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With the development of market economy and accelerating technological changes, the operating environment enterprises are faced becomes more turbulent and complex. In order to maintain business growth and adapt to changes in the market environment, many enterprises are strengthening the learning and absorption of new technology and knowledge to enhance the dynamic capabilities through organizational learning. As a result the enterprises promote business growth. At present most domestic and foreign literature just stays in the levels of theory of organizational learning and business growth, which is short of empirical research on the practice of Chinese enterprises. In a dynamic environment, foreign studies have shown that organizational learning has a key role in remaining corporate growth.
     This research selects typical companies as sample, compares extant theory with real world practice. By summarizing within company patterns and cross company differences, this study generates a theoretical framework consists of9hypotheses, which are tested with the sample of3IT firms in Zhongguancun.
     This study makes contribution to strategic management philosophy, analytical framework of the growth of the firm, and applying management theory to practice.Theoretically, it directly answers to the question of how firms grow.We divide the growth path of the firm into3stages:survival, growth, and excelling.We provide key successful factors for each stage by analyzing typical companies of each stage.Finally, we point out that the growth of the firm from one stage to the next stage is signaled by the change of the9key factors.Practically, this research provides a new analytical framework for practitioners that are interested in acquiring competitive advantage and creating value.
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