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     鉴于目前对图像融合技术在娱乐领域的应用缺乏研究,尤其缺乏将虚拟现实技术、自助照相技术、机器视觉技术和图像融合技术综合运用的分析研究,因此我们从分析人类视觉特征入手,运用系统的观念综合平衡图像质量、系统成本等技术指标,在对虚拟实时自助照相系统具体技术指标深入分析的基础上,提出了基于对比度感知特征(Character of Apperceiving Contrast)的图像融合算法。这样,不仅能把信息融合技术(Information Fusion Technology,简称IFT)和人类视觉系统(Human Vision System,简称HVS)的研究成果引入虚拟照相系统中,使系统的“人性化”功能增强;同时,也对解决传统键控技术出现的“硬色键”问题,有一定的理论和实际的参考意义。
The Self-Control Photo System can meet the higher requirement for Digital Application systems in experience economic booming period. It consists of Image Acquisition Unit, Image Extraction and Image Fusion Unit. The research on the first two units presents satisfying results.
    At the beginning, this paper discusses the Low-level Vision Elements Extraction and Detection theory, especially in Computer Vision systems and its practical meaning. Then the roles and prospects of Image Fusion in Virtual-Reality application based on PC are analyzed. Following the possibility and necessary analysis, the major research missions and expected targets are constructed.
    According to the deficiency of Image Fusion applications in entertainment equipments, such as no special research that combines Virtual Reality, Self-control Photographing, Computer Vision and Image Fusion technologies together, we propose an Image Fusion algorithm base on Character of Apperceiving Contrast, which take system elements into account, e.g. integrity image quality balance and costs. Based on the entire analysis of Self-Control Virtual Real-time Photographing, the algorithm not only introduces the Information Fusion theory and Human Vision System to Virtual Photographing system, but also resolves the hard color-key problem caused by traditional key control method. It reveals humanistic function and good practical value.
    The image probably occurs color distortion that is influenced by optical equipment. In this paper, the HVS color invariance characters is construed, an complexion rectify algorithm based that is proposed, which can automatically adjust and compensate the image quality according to the external environment influence.
    After summarized traditional evaluation methods and research on the Image Fusion trends, it is obvious to adopt HVS method to achieve good results. An image quality evaluation method is proposed, which is entertainment-oriented, appended with experiment results.
    This paper studies the Image-Fusion in Self-control Virtual Photographing through three periods working, which are theory analysis, practical implantation and theory breakthrough with simulation. The experiment results prove that the theory and the algorithms are correct; also it displays good system stability, robust quality. All of above reveals the great application potential of Image Fusion technology.
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