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返回抑制(inhibition of return,IOR)最早是在对视空间注意内部定向实验中发现的。自该现象发现以来,研究者们经历20余年的探索,进行大量相关研究。最初在视觉通道,随后在听觉通道、跨通道中都观察到了这种效应。本论文以听觉IOR为研究对象。首先,对其相关研究成果进行综述:(1)听觉IOR的理论模型:双过程模型和反应抑制理论;(2)听觉IOR的主要影响因素:空间关联、中央重新定向、刺激-反应计划方式和任务难度;其次,结合当前空间关联和中央重新定向两个影响因素的研究现状和存在问题,分别进行了两组实证研究。
Inhibition of return(IOR) is a phenomenon that is found in the field of exogenous spatial selective attention. Since Inhibition of return is discovered, the researchers took more than two decades to probe into it and also a great deal of investigations. The effect has become observed through the vision channel processing, while after has been observed through the auditory channel processing and the cross-channel processing. This paper takes auditory IOR as the subject. Firstly, it mainly summarizes the researches on auditory IOR in the following two aspects: (1) theoretical model of auditory IOR: dual-process model and response inhibition account; (2) the main influential factors of auditory IOR: spatial relevancy, central reorienting, stimulus-response mapping and task difficulty. Secondly, two sets of experiments would be done according to the researches on the two factors, namely spatial relevancy and central reorienting, and the problems occur in these researches.
     Study one: discussion about the influence of central reorienting on auditory IOR. The past researches on the central reorienting were limited to the field of vision channel and cross-channel of vision and auditory, while in the field of auditory channel study, there are no relative published results. Therefore, a question would rise in the investigation of auditory channel in study one. Is the central reorienting the crucial factor of the production of auditory IOR? According to Prime’s (2006) study about the vision channel, during detection task and localization task, does auditory central reorienting have influence on the amount of auditory IOR effect? Is the way of this influence the same as the result in the study of vision channel? To answer these questions, two experiments using cue-target are designed in study one (experiment 1 and experiment 2). The results of study one indicate: (1) the results of experiment 1 and experiment 2 show the same points that in the study of auditory channel, auditory reorienting is not the crucial factor in the production of auditory IOR. When the central reorienting does not exist, auditory IOR can also be found; (2) auditory central reorienting has no significant influence on the amount of auditory IOR effect. This result also supports the relative conclusion in the study of vision channel. That is, when testee are asked to detect and locate the target, the amount of auditory IOR effect is not affected by central reorienting factor, whose function is to reorient auditory attention from cued location to make sure that the facilitatory effect in auditory spatial attention would not weaken the effect of auditory IOR.
     Study two: centered on the influence of spatial relevancy on auditoty IOR. In the past researches, spatial relevancy is realized through different task types. There exists a certain confusion between this way of realization and the two factors, namely stimulus-response mapping and task difficulty. The first confusion is the discrepancy existed between detection task and localization task which is probably caused by different ways of stimulus-response mapping. Detection task belongs to an indirect and random way of stimulus-response mapping, while localization task belongs to a direct and natural way of stimulus-response mapping; The Second confusion lies in the different degree of task difficulty. In detection task, two processes need to be included, detection and response, while apart from the two process, localization task also includes the selection process. In terms of task difficulty, response time in localization task is longer than that of detection task. Therefore, in order to clarify the two confusions, two experiments were done using cue-target (experiment 1 and experiment 2). The results of study two indicate: (1) the results of these two experiments are same, which show that spatial relevancy is not the necessary factor in the production of auditory IOR and auditory IOR is not depended on spatial relevancy; (2) the result of experiment 1 shows that stimulus-response mapping has a significant influence on auditory IOR in the auditory localization task and that the direct stimulus-response mapping is more easily to increase the amount of auditory IOR effect than indirect stimulus-response mapping. This result further proves that spatial relevancy is not a necessary condition to the production of auditory IOR and it also better proves the conclusion in the study of vision IOR. That is, in the research on auditory IOR, through the changing stimulus-response mapping, the rise time of auditory IOR can be put off, and moreover, different stimulus-response mapping can decide the result of the diversion in the movement. This better illustrates the function of relative reaction process in auditory spatial attention; (3) the result of experiment 2 shows that task difficulty has no significant influence on auditory IOR. And this further proves that spatial relevancy is not a necessary condition to the production of auditory IOR.
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