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Product Family Design is an effective approach and also is the key to facilitate Mass Customization (MC). This dissertation introduced an evolution theory and a propagation approach for product family by utilizing biological evolution theory. Several key techniques, such as propagation model, distinguish approach and planning process of product family genes, directive propagation method and propagation cost quick calculation, were investi-gated. Also, a support platform of product family directve evolution for crane was devel-oped. Detailed contents are described in the following paragraphes.
     First, a basic evolution theory was presented including a directive propagation approach, an evolution principle, an evolution central dogma, and propagation procedure of product family. Several other key techniques were also discussed to carry out the evolution of prod-uct family.
     Second, a concept of propagation model was defined, which provided some methods about setting up a propagaion model and establishing propagation rules between production family genes. In order to evaluate the rationalities of propagation model, an evolution ap-proach was also given based on Analytic Hierarch Process (AHP), and then, a case study was illustrated.
     Third, an approach of functional geneidentifying was advanced based on a concept of generalized directed graph, which was defined. In a generalized directed graph, vectors are used to denote the edges, which are pairs of sub-function vertices connected by a relation-ship, and elements of the vectors indicate different types of flows on which sub-functions operate. Three rules about identifying functional genes were formalized based on the gener-alized directed graph. The arithmetic for identifying modules based on these formalized rules was also developed, and a computer-aided software tool was created to facilitate this process. Then, the proposed approach was verified using a function structure for crane.
     Fourth, a directive propagation approach was presented based on Case-based Reasoning (CBR) and work flow of the propagation approach was also established. And then, gene in-heritance was realized through vague case matching and gene variation under restrict con-straints.
     Fifth, strategy and method of rapid product propagation quoting were studied. The problem of product propagation quoting was formalized. Then, the strategy and algorithm of product propagation quoting were investigated. Weights of request-characteristic pa-rameters were determined through a self-studying model and self-clustering strategy of case library was also proposed. The proposed approach was demonstrated effective in an in-stance of crane quoting.
     Finally, a support platform of product family directive propagation for crane was de-veloped and demonstrated the feasibility and the effectiveness of the evolution theory and propagation approach.
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