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With arrayed-waveguide grating (AWG) stepping into its utilization gradually, the orientation of development of it lies in expanding its application area on the basis of improving its capability. In this thesis, the cascade AWGs system that is used to compensate the dispersion is the very embodiment of expanding its application area and fits well the DWDM high-speed communicaion .
    Firstly, In this thesis, the theorem foundation of cascade AWGs for dispersion compensation system, namely time-space fourier conversion is described. Secondly, we analyze the system from two perspectives : time domain and space domain. In time domain, we analyze the principle of dispersion compensation using cascade AWGs with space filter. Taking a linear chirp pulse for example, we obtain the expression of compensated pulse distribution. In space domain, a novel method in terms of point-spread function is used in the transmission theory of cascade AWGs which is looked on as a linear space invariant system , thus, a laconic expression of output field of the system is obtained. Furthermore, we give the dependences of the crosstalk vs the configuration parameters of the system, with the help of math auxiliary software.
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