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In these years, farmers have reaccepted the precise plant technology with seed saving and high production. But, until now, the prevalent wheat seeders equipped with mechanical drills have disadvantages of request rigorous seed's demission and too much crash. Because of low crashing and high universality, wheat pneumatic will become the main evolutive direction. But, the manufactural precise and the cost of pneumatic drill are very high, so there are many research works in this fields.
    Through former phase pursuit, the research of monotype wheat pneumatic precision seeder has manufactured precise drill and the first generation wheat precise seeder. But the former research limit to precise drill, there is no having insemination experimentation, so lacking of the research on structure and capability of whole seeder. Elementary experiment indicates that the first generation precise seeder have many extrusive problems: soil jamming in chain、too much whole weight, and so on. So it is necessary to do more improved study work to advance the precise insemination.
    To resolve these problems of the first generation precise seeder, on the base of reserving former precision seeder, blow setting is redesigned to improve effect , fixing height of drill is heightened to avoid drive-chain jams soil, minishing the dimension of parallel-four- connecting rod to make planting monomer structure more together and the weight of whole machine lighter. Using the "four monomer at front and two at back" mode, which improve the precise insemination and develop better extensive value.
    By referring many literature information, penman learn that the present research condition and developing process of wheat precision seeder. By contrasting domestic and international typical pneumatic and mechanical precision seeder, penman analyzes many kinds seeder's structure characteristic and evolutive direction, and brings forward research course and content of the
    To get the first hand information about insemination of the first generation seeder, penman does dynamic insemination experiment on field. The experiment indicates that there is bigger windage between the grain distance of rowing seed and designed grain distance, furthermore reseeding rate of some field is higher. In order to verify performance and work condition of precise drill, penman do also dynamic insemination experiment on drill. The result indicates that the perform of blow component is bad, which affect the drill's perform seriously, so it is requisite to improve the dependability of blow component.
    Furthermore, as to the problems, such as soil-jam, too much quality, too bad portrait stability, the altitude of drill is heightened and framework is shortened. At the position of whole seeder, this six monomer is arranged according to the "four monomer at front and two at back". At component link, the design for disassembly is applied. By the above improve design, the structure and capability of new pneumatic precise seeder become more perfection.
    After making new machine, penman do dynamic experiment according to national standard GB6973—86, mensurate rowing seed capability target: The qualified index of seed space is over 45 percent; the coefficient of variation is less than 22 percent. New blow component concerts former rowing seeder, which satisfies basic demand of wheat precision seed.
    Owe to improved design of wheat precision seeder, the whole structure and planting seed capability of new machine are increased at some extent. But, because of limited time, there are still some small local problems lying in the new seeder. So, from the material of drill, precise of produce and the form of seed-guide-pipe, some constructive advice has been brought forward.
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