,signed 10August 1913,(1913) Vol.218 Consolidated Treaty Series 322,at pp.335-337;
    see also the provisions regarding German language schools in Articles 38 to 41,Treaty between Germany and Romania supplementary to the Treaty of Peace,7 May 1918,signed in Bucharest,(1917-1918) Vol.223 Consolidated Treaty Series 304,at pp.311-312,and the provisions regarding Turkish language private schools for Muslims living in Serbia,Article 9 of the Treaty between Serbia and Turkey,signed at Constantinople,14 March 1914,(1913-1914) Vol.219 Consolidated Treaty Series 320,at p.324.
    191 Capotorti,Francesco.1979,Study on the Rights of Persons Belonging to Ethnic,Religious and Linguistic Minorities.New York:United Nations.p3.
    192 See Study on the Rights of Persons belonging to Ethnic,Religious and Linguistic Minorities (1976),UN Special Rapporteur Francesco Capotorti,UN Doc.E/CN.4/Sub.2/384/Add.1-7.
    193 Study on the Rights of Persons belonging to Ethnic,Religious and Linguistic Minorities(1976),UN Special Rapporteur Francesco Capotorti,UN Doc.E/CN.4/Sub.2/384/Add..at pp.18-19.
    194 Advisory Opinion on Minority Schools in Albania,(1935) Permanent Court of International Justice.Series A/B.No.64.3.at p.4.also known as the Minority Schools in Albania case.
    195 Capotorti,Francesco.1979,Study on the Rights of Persons Belonging to Ethnic,Religious and Linguistic Minorities.New York:United Nations.p2.
    196 McKean,Warwick(1983),Equality and Discrimination under International Law,Clarendon Press,Oxford,United Kingdom,at p.53.
    197 ”该公约于1976年3月23日生效。
    198 Treaty with Italy,United Nations Treaty Series,Vol.49,at p.3;Treaty with Romania,United Nations Treaty Series,Vol.42,at p.3;
    Treaty with Bulgaria,United Nations Treaty Series,Vol.41,at p.21;
    Treaty with Hungary,United Nations Treaty Series,Vol.41,at p.135;
    Treaty with Finland,United Nations Treaty Series,Vol.49,at p.203;
    Austrian State Treaty,United Nations Treaty Series,Vol.217,at p.223.
    199 Study on the Rights of Persons Belonging to Ethnic,Religious and Linguistic Minorities.
    201 OJL 17,6.10.1958,p.385.
    205 Reading guide.http://www.linguistic-declaration.org/index-gb.htm,2008年6月15日访问。
    206 Tove Skutnabb-Kangas.Linguistic Genocide in Education-or Worldwide Diversity and Human Rights.Lawrance Erlbaum Associates,Publishers.Mahwah,New Jersey,2000.p544.
    207 《世界语言权宣言》第1条。
    211Dr.Bernard Bailyn,Remarks at the First Millennium Evening at the White House(Feb.11,1998)(transcript available at http://clinton2.nara.gov/Initiatives/Millennium/bbailyn,html).
    212 Reading Guide.http://www.linguistic-declaration.org/index-gb.htm,2008年6月15日访问。
    213 Tove Skutnabb-Kangas.Linguistic Genocide in Education-or Worldwide Diversity and Human Rights.Lawrance Erlbaum Associates,Publishers.Mahwah,New Jersey,2000.p545.
    214 Tove Skutnabb-Kangas.Linguistic Genocide in Education-or Worldwide Diversity and Human Rights.Lawrance Erlbaum Associates,Publishers.Mahwah,New Jersey,2000.p548.
    215 http://www.smo.uhi.ac.uk/saoghal/mion-chanain/LSA_statement.txt,2008年5月5日访问。
    217(1990) 11 H.R.L.G 232.
    218在欧洲国家间有几个还在有效的双边协议,还有许多国际公约含有关于少数民族权利的一般规定,这些国际公约包括1960年联合国教科文组织《反对教育领域歧视公约》,1958年国际劳工组织第111号公约(《关于雇佣和职业歧视的公约》),1965年《消除各种形式种族歧视国际公约》,1989年《儿童权利公约》。参见OSCE Report on the Linguistic Rights of Persons Belonging to National Minorities in the OSCE Area(The Hague:OSCE,1999).
    219David Crystal,ed.,the Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1994),at 25.
    220Mala Tabory."Language Rights as Human Rights",(1980) 40 Israel Yearbook on Human Rights 167 at 189.《欧洲区域性或少数民族语言宪章》解释性报告第32段承认“什么是方言”这个问题“不仅取决于严格意义的语言学上的考虑,而且还取决于社会心理学的和政治的现象,在各个个案中有不同的同答”,并将这个问题留给各国自己解决。
    221Philip Vuciri Ramaga."the Bases of Minority Identity",(1992)14 Human Rights Quarterly 409at 426.
    222 参见《欧洲区域性或少数民族语言宪章》“解释性报告”第11段。
    223 Robert Dunbar.Minority Language Rights in International Law,in International and Comparative Law Quarterly.2001.Volume 50.at pp.90-120.100.
    224 第14条规定:“应当保障人人享有本公约所列举的权利与自由。任何人在享有本公约所规定的权利与自由时,不得因性别、种族、肤色、语言、宗教、政治的或者是其他见解、民族或者社会的出身、与少数民族的联系、财产、出生或者其他地位而受到歧视。”
    225 该款规定:“本公约每一缔约国承诺,尊重和保证在其领土内和受其管辖的一切个人享有本公约所承认的权利,不分种族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教、政治或其他见解、国籍或社会出身、财产、出生或其他身份等任何区别。”
    226 该条规定:“所有的人在法律面前都是平等的,有权不受任何歧视地受法律的平等保护。在这方面,法律应禁止任何歧视,并保证所有的人获得不受基于种族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教、政治或其他见解、国籍或社会出身、财产、出生或其他身份等任何原因的歧视的平等和有效的保护。”
    227 《〈欧洲人权公约〉少数民族权利附加议定书》由欧洲理事会咨询大会(Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe)在1993年《第1201号建议书》(Recommendation 1201(1993)中提出,从未经部长委员会通过。尽管它并不创设有约束力的国际义务,欧洲理事会咨询大会认为自己受其约束。参见:Fllrence Benoit-Rohmer,the Minority Question in Europe:Texts and Commentary.Strasbourg:Council of Europe,1996,at 37.
    228 Communication No.694/1996,CCPR/C/67/D/694/1996,of 5 Nov.1999.
    229 同上,第10.6段。
    230 同上,第5段。
    231 同上,第5段。
    232 《保护少数民族框架公约》第5条第2段。
    233 《保护少数民族框架公约》“解释性报告”第46段。对语言少数群体实施一体化的愿望在该框架公约的其他地方也有所反映。如第14条第3款规定教授少数民族语言不得有害于官方语言的学习或教授。
    234 该条规定:“各参加国明确谴责极权主义、种族和族裔仇恨、排犹主义(anti-Semitism)、仇外主义(xenophobia)、对任何人的歧视以及基于宗教或意识形态的原因的迫害。在这一方面,他们也承认吉普赛人的特别问题。”
    235 《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第9条第2款的类似规定中,没有关于使用何种语言告知的要求。该款只规定:“任何被逮捕的人,在被逮捕时应被告知逮捕他的理由,并应被迅速告知对他提出的任何指控。”
    236 Donna Gomien,"the Rights of Minorities under the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Charter on Regional and Minority Languages",in J.Cator and J.Niessen (eds.),the Use of International Conventions to Protect the Rights of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities,(Strasbourg,1994),at 53.
    237 族群关系基金会《关于少数民族语言权利的奥斯陆建议书》“解释性报告”第18段。
    238 如:第7条,第9条第1、3款和第11条第2款。
    239 U.N.Doc.CCPR/C/47/D/359/1989 and 385/1989/Rev.1(1993).
    240 关于这个概念的讨论,参见D.J.Harris,M.O'Boyle and C.Warbrick,Law of the European Convention on Human Rights(London:Butterworths,1995),at 386-414.
    241 联合国大会《少数者权利宣言》第2条第1款,《〈欧洲人权公约〉少数民族权利附加议定书》第3条第2款,以及《保护少数民族框架公约》第10条第1款。联合国大会《土著民族权利宣言》第13条。
    242 族群关系基金会《关于少数民族语言权利的奥斯陆建议书》“解释性报告”第7段。
    243 1994年4月28日《一般评论(第23号)》(General Comment 23,28 Apr.1994),第6.2段。索恩伯利指出,尽管《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》可能要求各国承担支持少数群体的认同的积极义务,但它没有就应采取何种措施提供指导;由于缺乏具体的规定,这就意味着各国对该条的适用方式有广泛的自由裁量空间。Patrick Thornberry.International Law and the Rights of Minorities(Oxford:Oxford University Press,1997,2nd ed.),at 387.
    244 《欧洲区域性或少数民族语言宪章》“解释性报告”(Explanatory Report)第2段。
    245 《欧洲区域性或少数民族语言宪章》“解释性报告”(Explanatory Report)第27段。
    246 欧洲安全与合作组织(OSCE)《关于OSCE地区属于少数民族的人的语言权利的报告》(OSCE Report on the Linguistic Rights of Persons Belonging to National Minorities in the OSCE Area)(The Hague:OSCE,1999),第1节(section I)(C)1。
    247 联合国大会《少数者权利宣言》第4条第4款,《哥本哈根文件》第34条,《保护少数民族框架公约》第12条第1款。这与《世界人权宣言》第26条第2款的规定保持一致,该款规定“教育应促进各民族、种族或宗教群体之间的理解、宽容和友谊”。还可参见《经济、社会和文化权利国际公约》第13条第1款以及联合国《儿童权利公约》(1989年)第29条第1款(c)和(d)两项。
    248 联合国大会《少数者权利宣言》第4条第3款,《哥本哈根文件》第34条。联合国《儿童权利公约》(1989年)第29条第1款(c)项规定儿童教育应“培养对儿童父母、儿童自身的文化认同、语言和价值观、儿童所居住国家的民族价值观、其原籍国以及不同开其本国的文明的尊重”。
    249 《经济、社会和文化权利国际公约》第13条第3款规定:“本公约缔约各国承诺,尊重父母和(如适用时)法定监护人的下列自由:为他们的孩子选择非公立的但符合国家所可能规定或批准的最低教育标准的学校,并保证他们的孩子能按照他们自己的信仰接受宗教和道德教育。”由于没有提到语言和文化教育,该款的规定似乎比晚近的有关少数民族的文件中的规定要狭窄得多。
    250 《〈欧洲人权公约〉少数民族权利附加议定书》由欧洲理事会咨询大会(Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe)在1993年《第1201号建议书》(Recommendation 1201(1993))中提出,从未经部长委员会通过。尽管它并不创设有约束力的国际义务,欧洲理事会咨询大会认为自己受其约束。参见:Florence Benoit-Rohmer,the Minority Question in Europe:Texts and Commentary.Strasbourg:Council of Europe,1996,at 37.
    251 Joshua Fishman,Reversing Language Shift.Clevedon:Multilingual Matters,1991,pp.98-114.
    252 如《欧洲区域性或少数民族语言宪章》第9条第1段和第10条第1段和第2段。
    253 如《欧洲区域性或少数民族语言宪章》第8条第1段,第10条第3段,第11条第1段,第12条第1段,第13条第2段。
    254 欧洲安全与合作组织(OSCE)《关于OSCE地区属于少数民族的人的语言权利的报告》(OSCE Report on the Linguistic Rights of Persons Belonging to National Minorities in the OSCE Area)(The Hague:OSCE,1999),第4节(section Ⅳ)(B)1.
    255 如《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第19条第3款,《欧洲人权公约》第10条第2款。
    256 《关于少数民族语言权利的奥斯陆建议书》“注解(Explanatory Note)”第12段。
    257 《关于少数民族语言权利的奥斯陆建议书》“注解(Explanatory Note)”第9段。
    258 《欧洲区域性或少数民族语言宪章》第三部分(Part Ⅲ)关于媒体(Media)规定的选择性措施之一是:各国承诺确保区域性或少数民族语言的使用者的利益得到表达(represented),或者在“保障媒体之自由和多元”的机构内得到考虑。
    259 还可参见《〈欧洲人权公约〉少数民族附加议定书》第12条第2款。
    260 Robert Dunbar.Minority Language Rights in International Law,in International and Comparative Law Quarterly.2001.Volume 50.at pp.90-120.120.
    261 Robert Dunbar.Minority Language Rights in International Law,in International and Comparative Law Quarterly.2001.Volume 50.at pp.90-120.120.
    262 例如,关于我国领土上的语言数量的调查数据一直处于变动的过程中,最新的调查结果是我国约有130种语言。一般认为,印度的语言有400多种,但一直没有确切数据。
    263 郭友旭:《试论民族平等权》,载《财经界》,2008年第5期,第108-109页。
    264 《列宁全集》第20卷,第1811页。
    265 周有光:《百岁稿:从话语热谈起》,(中国香港)《语文建设通讯》,第83期。
    266 据联合国教科文组织2009年2月19日发出的警告,全世界199种语言的使用人数不足12人,例如乌克兰的卡拉伊姆语只有6人使用,美国的威奇托语只有俄克拉何马州10人使用。2008年美国阿拉斯加最后一名会说埃雅克语的玛丽·史密斯过世,宣布这一语言的消亡。参见http://news.xinhuanet.com/world/2009-02/21/content_10859968.htm,2009年3月17日星期二访问。
    267 马戎编著:《民族社会学--社会学的族群关系研究》,北京大学出版社,2004年,第383页。
    269 李红毅:《印度语言政策与语言民族间的冲突与争论》,载《贵州大学学报》(社会科学版),2007年第4期,第103页。
    270 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linguistic_imperialism,2008年11月5日星期三访问。
    271 Robert Phillipson:《Linguistic Imperialism语言领域的帝国主义》,上海外语教育出版社,2000年6月第1版,第47页。
    272 Robert Phillipson:《Linguistic Imperialism语言领域的帝国主义》,上海外语教育出版社,2000年6月第1版,第271-283页。
    273 Robert Phillipson:《Linguistic Imperialism语言领域的帝国主义》,上海外语教育出版社,2000年6月第1版,第47页。
    274 British Council,1987/88 Annual Report:p.8.
    275 Robert Phillipson:《Linguistic Imperialism语言领域的帝国主义》,上海外语教育出版社,2000年6月第1版,第47页。
    277 刘海涛:《语言规划的动机分析》,载《北华大学学报》(社会科学版),2007年第4期,第66页。
    278 詹伯慧:《试论粤方言地区的推广普通话工作》,载《学术研究》,1996年第9期。
    279 周端明:《普通话推广的经济学分析》,载《安徽师范大学学报》(人文社会科学版)2003年第4期,第421页。
    280 周端明:《普通话推广的经济学分析》,载《安徽师范大学学报》(人文社会科学版)2003年第4期,第421页。
    281 Philippe Van Parijs.Linguistic Justice,in Politics,Philosophy and Economics,vol.1,No.1,59-74.
    282 Idil Boran(2003).'Global Linguistic Diversity,Public Goods and the Principle of Fairness',in Will Kymlicka and Alan Patten(eds.),Language Rights and Political Theory(Oxford,New York:Oxford University Press),189-209.
    283 以上对井上史雄的理论的介绍,参见李斗石:《语言价值论--日本井上史雄教授的语言价值论评介》,载《延边大学学报》(社会科学版)2007年第2期,第67-72页。
    284 Council of Europe Newsletter 3/1993.29-29.
    285 Fernand de Varennes.To speak or not to speak:the Rights of Persons Belonging to Linguistic Minorities.http://www.unesco.org/most/ln2po13.htm.2008年11月8日星期六访问。
    286 Managay Reddi."Minority Language Rights in South Africa:a Comparison with the Provisions of International Law",in The Comparative and International Law Journal of South Africa(2002),volume 35(3),328,341.
    287 转引自Timothy Perry.Language Rights,Ethnic Politics:A Critique of the Pan South Africa Language Board.http://web.uct.ac.za/depts/praesa/Occasional%20Paper%2012%20text%201ayout.pdf,2008年8月20日访问。
    289 俞可平:《当代西方政治哲学的流变:从新个人主义到新集体主义》,载《社会科学战线》,1998年第5期,第102页。
    290 祝爱武,冯建军:《当代西方社群主义与和谐社会道德教育》,载《比较教育研究》,2008年第4期,第31-35页。
    291 转引自Timothy Perry.Language Rights,Ethnic Politics:A Critique of the Pan South Africa Language Board.http://web.uct.ac.za/depts/praesa/Occasional%20Paper%2012%20text%20layout.pdf,2008年8月20日访问。
    292 刘庆慧:《西藏基础教育与藏语文教学》,载耿金生、王锡宏主编《民族教育改革与探索》,中央民族大学出版社,1989年,第502页。
    293 马戎:《民族社会学--社会学的族群关系研究》,北京大学出版社,2004年,第386页。
    294 Xabier Arzoz.The Nature of Language Rights.http://www.ecmi.de/jemie/download/2-2007-Arzoz.pdf,2008年11月8日星期六访问。
    295 斯钦朝克图:《国家的双语化与地区的单语化:比利时官方语言政策研究》,载《世界民族》2000年第1期,第24-34页。
    296 曹枫:《和谐的官方多语制:瑞士语言政策研究》,载《国家、民族与语言--语言政策国别研究》,语文出版社,2003年版,第183页。
    297 Language Act(423/2003),Ministry of Justice,Finland.Unofficial translation.
    298 Language Act(423/2003),Ministry of Justice,Finland.Unofficial translation.
    299 Daniel M.Weinstock(2001).The Antinomy of Language Policy,in Will Kymlicka and Alan Patten(eds.),Language Rights and Political Theory(Oxford,New York:Oxford University Press),268-269.
    300 Will Kymlicka(1995).Multicultural Citizenship(Oxford:Oxford University Press),107-115.
    301 Rainer Baubock(2001).'Cultural Citizenship,Minority Rights and Self-government',in Alex Aleinikoff and Douglas Klusmeyer(eds.),Citizenship Today:Global Perspectives and Practices (Washington:Carnegie Endowment for International Peace),319-348.
    302 Daniel M.Weinstock(2001).'The Antinomy of Language Policy',in Will Kymlicka and Alan Patten(eds.),Language Rights and Political Theory(Oxford,New York:Oxford University Press),265.
    303 Daniel M.Weinstock(2001).'The Antinomy of Language Policy',in Will Kymlicka and Alan Patten(eds.),Language Rights and Political Theory(Oxford,New York:Oxford University Press),265-268.
    304 Daniel M.Weinstock(2001).'The Antinomy of Language Policy',in Will Kymlicka and Alan Patten(eds),Language Rights and Political Theory(Oxford,New York:Oxford University Press),261.
    307 Language Act(423/2003),Ministry of Justice,Finland.Unofficial Translation.
    308 常士訇:《国家的统一:多民族国家所坚持的基本原则》,载《理论与现代化》2006年第2期,第115-118页,第118页。
    309 《少数人权利宣言评注最后案文》第84段。
    310 载李红杰、马丽雅主编:《少数民族语言使用与文化发展:政策和法律的国际比较》,中央民族大学出版社,2008年,第1379-441页。
    314 戴庆夏、何俊芳:《论母语》,载《民族研究》1997年第2期,第59-64页;李宁明:《论母语》,《世界汉语教学》2003年第1期,第48-58页。
    316 http://www.osce.org/documents/hcnm/1996/10/2700_en.pdf,2008年8月22日访问。
    317 "注解"(Explanatory Note) 的"导论"(General introduction) 第7段。
    318 《关于少数民族语言权利的奥斯陆建议书》前言第10段。
    319 《关于少数民族语言权利的奥斯陆建议书》前言最后一段。
    320 Reading Guide.http://www.linguistic-declaration.org/index-gb.htm,2008年6月15日访问。
    321 Tove Skutnabb-Kangas.Linguistic Genocide in Education-or Worldwide Diversity and Human Rights.Lawrance Erlbaum Associates,Publishers.Mahwah,New Jersey,2000.p544.
    322 《世界语言权宣言》第1条第1段。
    323 《世界语言权宣言》第1条第2段。
    324 《世界语言权宣言》第1条第2段。
    325 《世界语言权宣言》第5条。
    326 《世界语言权宣言》第3条第1段。
    327 《世界语言权宣言》第5条。
    328 Dr.Bernard Bailyn,Remarks at the First Millennium Evening at the White House(Feb.11,1998)(transcript available at http://clinton2.nara.gov/Initiatives/Millennium/bbailyn.html).
    329 Reading Guide.http://www.linguistic-declaration.org/index-gb.htm,2008年6月15日访问。
    330 Reading Guide.http://www.linguistic-declaration.org/index-gb.htm,2008年6月15日访问。
    331 Tove Skutnabb-Kangas.Linguistic Genocide in Education-or Worldwide Diversity and Human Rights.Lawrance Erlbaum Associates,Publishers.Mahwah,New Jersey,2000.p545.
    332 Tove Skutnabb-Kangas.Linguistic Genocide in Education-or Worldwide Diversity and Human Rights.Lawrance Erlbaum Associates,Publishers.Mahwah,New Jersey,2000.p548.
    333 www terralingua.org.Also Britta Schneider.Linguistic Human Rights and Migrant Languages:a Comparative Analysis of Migrant Language Education in Great Britain and Germany.Frankfurt am Main;New York:P.Lang,2005,p19.
    334 Roodt(2002).转引自Timothy Perry.Language Rights,Ethnic Politics:A Critique of the Pan South Africa Language Board.第49页。http://web.uct.ac.za/depts/praesa/Occasional%20Paper%2012%20text%201ayout.pdf,2008年8月20日访问。
    335 Annamalai.1998.转引自Timothy Perry.Language Rights,Ethnic Politics:A Critique of the Pan South Africa Language Board.第49页。http://web.uct.ac.za/depts/praesa/Occasional%20Paper%2012%20text%201ayout.pdf,2008年8月20日访问。
    336 Timothy Perry.Language Rights,Ethnic Politics:A Critique of the Pan South Africa Language Board.第49页。http://web.uct.ac.za/depts/praesa/Occasional%20Paper%2012%20text%201ayout.pdf,2008年8月20日访问。
    337 苏金智:《语言权保护在中国》,自http://www.humanrights-china.org/china/magezine/2003.4/p42-p44.htm,2007年12月5日访问。
    338 蒋可心、杨华:《关于语言接受权问题》,载《社会科学战线》2005年第4期,第113-116页。
    339 杨晓畅:《浅论个体语言权及其立法保护》,载《学术交流》2005年10月第10期,第49页。
    340 蒋可心、杨华:《关于语言接受权问题》,载《社会科学战线》2005年第4期,第115页。
    341 《新晚报》2002年3月21日。
    342 《北京法制报》2004年1月31日。
    343 李宇明:《当今三大语言话题》,http://www.china-language.gov.cn/11/2008_3_26/1_11_3435_0_1206528030765.html,2008年4月8日访问。
    344 吕杰、张波、袁浩川主编:《传播学导论》,北京,科学出版社,2007年,第5-7页。
    345 李宇明:《探索语言传播规律--序“世界汉语教学丛书”》,载《云南师范大学学报》(对外汉语教学和研究版),2007年第4期,第1页。
    347 郭熙:《中国社会语言学》(增订本),浙江大学出版社,2004年,第63-67页。
    350 李红杰、马丽雅主编:《少数民族语言使用与文化发展:政策和法律的国际比较》,中央民族大学出版社,2008年,第379-441页。
    351 西格维克朗斯塔德:《〈欧洲区域性或少数人语言宪章〉的实施》,载李红杰、马丽雅主编:《少数民族语言使用与文化发展:政策和法律的国际比较》,中央民族大学出版社,2008年,第36页。
    352 Xabier Arzoz.The Nature of Language Rights.http://www.ecmi.de/jemie/download/2-2007-Arzoz.pdf,2008年11月8日星期六访问。
    353 Xabier Arzoz.The Nature of Language Rights.http://www.ecmi.de/jemie/download/2-2007-Arzoz.pdf,2008年11月8日星期六访问。
    354 《保护非物质文化遗产公约》第2条第3项。
    355 《保护和促进文化表现形式多样性公约》第4条第7项。
    356 《保护和促进文化表现形式多样性公约》第2条第1项。
    357 Language Act(423/2003).NB:Unofficial translation.Ministry of Justice,Finland.
    358 6 Eur.Ct.H.R.(ser.A)(1968).
    359 即“巴伦廷、戴维逊和麦金泰诉加拿大”案(Ballantyne,Davidson,McIntyre v.Canada),Communications Nos.359/1989 and 385/1989,U.N.Doc.CCPR/C/47/D/359/1989 and 385/1989/Rev.1(1993).
    360 孙宏开:《中国濒危少数民族语言的抢救和保护》,载李红杰、马丽雅主编:《少数民族语言使用与文化发展政策和法律的国际比较》,第114-115页。
    361 对我国少数民族语言的这种分类,参见黄行:《中国民族语言规划的历史过程与文化背景》,载李红杰、马丽雅主编:《少数民族语言使用与文化发展政策和法律的国际比较》,中央民族大学出版社,2008年,第94-96页。
    362 孙宏开:《中国濒危少数民族语言的抢救和保护》,载李红杰、马丽雅主编:《少数民族语言使用与文化发展政策和法律的国际比较》,中央民族大学出版社,2008年,第115页。
    363 金星华主编:《中国民族语文工作》,民族出版社,2005年,第19页。
    364 国家统计局《第五次人口普查公报》(第1号)。
    365 金星华主编:《中国民族语文工作》,民族出版社,2005年,第31-32页。
    367 ISOP v.Austria,Application No.808/60,Decision of 8th March 1962,Yearbook of the ECHR,1962.该案的案情及其评注,参见周勇:《少数人权利的法理》,社会科学文献出版社,2002年版,第151-154页。
    368 Dominique Guesdon v.France,Communication No.219/1986.该案的案情及其评注,参见周勇:《少数人权利的法理》,社会科学文献出版社,2002年版,第93-95页。
    369 R.v.Beaulac(1S.C.R.768);Denise R(?)aume(2000).'Official-Language Rights:Intrinsic Value and the Protection of Difference',in Will Kymlicka and Wayne Norman(eds.),Citizenship in Diverse Societies(Oxford:Oxford University Press),245-272.
    370 2004年11月26日内蒙古自治区第十届人民代表大会常务委员会第12次会议通过的《内蒙古自治区蒙古语言文字工作条例》第4条:“各级人民政府应当保障蒙古族公民学习、使用、研究和发展蒙古语言文字的权利,鼓励各族公民学习、使用、研究蒙古语言文字。”
    371 金星华:《中国民族语文工作面临的主要任务》,载李红杰、马丽雅主编:《少数民族语言使用与文化发展政策和法律的国际比较》,中央民族大学出版社,2008年,第54页。
    372 《民族区域自治法》序言。
    373 第10条规定:“民族自治地方的自治机关保障本地方各民族都有使用和发展自己的语言文字的自由,都有保持或者改革自己的风俗习惯的自由。”
    374 吴宗金主编:《民族区域自治法学》,法律出版社,2004年,第179页。
    375 李行健主编:《现代汉语规范词典》,外语教学与研究出版社、语文出版社,2004年,第427页。
    376 该条规定:“民族自治地方的自治机关提倡爱祖国、爱人民、爱劳动、爱科学、爱社会主义的公德,对本地方内各民族公民进行爱国主义、共产主义和民族政策的教育。教育各民族的干部和群众互相信任,互相学习,互相帮助,互相尊重语言文字、风俗习惯和宗教信仰,共同维护国家的统一和各民族的团结。”
    377 魏丹:《关丁地方制定〈国家通用语言文字法〉实施办法的有关问题》,载《语言文字应用》2003年第1期,第13页。
    379 孙宏开、胡增益、黄行主编:《中国的语言》,商务印书馆,2007年,第23-24页。
    380 马寅主编:《中国少数民族常识》,中国青年出版社,1984年,第17页。
    381 金星华主编:《中国民族语文工作》,民族出版社,2005年,第54-55页。
    382 关于司法活动中少数民族语言的使用,主要参考金星华主编:《中国民族语文工作》,民族出版社,2005年,第56-57页。
    383 主要参考金星华主编:《中国民族语文工作》,民族出版社,2005年,第55-56页。
    384 金星华主编:《中国民族语文工作》,民族出版社,2005年,第58-62页。
    385 国家民族事务委员会经济发展司、国家统计局国民经济综合统计司:《中国民族统计年鉴》(2006版),民族出版社,2007年,第537页。
    386 金星华主编:《中国民族语文工作》,民族出版社,2005年,第62页。
    387 金星华主编:《中国民族语文工作》,民族出版社,2005年,第62-64页。
    388 国家民族事务委员会经济发展司、国家统计局国民经济综合统计司:《中国民族统计年鉴》(2006版),民族出版社,2007年,第539页。
    389 国家民族事务委员会经济发展司、国家统计局国民经济综合统计司:《中国民族统计年鉴》(2005版),民族出版社,2006年,第718-719页。
    390 国家民族事务委员会经济发展司、国家统计局国民经济综合统计司:《中国民族统计年鉴》(2006版),民族出版社,2007年,第548页。
    391 金星华主编:《中国民族语文工作》,民族出版社,2005年,第64-66页。
    392 金星华:《中国民族语文工作》,民族出版社,2005年,第135-137页。
    393 金星华主编:《中国民族语文工作》,民族出版社,2005年,第142-151页。
    394 马戎:《民族与社会发展》,民族出版社,2001年,第237-241页。
    395 刘庆慧:《西藏基础教育与藏语文教学》,载耿金生、王锡宏主编《民族教育改革与探索》,中央民族大学出版社,1989年,第502页。
    396 马戎:《西藏的人口与社会》,北京,同心出版社,1996年,第386页。
    397 何俊芳:《语言人类学教程》,中央民族大学出版社,2005年8月,第178页(脚注)。
    398 Taylor,Charles.Nationalism and Modernity,in Mckim and McMahan,1997,31-55.
    399 《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》和《中华人民共和国澳门特别行政区基本法》分别在各自的第9条规定中文和英文、中文和葡文是各自行政机关、立法机关、司法机关的“正式语文”。
    400 乌兰那日苏对《国家通用语言文字法》中“国家通用语言文字”提出不同意见,认为“国家通用”的提法与《宪法》中“全国通用”的提法不一致。“全国通用”指的是普通话社会应用的客观状况,在我国的长期历史发展中各民族人民群众早已认可了普通话在全国通用的实际情况和使用范围。而“国家通用”则不是社会应用客观情况,而是国家行为所产生的实然状态。这样无形当中使其他少数民族语言就处于“非国家通用的”或“非同级别”的地位。参见乌兰那日苏:《我国少数民族语言文字法律保护现状及立法探讨》,载《理论研究》2007年第3期,第58页。
    401 李旭练:《〈国家通用语言文字法〉对少数民族和民族地区的积极意义》,载李红杰、马丽雅主编:《少数民族语言使用与文化发展政策和法律的国际比较》,中央民族大学出版社,2008年,第158-159页。
    402 次仁班觉、晋美多吉、措姆:《中国藏学走向世界--西藏社会科学院对外藏学学术交流合作工作回顾与展望》,载《西藏研究》2006年第1期,第4页。又《文化毁灭论:“藏独”鼓噪的绝望哀鸣》,http://news.sina.com.cn/c/2008-04-15/072915357528.shtml,2008年12月10日星期三访问。
    403 转引自潘蛟:《族群认同和民族主义理论(讲义提纲)》。
    404 钱伟:《论科学发展观之以人为本》,载《北京教育》2008年第11期,第51页。
    405 《世界文化多样性宣言》第6条。
    406 周勇:《制定〈中国少数民族语言文字法〉,我们能从欧洲的实践中借鉴什么》,载李红杰、玛丽雅主编:《少数民族语言使用与文化发展政策和法律的国际比较》,中央民族大学出版社,2008年,第318-322页。
    [17]欧洲安全与合作会议《人类向度大会哥本哈根会议文件》(Document of the Copenhagen Meeting of the Conference on the Human Dimension of the CSCE,1990)。
    [18]欧洲安全与合作组织(族群关系基金会)《关于少数民族语言权利的奥斯陆建议书》(the Oslo Recommendation Regarding the Linguistic Rights of National Minorities,1998)。
    [19]欧洲安全与合作组织(族群关系基金会)《关于少数民族教育权利的海牙建议书》(the Hague Recommendations Regarding the Education Rights of National Minorities,1996)。
    [20]OSCE Report on the Linguistic Rights of Persons Belonging to National Minorities in the OSCE Area(The Hague:OSCE,1999)。
    [21]欧洲理事会《欧洲区域性或少数民族语言宪章》(European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages,1992)。
    [22]欧洲理事会《保护少数民族框架公约》(Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities,1995)。
    [23]国际笔会《世界语言权宣言》(Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights,1996)。
    [24]OSCE Report on the Linguistic Rights of Persons Belonging to National Minorities in the OSCE Area,The Hague:OSCE,1999。
    [25]Communications Nos.359/1989 and 385/1989,U.N.Doc.CCPR/C/47/D/359/1989 and 385/1989/Rev.1(1993).
    [26]Study on the Rights of Persons belonging to Ethnic,Religious and Linguistic Minorities(1976),UN Special Rapporteur Francesco Capotorti,UN Doc.E/CN.4/Sub.2/384/Add。
    [27]Capotorti,Francesco.1979,Study of the Rights of Persons Belonging to Ethnic,Religious and Linguistic Minorities.New York:United Nations.
    [28]Advisory Opinion on Minority Schools in Albania,(1935) Permanent Court of International Justice,Series A/B,No.64,3(also known as the Minority Schools in Albania case)。
    [2]毕研韬:《谁来推进公民的话语权?》http://guancha.gmw.cn/content/2007-10/30/content_690588.htm,2008年5月17日 访问。
    [17]黄行:《中国民族语言规划的历史过程与文化背景》,载李红杰、马丽雅主编:《少数民族语言使用与文化发展政策和法律的国际比较》,中央民族大学出 版社,2008年。
    [24]李宇明:《当今三大语言话题》,http://www.china-language.gov.cn/11/2008_3_26/1_11_3435_0_1206528030765.htm 1,2008年4月8日访问。
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