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Change has become a common phenomenon for a school to survive in a moveable, changeable and challeneable society. School is an independent social organization; school change refers to the complicated changing process and result that occur to the organization members and the school itself interacting with multiple factors. The current theoretic research on this topic still stays at the stage of exploratory and construction. Systematic theoretic researches on individual dynamics of school change (IDSC) have not been really generated. And the practice of school change is also in the predicament; therefore, study on individual dynamics of school change (IDSC) becomes a necessity to get this started immediately. This paper, using methods of literature review and case studies, systematically investigated the individual dynamics of school change.
     The dynamics of school change refer to a certain type of force or a force combination which pushing the school begins to change. The individual dynamics of school change is a complex dynamics system consisting of multi-individual, which composed of principals, teachers, students, and government. Among the multi-individual dynamics exists a complex interaction. Basic rules should be followed when the individual dynamic system is analyzed, i.e., each type of individual should be analyzed in terms of logical analysis, current status, conditions, style types, limitations, and change benefits. In general, every individual type has logical possibility and necessity to be a dynamics for school change. However, there is a big gap between the existing status of these individual dynamics and theoretical analysis. And every individual type needs to meet different conditions to become a school change dynamics, and different individual dynamics type requires different benefit which is supposed to be the vital factor. However, benefit conflicts among the individual have become the bottleneck of school change development and outcome. The result of benefits game will decide the generation of the change and dynamical balance, and the realization of benefits sharing is the best lever to maintain each individual's most effective power.
     Based on the analysis of individual dynamics, this paper provided the strategies of stimulating and maintaining of IDSC. First, the institutional guarantee is to redesign the Principal-Agent relationship of change authority. Second, the key is to make benefit compensation and realize the Pareto Equilibrium among all the individual in school change.In addition, different strategies apply to different individual dynamics. Focuses in this paper are principal's vision and capability development, the teachers'learning, the redesigning of change policy which focusing on the students'benefits as well as the capability development of students, and the government and educational administration's release of their authority and the stimulating of the internal dynamics.
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