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Agriculture is the base of national economy, and fanners are the main force of rural economic development. Since the peaceful liberation of Tibet60years, great changes have taken place in the rural social economy, and also made some achievements attract worldwide attention.,but as Tibet's rapid economic and social development and foreign exchange and cooperation to further expand, production and development of agriculture and animal husbandry is facing many new problems, the development gap between the increasing depletion of resources such as ecology, production efficiency is low, lack of development potential and urban and rural, areas, and then affected the construction of Tibet farming herdsman income and the rural harmonious society. In the key period to achieve leapfrog development and the comprehensive well-off society goal now, how to face the new era, new challenges under the new situation and according to the socio-economic development of the overall goal and strategic task requirements, from the fundamental and long-term solution to the Tibet agriculture herdsman income and other issues, and to explore the "blood transfusion" finance to "agriculture of hematopoietic" economic function transformation has important realistic significance.
     In this paper, based on the following assumptions:(1) if according to the new era, new challenges and design a scientific and effective model of fiscal policy, it helps to reduce and eliminate the unreasonable factors of farmers and herdsmen in Tibet,then continued to increase and control mechanism, and the economic development of Tibet agricultural and pastoral areas of society will be the inevitable;(2) if the Tibet agricultural and pastoral areas of social economy can be full of rapid development, will further drive the farmers income and the development of agricultural circular economy;(3) if the Tibet agricultural development and farmers' income can form a virtuous circle of development mechanism, the entire Tibet harmonious, stable and sustainable development will be the inevitable. This paper take the method of system analysis, model analysis method, comparative analysis method, empirical analysis and normative analysis combined, study of Tibet farming herdsman income composition, growth status and the existing problems in the developing process, and makes an in-depth analysis of the current fiscal policy in Tibet, and find a new fiscal policy to promote Tibet agriculture herdsman income to continue increased.
     This paper is divided into eight chapters:the first chapter is introduction. Introduce the research background, purpose, significance, research at home and abroad, research methods and possible innovations; the second chapter is about the concept and the theoretical basis of financial support for agriculture. Mainly theories such as:On the sustained increase of theory of development economics, the theory of new institutional economics, new classical economics theory, income distribution theory, and theory of fiscal policy are analyzed; the third chapter is the analysis of the strategic background of Tibet farmers' income growth. By analyzing the relationship between harmony and stability of Tibet herdsmen continued social and economic development and the increase of the plateau ecological environment protection in national regions, and Tibet, it has important practical significance and promote the strategic role of income of farmers and herdsmen in Tibet; the fourth chapter is the analysis of present situation, problems and causes of Tibet fanning herdsman income growth. The main analysis combined with Tibet agricultural and pastoral areas of social and economic development, growth status, basic difference, income of fanners and herdsmen characteristics and the existing level of urban-rural differences, regional differences, the internal structure difference, found that Tibet farming herdsman income growth is still growth is slow, lack of stamina, lack of motivation, mechanisms and other practical problems, the reason which are internal, external two aspects. Internal factors mainly include educational backwardness, outdated concepts, weak foundation and the agricultural inferiority, external influences such as main geographical restrictions, fragile ecology, resources, environment, lack of innovation in Tibet, which has restricted the Tibet farmers and herdsmen increasing income; the fifth chapter is the analysis of the current financial support for agriculture in Tibet policy and its effect on Farmers' income. Based on Tibet's current fiscal policies and its variation pattern, through the establishment of data model analysis has the effect of positive relationship between Tibet Tinancial support agriculture and farmers income, based on the review of its fiscal policy, the current fiscal countryside-supporting policy policy is not flexible, system is not perfect, benefit is not obvious, security force is low, and lack of long-term mechanism of ecological tax vacancy; the sixth chapter is advanced fiscal policies and experiences. Such as the European Union, the United States of America, mainly from Japan and some other developed countries and regions and our country Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui, Yunnan and other provinces of the advanced fiscal policies and experience model, combined with Tibet actual situation and social and economic development were analyzed, and its implications for Tibet should be based on local financial resources and gradually improve the fiscal support for agriculture, optimize the structure of fiscal support for agriculture, innovation finance supporting agriculture and promote financial efficiency, to establish and improve the long-term mechanism of Tibet farming herdsman income; the seventh chapter is the design of fiscal policy to promote Tibet agriculture herdsman income in the new period. Based on drawing lessons from the advanced experience of the financial supporting agriculture, and congsied the reality of Tibet area and the development of social economy, combined with the analysis of financial support for agriculture effect results and relevant theories, put forward a new period of fiscal policy to promote the system of Tibet fanning herdsman income increased, the system includes financial principles, objectives, means and contents, the focus is to strengthen the agricultural infrastructure construction, promote agricultural poverty alleviation and development, promote agricultural science and technology projects, the implementation of agricultural ecological project, and continuous innovation of the income of fanners and herdsmen way, strengthen the supervision of funds and improve the fiscal benefits, finally proposes the corresponding security measures and management measures; the eighth chapter is conclusion and prospect. The conclusions of this paper is Tibet's current fiscal policies should be designed according to the new era, new challenges and the social and economic development of Tibet characteristic, suit one's measures to local conditions, scientific and reasonable design of various fiscal policy to promote farmers income continue to increased, and constantly by the "blood transfusion" transformation of government economic function to the "blood type". The next research focus from the aspects of Tibet urbanization, industrialization and infonnatization and the building of a new socialist countryside were discussed and empirical analysis of the relevant theory, which lays a foundation for the building of a harmonious new Tibet.
     In this paper, possible innovation is based on the reality of Tibet ecological resources and social economic development, using the related theory, to analysis the fiscal policy to promote the foundation of Tibet farming herdsman income effect, puts forward the promotion in the new era of fiscal policy in Tibet and Countermeasures farmers continued to increase, the specific policy design reflects the characteristics of ethnic minority areas and the Tibet regional characteristics, which help to study and solve the "three rural issues" in Tibet.
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