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Since the new century, major adjustments and changes have taken place in the international economic system.The western developed countries were slow in economic growth,and were greatly affected in the financial crisis.Its economic development stalled, recession,and strength relatively declined; Headed by the BRICS's economy rapid rising,it gradually tackled the financial crisis and became the main engine to drive world economic growth, promoting international economic pattern of rapid evolution, speeding up the process of world over-polarization and power equalization. New liberalism, as the core concept of governance of the world economy by a lot of criticism, challenges the status of mainstream economic thought; Keynesian's rescue operations in the whole world returned smoothly, and the new liberalism,which was to realize integration, sharing the world status of mainstream economic thought. Concept of power in the international economic structure and economic structure changes, on the basis of major changes have also taken place in the international economic system and changed the international financial system which is increasingly perfect, enhancing the ability of the international community to address the financial risk,and increasing the representation of developing countries in the international financial system and voice; In-depth development of economic globalization and regional integration, which aim was to struggle under the framework of the WTO DOHA Round Negotiations and multilateral free trade. The European and American developed countries are to promote a new round of regional free trade negotiations, building a "comprehensive and high level" economic trade rules,and keeping the main process of the evolution of the international economic in order.
     In the face of major changes in the international economic system, China plans to adjust to the internal affairs of foreign policy actively, making full use of domestic and international platform to actively participate in international economic system and promoting its conducts to meet China's national interests, meeting the developing countries'value and interest demands, which is beneficial to promote the healthy development of the world economy evolution's direct development, and creating a more fair and reasonable new international economic order. On different platforms, according to the China international economic situation and the characteristics of different level platform,it needs to take a different strategy, in order to achieve different goals.
     At the global level, China actively involved in the use of the G20.In the process of its mechanism,it operates on the G20mechanism framework hand in hand,which promoting agenda setting ability, the G20from financial crisis emergency's response,and economic cooperation platform for the effective transformation.China needs to promote national macro policy coordination, and actively participates in the global bail-out,with problems of poverty and development. Establishing in modern history with the international community in the largest and most coordinated fiscal and monetary stimulus measures, as well as the most comprehensive financial support programs, a substantial increase in the diffusion of global resources is necessary to prevent crisis, pouring into the financial system and real economy base money, restoring liquidity in the market, and stimulating the global economic's recovery.It can also promote a coordinated fiscal consolidation plan in major countries and take measures to solve the world's economic problems, promoting the strong, sustainable and balancing the growth of world economy. Strengthening financial regulation, improving the financial system to reduce rather than enlarge financial and economic cycle, reducing economic dependence of inappropriate risk source of funding, and preventing excessive risk-taking to promote the maintenance of financial system stability and economic prosperity of the goal; For the international monetary system reform, it could promote the international monetary fund to speed up reforming (Special Drawing Rights (SDRS))currency basket, which provides a channel of RMB as soon as possible into the SDR basket, accelerating the process of RMB internationalization. With emerging-economy advanced in the reform of the international financial organizations and raised in China and other developing countries, the international financial organizations says.
     At the regional level, China's use of the association of south-east Asian nations in the position and role of the regional cooperation is to take the leading role in promoting the construction of china free trade area, deepen trade cooperation and economic exchanges, enhance the political and security mutual trust, safeguarding regional prosperity and stability, and gradually formed a multilevel and wide-range cooperation pattern, lead the direction of east Asian regional cooperation, and speed up the construction of the surrounding countries and free trade area of the process. At the same time, supported to play a leading role in regional cooperation, the construction of\"10+3\" mechanism under the framework of regional cooperation platform enhancing the regional cooperation consciousness and the mutually beneficial and win-win idea, expanding the cooperative space with potential, for east Asian integration deepening swept away obstacles. To promote the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement negotiations, efforts must be taken to achieve a modern, comprehensive, high quality and mutually beneficial economic partnership agreement in integration, optimization of the east Asian region multiple free trade arrangements.changing rules too much, it's not easy for operation, instead,it needs taking efforts to build a high quality of the free trade area.
     At the domestic level, China launched the China (Shanghai) free trade area construction to promote investment and trade facilitation by system innovation, creating an international level of financial openness in investment and trade and making convenient, efficient and convenient regulation, legal environment and standard free trade area. To speed up the transformation government function,to reform the government management mode. Exploring the establishment and high level of investment and international trade rules system is appropriate to the administrative management system; On a trial basis before having access to national treatment, exploring the negative list of the management mode, gradually forming in line with international standards of the foreign investment management system; Promoting the\"one line let go\",\"second line safe effective rule\" regulation of service mode, enhancing the level of investment and trade facilitation and promoting our country the position in global trade value chain; Encouraging multinational companies set up headquarters in the Asia-Pacific region in the free trade zone to explore to set up the international commodity trading and the allocation of resources platform; First,it should try the renminbi capital project exchange,increasing interest rate and exchanging rate marketization during the process of RMB internationalization, promoting the construction of Shanghai international financial center,and elevating the financial sector's status of our country in the world.
     Through the g20, China's association of south-east Asian nations and three level platform's use in Shanghai free trade zone, effectively participating in the international economic system reform process, enhancing the ability to participate in the international economic system, improving the international influence, economic superpower status and function of the widely recognised, it has gradually become the core members of the world economic governance system.
① 查尔斯·金德尔伯格著,宋承先等译,《1929-1939世界经济萧条》,上海译文出版社,1986年版,第348-369页。
    ① 陈凤英,“新兴经济体与21世纪国际经济秩序变迁”,《外交评论》,2011年第3期。
    ② World Economic Outlook, http://www.imf.org/external/data.htm.
    ① 陈凤英,“新经济体与21世纪国际经济秩序变迁”,《外交评论》,2011年第3期。
    ② 杨洁勉,“新兴大国群体在国际体系转型中的战略选择”,《世界经济与政治》,2008年第6期。
    ③ World Economic Outlook, http://www.imf.org/external/data.htm.
    ① 曹广伟、何章银、杜清华,“经济危机与国际经济秩序的演变”,《世界经济与政治论坛》,2013年第4期。
    ② 曹广伟、何章银、杜清华,“经济危机与国际经济秩序的演变”,《世界经济与政治论坛》,2013年第4期。
    ① 中国社会科学院“国际金融危机与经济学理论反思”课题组;刘迎秋执笔,“国际金融危机与新自由主义的理论反思”,《经济研究》,2009年第11期。
    ② 曹广伟、何章银、杜清华,“经济危机与国际经济秩序的演变”,《世界经济与政治论坛》,2013年第4期。
    ③ 中国社会科学院“国际金融危机与经济学理论反思”课题组;刘迎秋执笔,“国际金融危机与新自由主义的理论反思”,《经济研究》,2009年第11期。
    ① 曹广伟,“后金融危机时代国际经济秩序的延续与变革”,《社会主义研究》,2014年第1期。
    ② 曹广伟,“后金融危机时代国际经济秩序的延续与变革”,《社会主义研究》,2014年第1期。
    ① 美国《时代》周刊高级编辑、美国著名投资银行高盛公司资深顾问乔舒亚·库珀在英国伦敦外交政策中心发表的一篇调查论文中首次提出“北京共识”,并对“北京共识”予以界定,即具有艰苦努力、主动创新和大胆实验(如设立经济特区),坚决捍卫国家主权和利益(如处理台湾问题)以及循序渐进(如“摸着石头过河”)、积聚能量和具有不对称力量的工具(如积累4000亿美元外汇储备)等特点。它不仅关注经济发展,同样注重社会变化,也涉及政治、生活质量和全球力量平衡等诸多方面,体现了一种寻求公正与高质量增长的发展思路。
    ② 曹广伟,“后金融危机时代国际经济秩序的延续与变革”,《社会主义研究》,2014年第1期。
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    ④ 霸权稳定论认为霸权国在国际贸易、货币、安全等领域发挥了稳定器的作用,从而让国际社会呈现出一种以霸权为中心的稳定体系。
    ① RobertK.Fleckand Christopher Kilby, "World Bank Independence:Amodeland Statistical Analysisof US Influence, Review of Development Economics, Vol.10, No.2,2006, pp.224-240.
    ② Axel Dreherand Nathan M.Jensen, "Independent Actoror Agent? An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of U.S. Interestson IMF Conditions, "Journal of lawand Economics, Vol.50, No.1,2007, pp.105-124.
    ① UN Secretariat, "Views Provided by Member Stateson Global Economic Governance and Development", http:www.un.orgesaffdeconomicgovernance.
    ② 此处仅简要介绍新世纪以来国际金触制度变迁的情况,在后文第二章第三节“推进国际金融体系改革”中,将对国际金融制度的变迁及相关内容作详细介绍、分析和研究。
    ③ 中国社会科学院“国际金融危机与经济学理论反思”课题组;李向阳执笔,“国际金融危机与国际贸易、国际金融秩序的发展方向”,《经济研究》,2009年第11期。
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    ④ 2013年6月18日,欧洲理事会主席范龙佩在八国集团峰会新闻发布会上强调,欧美自贸协定谈判的目的是“让欧洲和美国成为世界标准的设定者,这具有核心战略意义。”
    ① 习近平,“共同维护和发展开放型世界经济——在G20圣彼得堡峰会第一阶段会议上的发言”,《人民日报》,2013年9月6日,第2版。
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    ① Report of G7 Finance Ministers to the Koln Economic Summit, http://www.g8.utoronto.ca/finance/fm061999.htm.
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    ① “意大利面条碗效应”,是指在双边自由贸易协定(FTA)和区域贸易协定(RTA)下,各个协议的不同的优惠待遇 和原产地规则就像碗里的意大利面条,一根根地绞在一起,剪不断,理还乱。这种现象贸易专家们称为“意大利面条碗”现象或效应。
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    ② 八项原则包括:一是确保与 WTO的整合性,二是对“10+1”FTA进行大幅度改进,三是确保贸易投资的顺利发展和透明性,四是对参加的发展中国家给予照顾,五是继续保持现有的FTA,六是引入与新参见国有关的条款, 七是对参加谈判的发展中国家提供援助,八是同时推进货物贸易、服务蚂蚁、投资和其他领域的合作。
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    ① 王艳红,《中国-东盟自由贸易区的经济效应研究——兼论CAFTA的推进与策略选择》,《南开大学博士论文》,2010年,第95-96页。
    ② 李晓,“全球金融危机下东亚货币合作的路径选择”,《中国世界经济学会第九届三次会议论文集》,2009年,第130页。
    ① 《中国-东盟建立战略伙伴关系10周年联合声明》,中国-东盟自由贸易区网,http://www.cafta.org.cn/show.php? contentid=70794.
    ② “100亿“中国-东盟投资合作基金”蓄势待发”,中国-东盟自由贸易区网,http://www.cafta.org.cn/show.php? contentid=56196.
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    ① 2010年以来,中央陆续批复上海为国际金融中心、国际贸易中心、国际航运中心和国际物流中心。
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