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Now it is 21st century, it is an era that is full of hope and vitality, ideal and individuality, equality and respect, at the same time, it is a period of individual consumption. Individual requirement is more and more popular as a main life style' s choice.
    House is not only the place where the dweller' s behaviors happen, but also people' s spirit home, It should reflect the special life style of different group of people, and directly express the dweller' s life, and express individualization housing form. However, influenced by economy, society, culture and some'other reasons, what we can find are the same dwelling unit types, humdrum form, and limited personal requirements for a long time. With development of the urban house's commercialization, the attitude of dwellers has turned from "give me what" to "I want what" . With diversifications of the life style, family construction, values and ideology, many dwellers pay more attention to the housing form individualization. However, at the present time, the systematic research on the status of housing form individualization is lack. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the status and the problem of housing form individualization in our country. This is exactly the basic reason of research, and the author also want to explore the possibilities about the realization of individualization house. Another purpose of research is to urge the positive development of house individualization in our country, and to supply references for decision-makers, architect and other related persons. The author would like to throw out a brick' to attract a jade.
    First, based on the analysis of 'inside mechanism and conditioning factors of living requirements and the study on change of housing form since our country established, the author sets forth that the inevitability of development of individual requirements is a direct-motivation which causes housing form individualizing.
    Secondly, contrasting the analysis of status of development of housing individualization in foreign country with the research of our country's present conditions, the author sets forth the characteristics of housing individual requirements and the trait of housing individualization form in our country. Taking Chengdu as an example, this thesis detailedly'brings forward the concrete housing form individualization. From the analysis of that, the author brings out the level, situation and existing problems of individualization
    housing form in our country.
    Finally, combining with the state of our country, this thesis discusses the situation of development of housing form individualization and searches the design method and design process which realizes the housing individualization, and systematically expatiates the possibility of individualization. Hereon, I hope to make a beneficial exploration for the further research.
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