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Deleuze's philosophy and aesthetics of difference is constructivist, which exists in the conceptual connections of Intensity, Becoming, and Immanence, and is embodied in the "Aesthetic Geometry" composed of Point, Lines, and Planes. In Deleuze's view, intensive quantum equals point, becoming is a line, and immanence is construed as a plane. Furthermore, Deleuze's philosophy of time is only comprehensible in the perspective of this "Aestheic Geometry". However, before we "reconstruct" Deleuze's philosophy and aesthetics of difference, we must first of all examine the "deconstructive" aspect of Deleuze's thought, since this thought springs from Deleuze's critique of traditional philsophy, and it's based on this critique that Deleuze constructs his thought of difference which is opposed to the traditional thinking of difference.
     The first chapter of this paper is a close examination of the "deconstructive" aspect of Deleuze's thought. First, Deleuze argues that philosophers like Plato, Aristotle, Hegel, Leibniz all represent difference as a mediation, in this way difference is sacrificed and subordinated to the Identity. Precisely, Aristotle's thought is a finite representation of difference, Hegel and Leibniz's thought constructs an infinite representation of difference, and it's Plato who grounds the representation in general. While the representation of difference is essentially a thought of Identity, in Deleuze's view opinion-doxa is the site of transcendental illusions occurring throughout traditional philosophy. Transcendental illusions happen when we confuse the empirical and the transcendental, and are closely linked with the generality of meditation, reflection, and communication. In contrast to the transcendental illusions, Deleuze defends the immanence in thought, thus criticizes the thought of Plato, Kant, even Phenomenologists in a further dimension.
     In second chapter, we will discuss the concept of intensity. For Deleuze, our sensation has "an instantaneously apprehended magnitude", which is intensive and expressed as various kinds of points. Deleuze argues that intensity is difference in itself which includes inequality in itself and is the source of empirical quality and extension. In his view, intensity designates the being of sensible and generates thought in ourselves. Meanwhile, intensity is associated with the idea of difference, for it's intensity that operates as the agent of the actualization of potential idea. Finally, Deleuze's theory of intensity also applies to his thinking on temporality, for him, the temporality of intensity is point of present.
     The third chapter is a close inspection of Deleuze's concept of becoming. For Deleuze, becoming is the change in intensive quantums of sensation, i.e. the "passage" of sensation. Becoming has the following characteristics:Firstly, Becoming is intensive; Secondly, Becoming is neither an identification nor an imitation, neither a resemblance nor an analogy; Thirdly, Becoming is affect, and affect is expressed in the relationship between force and body; Fourthly, Becoming implies a new kind of individuality (hecceite); Fifthly. Becoming is movement; Sixth, and finally, Becoming designates an irreducible multiplicity, which determines Becoming's mode of existence as an "in-between". In Deleuze's view, all the characteristics of Becoming are embodied in the concrete becomings:becoming-woman, becoming-child; becoming-anamal, becoming-molecule, becoming-imperceptible, among which becoming-imperceptible is the most important. On the other hand, it's precisely by way of these characteristics Becoming equals line. Deleuze argues that individuals and society are both made up of lines and there are mainly three kinds of lines:rigid line of segmentarity, line of supple segmentation, line of flight, among which line of flight is the most important. In Deleuze's view, the temporality of becoming is also a line without present.
     Finally, in the fourth chapter, we will discuss Deleuze's thought on immanence. For Deleuze, plane of immanence is the whole sensible field or the "continuum" of sensation which starts from intensity=0. Due to this, plane of immanence subtends the various kinds of points and lines and construts a plan for them. In Deleuze's view, body and life are precisely these two kinds of planes, which are explicated in the concept of Body without Organs (BwO) and A Life (as Absolute Immanence). In our view, these two concepts also promote a Deleuzian aesthetics of body and aesthetics of life. For the former, Deleuze discuss BwO with regard to painting, he argues that the object of painting is BwO, and the immanence of BwO is opposed to the transcendence of "Flesh" in a Phenomenologist interpretation. For the latter, Deleuze argues that the goal of artistic creation is to achieve an impersonal life, which is also the standard he used to evaluate the merit of artistic creation. Finally, in Deleuze's view, it's the sheets of past that construct the temporality of immanence.
1 Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari, Ou'est-ce que la philosophie?, Ed. Minuit,1991, p.10
    1 Alain Badiou, Deleuze, The Clamor of Being, trans. Louise Burchill. Ed. University of Minnesota Press,1999. pp.10-13.
    2如德勒兹(或德勒兹与瓜塔里)所说:“生成是欲望的过程。”Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari, Mille Plateaux: Capitalisme et schizophrenie. Vol.2, Ed. Minuit,1980, p.334.
    2 Deleuze, The Clamor of Being, p.13-14.
    1 Gilles Deleuze, Difference et repetition, Ed. PUF,1968, p.364.
    2 Gilles Deleuze, Le pli:Leibniz et le baroque, Ed. Minuit,1988. p.27.
    3 Ibid., p.72对这一点的具体探讨见同书,页103-112。
    1 Gilles Deleuze, Deux regimes de fous, Textes et entretiens 1975-1995, edition preparee par David Lapoujade, Ed. Minuit.2003. pp.152-154.
    1 Deleuze, The Clamor of Being, p.14.
    2 Ibid. p.13.
    3 Ibid. p.15.
    4 Gilles Deleuze. Cinema 2:L'image-temps, Ed. Minuit.1985. p.365.
    1 Deleuze, The Clamor of Being, p.16.
    2 Cinema 2:L'image-temps, pp.365-366.
    3 Deleuze, The Clamor of Being, pp.14-15.
    1 Gilles Deleuze, Logique du sens, Ed. Minuit,1969, p.195.
    2 Deleuze, The Clamor of Being, p.16.
    3 Difference et repetition, p.52.
    4 Deleuze, The Clamor of Being, pp.9-10
    1 Deleuze, The Clamor of Being, p.27.
    3实际上,对巴迪乌的观点,Villani Arnaud和Jose Gil等学者已经发表了不同见解(收录于Futur Anterier杂志1997-1998年第43号),而巴迪乌本人也对此做出了回应(见其《一,多,多样性》一文,收录于他的《理论著作选》)。在我们看来,这个问题已经涉及到巴迪乌和德勒兹哲学的比较研究,所以在这里我们就不继续展开了,不过我们注意到,比如利物浦大学Charles Victor Mayell未出版的博士论文《为德勒兹的多样性哲学辩护》(A Defence of Deleuze's Philosophy of Multiplicity,2008)就是结合了德勒兹的哲学史研究,对巴迪乌上述观点的一种反驳。
    5 Deleuze:Une philosophie de I'evenement, Ed. PUF,1994.
    6比如,在“高原:德勒兹研究中的新方向”这一系列中出版的两部专著都以内在性为主题,这就是Miguel de Beistegui的《内在性——德勒兹与哲学》(Immanence-Deleue and Philosophy,2010)和如上所举Christian Kerslake的《内在性与哲学的眩晕:从康德到德勒兹》。
    1 Ou'est-ce que la philosophie?,5. Fonctifs et concepts, pp.111-127.
    2在这方面,比如John Marks主编的《德勒兹与科学》 (Deleuze and Science,2006), Peter Gaffney主编的《潜在之力:德勒兹、科学和哲学》(The Force of the Virtual:Deleuze, Science, and Philosophy,2010)都值得引起我们的重视。
    1 Intensive Science and Virtual Philosophy.Ed. Continuum.2002, p.157.
    2 Ibid., pp.157-180.
    1 Gilles Deleuze, Francis Bacon:The Logic of Sensation, trans. Daniel W. Smith, Ed. Continuum,2003, p.81.
    2 Immanuel Kant, Kritik der reinen Vernunft, edited by Raymund Schmidt, Ed. Felix Meiner,1956, p.220参考《纯粹理性批判》,邓晓芒译本,157-165页,李秋零译本,181-188页。
    1Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?, p.154.
    1 Gilles Deleuze & Claire Parnet, Dialogues. Ed. Flammarion,1996. p.47.
    2 Mille plateaux, p.263.
    1 Dialogues, p.142.
    2 Logique du sens,p.71.
    3在这方面,Thomas Kelso的论文《吉尔·德勒兹的强度空间》(The Intense Space[s] of Gille Deleuze)对笔者同样具有启发意义。Kelso认为,德勒兹在其后期哲学中提出的一系列空间性概念如“高原”、“褶皱”、“平滑空间与条纹空间”等,只有基于对强度的思考才有可能,换句话说,“它们都来自于《差异与重复》”。 而在我们看来,所有这些概念事实上也都可以融入由点、线、面组成的“审美几何”中。参考如上Peter Gaffney主编《潜在之力:德勒兹、科学和哲学》119-130页。
    1在这一点上,我们当然可以再次将德勒兹与海德格尔联系起来,或者,我们又再次肯定了巴迪乌所提出的观点,亦即“在一系列关键问题上(差异、开敞[the open]、时间……),德勒兹要比我们通常以为的、甚至比他自己以为的,更接近海德格尔”。不过他也承认,“对德勒兹来说,海德格尔在根本上还足太现象学化了。”参考《德勒兹:存在的喧嚣》,第20页。关于时间性问题上德勒兹与海德格尔的联系,参考下文第一章中“表象的幻觉”一节。
    2 Difference et repetition, chapitre Ⅱ, La repetition pour elle-meme, pp.96-120.
    3 Logique du sens,23 serie, de l'Aion, pp.190-197.
    4 Cinema 2:L'image-temps, V. Pointes de presents et nappes de passe(quatrieme commentaire de Bergson), pp. 129-133.
    1 Gille Deleuze, Difference et repetition, Ed. PUF,1968, p.43.
    2 Gille Deleuze & Felix Guattari, Qu-est ce que la philosphie?, Ed. Minuit,1991, p.44.
    3 Ibid., p.189.
    1 Difference et repetition, p.48.
    2 Difference et repetition, p.69.
    1“现代哲学的任务己被界定:翻转柏拉图主义。”同上,82页。并参考德勒兹的专文《柏拉图与拟像》(Platon et le simulacre),收录于他的《意义的逻辑》(Logique du sens, pp.292-307)。
    2 Difference et repetition, p.84.
    1 Difference et repetition, pp.340-341
    2 Difference et repetition, p.350.
    1 Difference et repetition, d.341.
    2 Ibid., p.337.
    1 Difference et repetition, p.342.
    2 Ibid., pp.342-343.
    1以上参考Michel Foucault, Les mots et les choses, Ed. Gallimard,1966, pp.64 sq. pp. pp.81 sp中译本参考《词与物》,莫伟民译,上海三联书店,2001年,页66-77,页90-95。
    2 Difference et repetition, p.180.
    3 Ibid., p.337.
    4比如,在其Thinking Through French Philosophy:The Being of The Question (Indiana University Press,2003)一书中,Leonard Lawlor就指出,“我认为说《差异与重复》就是德勒兹的《存在与时间》并不是夸张,甚至,我认为说1968年《差异与重复》的出版与1927年《存存与时间》的出版同样重要,这也不是夸张”,页96,Lawlor认为,之所以这两种说法不是夸张,是因为无论海德格尔还是德勒兹,都将存在与一种问题结构联系在一起,就此来说,两位哲学家的思想有一种深刻的同质性。我们注意到,在其对海德格尔和德勒兹的比较研究中,Jonathan Dronsfield同样是从存在与问题结构之关联这一视角出发,并肯定了两位哲学家思想上的同质性(这也体现在他文章的标题上:'Between Deleuze and Heidegger There Never is Any Difference"),参考French Interpretations of Heidegger:An Exceptional Reception, edited by David Pettigrew & Francois Raffoul, Ed. State University of New York Press,2008, pp.151-165。
    1 Difference et repetition, p.7.
    2 Ibid., p.21.
    1 Difference et repetition, p.347.
    2 Ibid., pp.348-349.
    3 Ibid., p.348.
    1如福柯所说:“认识型……即是知识空间内的那些构型(les configurations),它们产生了各种各样的经验知识。 " Les mots et les choses, p.13;中译本第10页。
    2比如,“内在性平面既不是一个被思维过的概念,也不是一个可思维的概念,而是一幅思想之图……”,或者,“每一位大哲学家都拟定出全新的内在性平面,带来新的存在质料,并树立新的思想之图……”,参考Qu-est ce que la philosphie?. p.39. p.52。
    1Differrnce et repetition,p.171.
    1 Difference et repetition, p.175.
    1 Difference et repetition, p.179.
    2 Ibid我们注意到,德勒兹关于康德的专著《康德的批判哲学》(La Philosophie critique de Kant, Ed. P. U. F.1963)就是从官能这一角度出发的。
    3 Difference et repetition, p.178.
    1 Difference et repetition, p.180.
    2 Ibid., p.290.
    1 Difference et repetition, p.175.
    1 Qu-est ce que la philosphie?, p.137.
    3 Ibid.
    1 Qu-est ce que la philosphie?, pp.137-138
    1 Qu-est ce que la philosphie?, p.77.
    2 Ibid. p.140.
    3 Ibid. pp.140-141.
    1 Qu-est ce que la philosphie?, p.77.
    2 Ibid., p.141.
    3 Ibid., p.48.
    4 Ibid.
    1 Qu-est ce que la philosphie?, p.48.
    2 Ibid., p.135.
    3 Gille Deleuze, Deux regimes de fous, Textes et entretiens 1975-1995, edition preparee par David Lapoujade. Ed. Minuit,2003, p.359.参考附录中所收德勒兹译文《内在性:一种生命……》。
    1 Deux regimes de fons, Textes et entretiens 1975-1995, pp.359-360.
    2 "Le transcendant n'est pas le transcendantal." Ibid., p.360.
    3 Jean-Paul Sartre, La transcendence de l'Ego, Ed. Vrin, Paris:1966, pp.13-26中译本见《自我的超越性》,杜小真译,商务印书馆,2011年,4-9页。
    1 Qu-est ce que la philosphie?, p.77.
    2 Ibid., p.11.
    3 Ibid., p.139.
    4 Ibid., p.32, p.139.
    5 Ibid., p.33.
    6 Qu-est ce que la philosphie?, p.138.
    7 Ibid., pp.15-16, p.139.
    1 Qu-est ce que la philosphie?', p.189.
    2 Ibid.
    1Qu-est ce que la philosphie?. p.191.
    3 Kritik der reinen Vernunft, ed. Raymund Schmidt,1956, pp.220-229;以下康德的译文综合参考了《纯粹理性批判》李秋零译本和邓晓芒译本,以及Paul Guyer和Allen W. Wood的英译本(Critique of Pure Reason. Cambridge University Press,1998, pp.290-295).
    1 Difference et repetition, p.298.
    1 Difference et repetition, p.298.
    2 Ibid., p.297.
    3《弗兰西斯·培根:感觉的逻辑》,董强译,广西师范大学出版社,2007年,95-96页。译者此处的翻译是有错误的,他将意为“量”的grandeur/magnitude翻译成了令人匪夷所思的“伟大性”,参考该书英译本(Francis Bacon:the logic of sensation, trans. Daniel W. Smith, Continuum,2003, pp.81-82.)
    4 "celle des extensio comme schemes, celle de l'etendue comme grandeur extensive, celle de la.qualitas comme matiere occupant I'etendue, celle du quale comme designation d'objet." Difference et repetition, p.298.
    5 Ibid., p.286.
    3 La philosophie de critique de Kant. p.83.
    1 Difference et repetition, p.94.
    3 Ibid., p.154.
    2 Ibid., p.94.
    3 Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari, Mille Plateaux:Capitalisme et schizophrenie. Vol.2, Ed. Minuit,1980. p.310.我们看到,德勒兹与瓜塔里的这部巨著已经有了相当优秀的中译本,这就是由姜宇辉翻译的《千高原》(上海书店出版社,2010年),但在本论文写作过程中,笔者依据的主要是德勒兹与瓜塔里的原著,不及详细参考中译本,下不一一注明。
    2 Simon Duffy. The Logic of Expression:Quality, Quantity and Intensity in Spinoza, Hegel and Deleuze, Ed. Ashgate,2006. p.1.
    3我们注意到,Juliette Simont的专著《康德、黑格尔、德勒兹思想中的质、量与关系:哲学逻辑中的“黑色之花”》(Essai sur la quantite, la qualite, la relation chez Kant, Hegel, Deleuze:les 《flews noires》de la logique philosophique. Ed. L'Harmattan,1997)也是从质、量及其与强度的关系这一角度对康德、黑格尔、德勒兹思想进行了比较。
    1以上参考What is a Thing?, trans. W. B. Barton, Jr. and Vera Deutsch, Gateway Editions, Ltd.,1967, pp.220-222。原文见Die Frage nach dem Ding:Zu Kants Lehre von den transzendentalen Grundsatzen, Gesamatausgabe. Bd.41, pp.222-224。
    1 Difference et repetitiom, pp.181-182.
    1 Difference et repetition, p.186.
    2 Ibid., p.184.
    3 Ibid., p.188.
    1崇高,或理性—想象力一致关系的起源:与美相联系的理性兴趣,或者自然美中知性—想象力一致关系的起源;天才,或艺术美中知性—想象力一致关系的起源,参考L'lle deserte:Textes et entreiens 1952-1974, edition preparee par David Lapoujade, Ed. Minuit,2002, pp.79-101.
    2这里的论述参考L'lle deserte, Textes et entretiens 1953-1974,"14. La methode de dramatisation", pp.131-162.即附录中所收德勒兹译文《戏剧化方法》。
    1我们知道,莱布尼茨也是微积分理论的创始人之一。关于微积分理论的发展及其与哲学史的关系,参考Difference et repetition, pp.221-235.
    2 Gille Deleuze. Le Pli:leibniz et le baroque. Ed. Minuit,1988,Ⅶ, La perception dans les plis, pp.115-121.
    1 L'ile deserte, Textes et entretiens 1953-1974, p.60.
    2 Difference et repetition, p.316.
    3 Ibid., p. 315.
    1 Difference et repetition, p.315
    2 Ibid., p.317.
    3 Ibid.
    4 L'file deserte, Textes et entretiens 1953-1974, p.132.
    1 L'lle deserte, Textes et entretiens 1953-1974, p.133.
    2 Difference et repetition, p.317.
    3 L'lle deserte, Textes et entretiens 1953-1974,14. La methode de dramatisation, p.134.
    2 Difference et repetition, p.105.
    3 Ibid., p.97.
    2 Difference et repetition, p.99.
    1 Difference et repetition, p.98.
    2. Ibid., p.99.
    3 Ibid.
    1以上引文见Difference et repetition, p.101.
    2 Ibid., p.102实际上德勒兹在这里并没有明确提到康德,但在这段话中我们很容易辨认出他对康德的指涉,参考《判断力批判》,第42节,“对美的智性的兴趣”。
    3 Ibid德勒兹在这里并没有给出确切的引文,但我们看到,普罗提诺在其《九章集》第三卷第8节的开头即写到:“万物都渴望关注,它们的关注都指向这个目标。”参考《九章集》,石敏敏译,中国社会科学出版社,2009年,346页。
    4《九章集》,347页。在上述译本中,译者将普罗提诺那里的"theoria" (comtemplation)译成了“凝思”。
    1 Gille Deleuze. Cinema 2:L'image-temps. Ed. Minuit.1985. pp.131-133.
    2 Difference et repetition,p.107.
    4 Ibid., p.107.
    3 Ibid., p.105.
    1 Difference et repetition, pp.100-101.
    2 Ibid. p.351.
    1 Difference et repetition, p.98.
    5 Ou-est ce que la philosphie?,p.159.
    6 Ibid.
    2 Ou-est ce que la philosphie?. p.159.
    3“如中国画家所说,它必须留下可供奔马腾跃的足够空白。’'Qu-est ce que la philosphie?, p.156.
    4 Qu-est ce que la philosphie?, p.159.
    5 Deux Regimes de Fous:Texts et entretiens 1975-1995, p.359.
    6 Mille plateaux, p.247.
    7Ibid., p.343.
    1我们看到,这正是德勒兹对生成的讨论的起点,这就体现在《千高原》关于生成这一章节的标题上:“生成-强度性的、生成-动物、生成-不可感知……”("10.1730-Devenir-intense. devenir-animal, devenir-imperceptible...")。
    2 Gille Deleuze, Logique du Sens, Ed. Minuit,1969, p.9.
    5 Logique du sens, p.10.
    2 Difference et repetition, p.305.
    3 Mille plateaux, p.376.
    5 Qu-est ce que laphilosphie?, p.160.
    6 Ibid., p.166.
    1 Qu-est ce que laphilosphie?, pp.171-172.
    2 Mille plateaux, pp.333-334.
    3 Ibid., p.291, p.334.
    4 Ibid., p.287.
    1 Milk plateaux, p.291.
    2 Ibid., a 293.
    3 Ibid., p.305.
    4 Ibid., p.295.
    5 Ibid., p.291.
    6我们看到,当代生物学的最新成果已经肯定了德勒兹对共生的强调,事实上,当代生物学的一个重要问 题就是如何从共生这一角度来思考进化。参考林恩·马季利斯,《生物共生的行星:进化的新景观》,易凡译,世纪出版集团,2009年。
    1 Mille plateaux, p.297.
    2 Ibid., p.294.
    3 Ibid., p.299.
    1 Milk plateaux, p.314.
    2 Ibid., p.314.
    3这里,斯宾诺莎的原话是:“我把情感(affectus)理解为身体的感触(affectiones),这些感触使身体活动的力量增进或减退,顺畅或阻碍,而这些情感或感触的观念同时亦随之增进或减退,顺畅或阻碍”,见《伦理学》,第三部分,界说三,页98,括号里给出的是斯比诺莎所用的拉丁原文,在英语或法语译本中,这这两个词通常被译为emotions/modifications, states(英语)或passions/affections(法语),情况不一。在其《斯宾诺莎的实践哲学》(冯炳昆译,商务印书馆,2004年)“伦理学主要概念之引得”这一部分中,德勒兹对之加以淦释的正是"affects"和"affections".见该书页55-59。
    4 Milk Plateaux, p.314.
    5 Ibid.
    1 Gilles Deleuze & Claire Parnet, Dialogues. Ed. Flammarion,1996, p.75.
    3 Mille plateaux, p.318以下本段的引文都出自该书对hecceite的讨论,页318-321。
    Ou-est ce aue la philosphie?. p.154.
    2 Ibid.
    3 Ibid., pp.154-155.
    4 Mille plateaux, p.344.
    5关十柏格森对“自然感知”的批判以及德勒兹由之出发对柏格森运动理论的重新解读,参考Gille Deleuze, Cinema 1:l'image-mouvement, Ed. Minuit,1983, I. Theses sur le mouvement (premier commentaire de Bergson). pp.9-22.
    6 Mille plateaux,p.345.
    1 Mille plateaux, p.345.
    1 Mille plateaux, p.333.
    3 Ou-est ce que laphilosphie?,p.160.
    4 Mille plateaux, p.343.事实上,我们可以把这个问题与上述中国绘画中的“留白”问题联系起来,因为如果说“留白”意味着一种“感觉的撤出、分离和松弛”,那么占据那一空白的,正是画家的生成-不可感知以及由此带来的生成-世界(世界)。
    5 Mille plateaux, pp.333-334. pp.367-380.
    Ibid., "Devenir musique", pp.367-380.
    2 Milk plateaux, p.360.
    3 Ibid.'
    4 Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?, p.158.
    D Critique et Clinique, Ed. Minuit,1993, p.11.
    6 Dialogues, p.54.
    7 Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari, Kafka:pour line litterature mineure. Ed. Minuit 1975, p.63.
    1 Critique et cliniaue, p.12.
    2 Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?, p.164.
    3 Mille plateaux, p.338.
    4 Ibid., p.308.
    5 Ibid., p.379.
    6 Ibid., p.337.
    1 Milk plateaux, d.334.
    2 Critique et Cliniaue, p.12.
    3 Mille plateaux, p.340.
    4 Ibid., p.356.
    5 Mille plateaux, pp.337-338.
    1 Mille plateaux, p.356.
    2 Ibid., pp.356-358.
    3 Kafka:pour une litterature mineure, chapitre 3. La litterature mineures, pp.29-50.
    4 Mille plateaux, p.306, p.333.
    5Ibid., p.347.
    2Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?, p.160.
    2 Dialogues, pp.56-57.
    3 Critique et Clinique, p.12.
    4 Qu'ess-ce que la philosophie?, p.160.
    5 Critique et clinique, p.112.
    6 Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?, pp.159-160.
    1 Ou'est-ce que la philosophie?, pp.159-160.
    2 Dialogues, pp.2-3.
    3 Ibid., p.3.
    1 Qu'est-ce aue la philosophie?, p.164.
    2 Mille plateaux, p.360.
    3 Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?, pp.164-165.
    4 Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?, p.164.
    5 Ibid., p.165.
    6 Critique et Clinique, p.11.
    1德勒兹对这一点曾反复强调,比如在其为《经验主义与主体性》(Empirisme et subjectivite:Essai sur la nature humaine selon Hume, Ed. P. U. F..1953)写的英译本前言中,他提出,如果哲学史可以化简为由哲学们所创造的概念清单,那么休谟所提出最重要的一个概念正足关系,参考Deux Regimes de Fous:Texts et entretiens 1975-1995, p.342.
    2 Dialogues, p.69.
    3 Ibid., pp.70-72.
    4 Ibid., p.71.
    1“为什么写、为什么已经关于经验派哲学尤其是休谟哲学的书?因为经验派哲学如同英国小说。……”Dialogues, p.68.
    2 Mille plateaux, p.360.
    3 Dialogues, p.50.
    4 Mille plateaux, p.360.
    5 Dialogues, p.59; Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?, p.101.
    6 Dialogues, p.39.
    7 Mille plateaux, p.36.
    1 Mille plateaux, p.36.
    2德勒兹曾画图说明这种“相对于点A与点B之可定位关联或其邻接性来说的生成线”,参考Mille Plateaux. pp.544-545。
    3 Mille plateaux, p.358.
    4 Ibid., p.361.
    5 Mille plateaux, p.363.
    6 Ibid.
    7 Ibid., p.360.
    1 Mille plateaux, p.360.
    1 Mille plateaux, p.343.
    2 Dialogues, p.151; Mille Plateaux, p.247.
    1Dialogues, p.152.
    2德勒兹对菲茨杰拉德的这篇小说屡有论述,参考Logique du sens, pp.180-189; Dialogues, pp.153-154; Mille Plateaux, pp.242-245下面的论述主要参考了后两种文本。
    1劳伦斯是德勒兹文学理论论述中经常参考的一个对象,上引文参考《劳伦斯文论精选》(Studies in Classic Ameirican Literature),朱通伯选编,上海外语教育出版社,2003年,318页。
    2Dialogues, pp.47-48.
    1Dialogues, p.156.
    2Ibid., p.156.
    4Mille Plateaux, pp.140-184, pp.205-234.
    1在Deleuze Abecedaire中,德勒兹曾将自己的“解辖域化”这一术语与麦尔维尔的用语"outlandish"比较起来,并称两者无论在字面意义上还是思想内涵上都具有一种严格的一致性。
    3关于三种线各自面临的危险,参考Dialogues, pp.166-172; Milk Plateaux, pp.251-252.
    1 Dialogues, p.39.
    2 Dialogues, pp.47-63对于德勒兹来说,“英美文学的优越性”体现在一系列作家的身上,“托马斯·哈代,麦尔维尔,斯蒂文森,维吉尼亚·吴尔夫,托马斯·沃尔夫,劳伦斯,菲茨杰拉德,米勒,凯鲁亚克。在他们之中一切都是离开,生成,过程,跳跃,跳跃,魔鬼,与外部的关系。”而相对来说,在生成这一点上,德勒兹经常引用的唯一一位法国作家夫概就是克莱齐奥。
    3 Logique du sens. p.9.
    2 Logique du sens, pp.192-194.
    1 Ou'est-ce que la philosophie?. p.35.
    2参考Sur quatre formules poetiques qui pourraient returner la philosophie Kantienne"一文,收录于Critique et clinique, pp.40-59。上面这个命题来自韩波,见其与乔治·伊藏巴尔和保罗·德莫尼的通信(《彩画集》,王道乾译,上海文化出版社,2001年,页177,页181)。德勒兹引自文学作品的另外三个诗意命题分别是:莎士比亚《哈姆雷特》中的“这是一个颠倒混乱的时代”("The time is out of joint. ",值得注意的是,德里达同样对这一命题予以了特别的注意,比如《马克思的幽灵》),卡夫卡的“按照自己不知道的法律被人统治,毕竟是极为痛苦的事情。……因为这种法律的特点也要求为其存在而保密”(见其小说《法律问题》)以及同为韩波的“打乱一切感觉意识,以达到不可知。……长期、广泛、系统地打乱所有的感觉意识”(见同上,译文有修改),我们看到,其最后一个命题所指定的正是康德那里官能之“超验的经验主义”。
    3 Difference et repetition, p.117.
    1 Mille plateaux, p.235.
    2 Ibid., p.236.
    1 Mille plateaux, p.238.
    1 Milk plateaux, pp.355-356.
    1Milk plateaux, p.189, p.191. p.202德勒兹对这一点的论述贯穿在他对“无器官身体”的讨论中。
    1 Mille plateaux, p.325.
    1 Mille plateaux, p.325.
    3 Mille plateaux, p.326.
    2 Mille plateaux, p.327.
    3 Ibid.
    1 Mille plateaux, p.328
    2 Ibid., p.329.
    3 Ibid, p.330.
    1 Mille plateaux, p.330.
    2 Ibid., p.331.
    1 Mille plateaux, p.332.
    2 Ibid., p.333对普鲁斯特作品的全面解读可参考德勒兹《普鲁斯特与符号》一书,姜宇辉译,上海译文出版社,2008年。
    3 Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?. p.181.
    1 Ou'est-ce que la philosophie?, pp.181-182.
    2 Ibid., pp.182-183
    4 Ibid.
    3 Ibid., p.184.
    1 Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?, p.185.
    2 Ibid., pp.185-186.
    3 Ibid., pp.178-179.
    2 Mille plateaux, p.186.
    1 Mille plateaux, p.187.
    2 Ibid., p.189.
    3 Ibid.
    5 Mille plateaux, p.189. p.202
    6 Ibid., p.190.
    1 Mille plateaux, p.202.
    2《弗兰西斯·培根:感觉的逻辑》,页47;Mille plateaux, p.196.
    3 Mille plateaux, p.196.
    4 Ibid., p.197
    5 Ibid.
    1 Mille plateaux, p.198.
    2 Ibid., p.199.
    3 Ibid., p.331.
    2 Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?,p.169.
    3 Ibid., p.173.
    4 Ibid., p.169.
    6 Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?, p.169.
    7 Ibid., p.171.
    1 Ou'est-ce que la philosophie?, p.172.
    2 Ou'est-ce que la philosophie?, pp.170-171《弗兰西斯·培根:感觉的逻辑》,61页。
    3 Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?, p.172《弗兰西斯·培根:感觉的逻辑》,60-61页。
    4 Ibid., p.173.
    5 Ibid., p.168.
    1 Ou'est-ce que la philosophie?, p.169.
    3 Deux Regimes de Fous:Texts et entretiens 1975-1995, pp.359-364参考附录中所收该文的中译,以下出自这篇文章中的引语都来自本人的翻译,不再一一注明。
    4 Giorgio Agamben, Potentialities:Collected Essays in Philosophy, Ed.Stanford University Press,1999, p.220.
    1 Mille plateaux, p.323.
    2我们注意到,在其《注视德勒兹》(Regards sur Deleuze, Ed. Kime,1998)中,德勒兹生前在巴黎第八大学的同事Rene Scherer同样对德勒兹思想中生命的“非个人性”予以了强调。
    1 Dialogues, p.61; Critique et clinique, p.11.
    2 Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?, pp.160-161; Critique et clinique. p.12.
    3 Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?, p.165.
    4 Ibid., p.161.
    1 Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?, p.158.
    2 Critiaue et cliniaue, p.13.
    3 Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?, p.162.
    1 Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?, p.162.
    2 Ibid.
    3 Cinema 2, L'Image-Temps, p.184另参考《尼采与哲学》第五章,关于德勒兹对尼采之虚无主义各阶段的解读
    6 Cinema 2, L'Image-Temps, p.184.
    1 Cinema 2, L'Image-Temps, pp.184-185.
    2 Ibid., p.184.
    4 Critique et clinique,15, Pour en finir avec le jugement, pp.158-170.
    1以上参考Kafka:Pour Une Litterature Mineure,5, Immanence et desir, pp.79-96.
    2 Mille plateaux, p.334.
    3 Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?, p.163.
    4 Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?, p.163; Critique et clinique, p.14.
    1 Dialogues, p.142.
    2 Difference et repetition, p.108.
    1Difference et repetition, p.111
    2Ibid., p.111.
    1 Difference et repetition, p.109.
    2 Ibid., pp.111-112.
    1 Difference et repetition, p.112.
    2 Cinema 2, L'image-temps, p.130.
    3 Difference et repetition, p.113.
    1 Difference et repetition, p.113.
    2 Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?, p.158.
    3 Ibid., p.158.
    4 Difference et repetition, p.115.
    1 Ou'est-ce que la philosophie?, p.158.
    2 Mille plateaux, p.361.
    3 Difference et repetition, p.364.
    1Ronald Bogue, Deleuze's Wake:Tributes and Tributaries, Ed. State University of New York Press,2004, pp. 27-41.
    2在这里,法国哲学家让-吕克·南希(Jean-Luc Nancy)的相关文章《平行差异,德勒兹与德里达》(Les differences paralleles. Deleuze et Derrida)也值得引起我们的重视,在该文中,南希认为德勒兹和德里达“分享”了差异。参考Deleuze epars, Ed. Hermann Editeurs,2005, pp.7-19.
    3 Jaques Derrida, The Work of Mourning, edited by Pascale-Anne Brault and Michael Naas, Ed. The University of Chicago Press,2001, pp.192-195
    4 Deux regimes de fous:Textes et entreiens,1975-1995,60. Nous avons invente la ritournelle (avec Felix Guattari), pp.353-356.
    1参考德里达,Marges de la philosophie, Ed. Minuit,1972. pp.1-29.
    3 On'est-ce que la philosophie?, p.82.
    1 Ou'est-ce que la philosophie?, p.174.
    1 G.Bouligand (1899-1979),哲学家、数学家。
    3英译作minimum height。
    5 J. Merleau-Ponty,生于1916年,哲学家、认识论专家,尤其致力于宇宙论研究。(中译者注:这一位梅洛-庞蒂是比莫里斯·梅洛-庞蒂小八岁的堂弟。)
    6这里为直译,原文为je ne saie quelle resonance bergsonienne dans votre expose,这也就是英译本I detected a certain echo of Bergson in your talk的意思,——或许不该如此“直译”?
    [1]Empirisme et subject ivite:Essai sur la nature humaine selon Hume, Ed. P. U. F., 1953.
    [2]Nietzsche et la philosophie, Ed. P. U. F.,1962.
    [3]La Philosophie critique cle Kant, Ed. P. U. F.,1963.
    [4]Proust et les signes, Ed. P. U. F.,1964. ed. Augmentee,1970.
    [5]Nietzsche, Ed. P. U. F.,1965.
    [6]Le Bergsonisme, Ed. P. U. F.,1966.
    [7]Presentation de Sacher-Masoch, Ed. Minut,1967.
    [8]Difference et Repetition, Ed. P. U. F.,1968.
    [9]Spinoza et le probleme de l'expression, Ed. Minuit,1969.
    [10]Logique du Sens, Ed. Minuit,1969.
    [11]Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari, L'Anti-Oedipe:Capitalisme et schizophrenie, Vol. 1,Ed. [1] Minuit,1972.
    [12]Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari, Kafka:pour une litterature mineure, Ed. Minuit, 1975.
    [13]Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari, Mille Plateaux:Capitalisme et schizophre'nie, Vol.2, Ed. Minuit,1980.
    [14]Spinoza:philosophie pratique, Ed. Minuit,1981.
    [15]Cinema 1:l'image-mouvement, Ed. Minuit,1983.
    [16]Cinema 2:l'image-temps, Ed. Minuit,1985.
    [17]Foucault, Ed. Minuit,1986.
    [18]Le Pli:leibniz et le baroque, Ed. Minuit,1988.
    [19]Pourparlers, Ed. Minuit,1990.
    [20]Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari, Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?, Ed. Minuit, 1991.
    [21]Critique et Clinique, Ed. Minuit,1993.
    [22]Gilles Deleuze & Claire Parnet, Dialogues, Ed. Flammarion,1996.
    [23]Francis Bacon:Logique de la sensation, Ed. Seuil,2002.
    [24]L'lle deserte:Textes et entreiens 1952-1974, edition preparee par David Lapoujade, Ed. [1] Minuit,2002.
    [25]Deux regimes de fous:Textes et entreiens,1975-1995, edition preparee par David Lapoujade, Ed. Minuit,2003.
    [26]Empiricism and Subjectivity:An Essay on Hume s Theory of Human Nature, trans. Constantin V. Boundas, Ed. Columbia University Press,1991.
    [27]Nietzsche and Philosophy, trans. Hugh Tomlinson, Ed. Columbia University Press,1983.
    [28]Kant's Critical Philosophy:The Doctrine of the Faculties, trans. Hugh Tomlinson and Barbara Habberjam, Ed. The Athlone Press,1984.
    [29]Proust and Signs, trans. Richard Howard, Ed. University of Minnesota Press, 2000.
    [30]Bergsonism, trans. Hugh Tomlinson and Barbara Habberjam, Ed. Zone Books, 1991.
    [31]Masochism:Coldness and Cruelty & Venus in Furs, trans. Jean Mcneil and Aude Willm, Ed. Zone Books,1991.
    [32]Difference and Repetition, trans. Paul Patton, Ed. Columbia University Press, 1994.
    [33]Expressionism in Philosophy:Spinoza, trans. Martin Joughin, Ed. Zone Books, 1990.
    [34]Logic of Sense, trans. Mark Lester with Charles Stivale, Ed. Columbia University Press,1990.
    [35]Anti-Oedipus:Capitalism and Schizophrenia, Vol.1, trans. Robert Hurley, Mark Seem, and Helen R. Lane, Ed. University of Minnesota Press,1983.
    [36]Kafka:Toward a Minor Literature, trans. Dana Polan, Ed. University of Minnesota Press,1986.
    [37]A Thousand Plateaus:Capitalism and Schizophrenia, Vol.2, trans. Brian Massumi, Ed. University of Minnesota Press,1987.
    [38]Spinoza:Practical Philosophy, trans. Robert Hurley, Ed. City Lights Books, 1988.
    [39]Cinema 1:The Movement-Image, trans. Hugh Tomlinson and Barbara Habberjam, Ed. The Athlone Press,1986.
    [40]Cinema 2:The Time-Image, trans. Hugh Tomlinson and Robert Galeta, Ed. The Athlone Press,1989.
    [41]Foucault, translated and edited by Sean Hand, Ed. University of Minnesota Press, 1988.
    [42]The Fold:Leibniz and the Baroque, translated and foreworded by Tom Conley, Ed. The Athlone Press,1993.
    [43]Negotiations, trans. Martin Joughin, Ed. Columbia University Press,1995.
    [44]What is Philosophy?, trans. Hugh Tomlinson and Graham Burchell, Ed. Columbia University Press,1994.
    [45]Essays Critical and Clinical, trans. Daniel W. Smith and Michael A. Greco, Ed. Verso,1998.
    [46]Dialogues, trans. Hugh Tomlinson and Barbara Habberjam, Ed. Columbia University Press,1987.
    [47]Francis Bacon:The Logic of Sensation, trans. Daniel W. Smith, Ed. Continuum, 2003.
    [48]Desert Island and other Texts,1953-1974, trans. Michael Taormina, Ed. The MIT Press,2004.
    [49]Two Regimes of Madness, Texts and Interviews 1975-1995, trans. Ames Hodges and Michael Taormina, Ed. The MIT Press,2007.
    [501 Pure Immanence:Essays on A Life, trans. John Rajchman, Ed. Zone Books, 2001.
    [1]Deleuze epars:approches et portraits, textes recueillis par Andre Bernolad et Richard Pinhas, Ed. Hermann Editeurs,2005.
    [2]Mireille Buydens, Sahara:L'esthetique de Gilles Deleuze, Ed. Vrin,2005.
    [3]Anne Sauvagnargues, Deleuze et l'art, Ed. P. U. F.,2005.
    [4]Suzanne Heme de Lacotte, Deleuze:philosophie et cinema, le passage de l'image-mouvement a l'image-temps, Ed. L'Harmattan,2001.
    [5]Paola Marrati, Gilles Deleuze:Cinema et philosophie, Ed. P. U. F.,2003
    [6]Francis Zourabichvili, Deleuze:Une philosophie de l'evenement, Ed. P. U. F., 1994.
    [7]Rene Scherer, Regards sur Deleuze, Ed. Kime,1998.
    [8]Alain Baiou, Deleuze:La clameur de l'Etre, Ed. Hachette,1997, English translation:Deleuze:The Clamor of Being, trans, by Louise Burchill, Ed. University of Minnesota Press,1999.
    [9]Juliette Simont, Essai sur la quantite, la qualite, la relation chez Kant, Hegel, Deleuze:les《fleurs noires》 de la logique philosophique, Ed. L'Harmattan,1997.
    [10]Yann Laporte, Gilles Deleuze:L'epreuve du temps, Ed. L'Harmattan,2005.
    [11]Fabien Tarby, Materialismes d'aujourd'hui:De Deleuze a Badiou, Ed. L'Harmattan,2005.
    [12]Le vocabulaire de Deleuze, sous la direction de Francois Zourabichvili, Ed. Ellipses,2003(其中收录对德勒兹24个概念的解释)
    [13]Le vocabulaire de Gilles Deleuze, sous la direction de Robert Sasso et Arnaud Villani, Les Cahiers de Noesis n°3-Printemps 2003(其中收录对德勒兹50个概念的解释)
    [14]Afterimages of Gilles Deleuze's Film Philosophy, edited by D. N. Rodowick, Ed. University of Minnesota Press,2010.
    [15]An [Un]Likely Alliance:Thinking Environment[s] with Deleuze|Guattari, edited by Bernd Herzogenrath, Ed. Cambridge Scholars Publishing,2008.
    [16]A Shock to Thought:Expression after Deleuze and Guattari, edited by Brian Massumi. Ed. Routledge,2002.
    [17]Between Deleuze and Derrida, edited by Paul Patton, John Protevi, Ed. Continuum,2003.
    [18]Deleuze:A Critical Reader, edited by Paul Patton, Ed. Blackwell,1996.
    [19]Deleuze and The Fold:A Critical Reader, edited by Sjoerd van Tuinen & Niamh McDonnell, Ed. Palgrave Macmillan,2010.
    [20]Deleuze & Guattari:Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers, edited by Gary Genosko, Vol.1-111. Ed. Routledge,2001.
    [21]Deleuze and the Schizoanalysis of Cinema, edited by Ian Buchanan & Patricia MacCormack. Ed. Continuum,2008.
    [22]Deleuze Guattari & Ecology, edited by Bernd Herzogenrath, Ed. Palgrave Macmillan,2009.
    [23]Deleuze's Philosophical Lineage, edited by Graham Jones and Jon Roffe, Ed. Edinburge University Press,2009.
    [24]The Brain Is the Screen, Deleuze and the Philosophy of Cinema, edited by Gregory Flaxman, Ed. University of Minnesota Press,2000.
    [25]Thinking Between Deleuze and Kant:A Strange Encounter, Edward Willatt 和 Matt Lee,2009.
    [26]Deleuze, Whitehead, Bergson:Rhizomatic Connections, edited by Keith Robinson, Ed. Palgrave Macmillan,2009.
    [27]Process and Difference:Between Cosmological and Poststructuralist Postmodernisms, edited by Catherine Keller & Anne Daniell, Ed. State University of New York Press,2002.
    [28]Sounding the Virtual:Gilles Deleuze and the Theory and Philosophy of Music, edited by Brian Hulse & Nick Nesbitt, Ed. Ashgate,2010.
    [29]The Force of the Virtual:Deleuze, Science, and Philosophy, edited by Peter Gaffney, Ed. University of Minnesota Press,2010.
    [30]Deleuze Connections, General Editor:Ian Buchanan, Ed. Edinburgh University Press.(该丛书自2000年至今,已出版包括《德勒兹与哲学》、《德勒兹与历史》、《德勒兹与政治》、《德勒兹与女权理论》、《德勒兹与文学》、《德勒兹与音乐》、《德勒 兹与电影》、《德勒兹与当代艺术》、《德勒兹与身体》、《德勒兹与科学》、《德勒兹与当代世界》、《德勒兹与空间》等专题论文选集达20余种,是德勒兹相关研究的必备参考资料)
    [31]Plateaus - New Directions in Deleuze Studies, Series Editors:Ian Buchanan and Claire Colebrook, Ed. Edinburgh University Press.(该丛书自2007年至今,已出版德勒兹相关研究著作十余种,主题涉及德勒兹哲学、德勒兹文学理论以及德勒兹比较研究等,是当下德勒兹研究继续深入展开的一个代表)
    [32]Anupa Batra, Experience, Time, and the Subject:Deleuze's Transformation of Kant's Critical Philosophy, unpublished,2010.
    [33]Miguel de Beistegui, Immanence-Deleue and Philosophy, Ed. Edinburgh University Press,2010.
    [34]Ronald Bogue, Deleuze and Guattari, Ed. Routledge,1989.
    [35]Ronald Bogue, Deleuze on Literature, Ed. Routledge,2003.
    [36]Ronald Bogue, Deleuze on Music, Painting, and the Arts, Ed. Routledge,2003.
    [37]Ronald Bogue, Deleuze on Cinema, Ed. Routledge,2003.
    [38]Ronald Bogue, Deleuze's Way, Ed. Ashgate,2007.
    [39]Alan Bourassa, Deleuze and American Literature:Affect and Virtuality in Faulkner, Wharton, Ellison, and McCarthy, Ed. Palgrave Macmillan,2009.
    [40]Levi R. Bryant, Difference and Givenness:Deleuze s Transcendental Empiricism and the Ontology of Immanence, Ed. Northwestern University Press,2008
    [41]Mary Bryden, Gilles Deleuze:Travels in Literature, Ed. Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
    [42]Brett Buchanan, Onto-Ethologies:The Animal Environments of Uexkull, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, and Deleuze, Ed. State University of New York,2008.
    [43]Felicity Colman, Deleuze and Cinema:The Film Concepts, Ed. Berg,2011.
    [44]Manuel Delanda, Intensive Science and Virtual Philosophy, Ed. Continuum, 2002.
    [45]Garin Dowd, Abstract Machines:Samuel Beckett and Philosophy after Deleuze and Guattari, Ed. Rodopi,2007.
    [46]Simon Duffy, The Logic of Expression:Quality, Quantity and Intensity in Spinoza, Hegel and Deleuze, Ed. Ashgate,2006.
    [47]Christopher Groves, Hegel and Deleuze:Immanence and Otherness, unpublished, 1999.
    [48]Michael Hardt, Gilles Deleuze:An Appreticeship in Philosophy, Ed. University of Minnesota Press,1993.
    [49]Gillian Howie, Deleuze and Spinoza:Aura of Expressionism, Ed. Palgrave Macmillan,2002.
    [51]Joe Hughes, Deleuze and the Genesis of Representation, Ed. Continuum,2008.
    [52]Joe Hughes, Lines of Flight:Reading Deleuze with Hardy, Gissing, Conrad, Woolf. Ed. Sheffield Academic Press,1997.
    [53]Barbara M. Kennedy, Deleuze and Cinema:The Aesthetics of Sensation, Ed. Edinburgh University Press,2000.
    [54]Christian Kerslake, Immanence and the Vertigo of Philosophy:From Kant to Deleuze, Ed. Edinburgh University Press,2009.
    [55]David Martin-Jones, Deleuze, Cinema and National Identity:Narrative Time in National Contexs, Ed. Edinburgh University Press,2006.
    [56]Charles Victor Mayell, A Defence of Deleuze's Philosophy of Multiplicity, unpublished,2008.
    [57]Beatrice Monaco, Machinic Modernism:The Deleuzian Literary Machines of Woolf Lawrence and Joyce, Ed. Palgrave Macmillan,2008.
    [58]Valentine Moulard-Leonard, Bergson-Deleuze Encounters:Transcendental Experience and the Thought of the Virtual, Ed. State University of New York Press, 2008.
    [59]Patricia Pisters, The Matrix of Visual Culture:Working with Deleuze in Film Theory, Ed. Stanford University Press,2003.
    [60]Robert Porter, Deleuze and Guattari:Aesthetics and Politics, Ed. University of Wales Press,2009.
    [61]Anna Powell, Deleuze, Altered States and Film, Ed. Edinburgh University Press, 2007.
    [62]Peg Rawes, Space, Geometry and Aesthetics:Through Kand and Towards Deleuze, Ed. Palgrave Macmillan,2008.
    [63]Elena del Rio, Deleuze and the Cinemas of Performance:Powers of Affection, Ed. Edinburgh University Press,2008.
    [64]Steven Shaviro, Without Criteria:Kant, Whitehead, Deleuze and Aesthetics, Ed. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press,2009.
    [65]Spencer Shaw, Film Consciousness:From Phenomenology to Deleuze, Ed. McFarland,2008.
    [66]Alberto Toscano, The Theatre of Production:Philosophy and Individuation between Kant and Deleuze, Ed. Palgrave Macmillan,2006.
    [67]Edward Willatt, Kant, Deleuze and Architectonics, Ed. Continuum,2010.
    [68]James Williams, Gilles Deleuze s Philosophy of Time:A Critical Introduction and Guide, Ed. Edinburgh University Press,2011.
    [69]Mary F. Zamberlin, Rhizosphere:Gilles Deleuze and the "Minor" American Writings of William James, W. E. B. Du Bois, Gertrude Stein, Jean Toomer, and William Faulkner, Ed. Routledge,2006.
    [70]Slavoj Zizek, Organs without Bodies:Deleuze and Consequences, Ed. Routledge, 2003.
    [71]The Deleuze Dictionary, edited by Adrian Parr, Ed. Edinburgh University Press,2005.(该书以字母顺序对德勒兹思想中出现的重要概念做了阐释)
    [72]Gilles Deleuze:Key Concepts, edited by Charles J. Stivale, Ed. McGill-Queen's University Press,2005(该书分“哲学”、“相遇”、“褶皱”[三词均为复数]三个部分,集中阐述了德勒兹思想中的十五个[组]概念)
    [1]Immanuel Kant, Kritik der reinen Vernunft, ed. Raymund Schmidt, Ed. Felix Meiner, 1956.
    [2]Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, trans. Paul Guyer& Allen W. Wood Cambridge University Press,1998.
    [3]Martin Heidegger, Die Frage nach dem Ding:Zu Kants Lehre von den transzendentalen Grundsatzen, Gesamatausgabe, Bd.41.
    [4]Martin Heidegger, What is a Thing?, trans. W. B. Barton, Jr. and Vera Deutsch, Gateway Editions, Ltd.,1967.
    [5]Jean-Paul Sartre, La transcendence de l'Ego, Ed. Vrin, Paris:1966.
    [6]Michel Foucault, Les mots et les choses, Ed. Gallimard,1966.
    [7]Leonard Lawlor, Thinking Through French Philosophy:The Being of The Question, Ed. Indiana University Press,2003.
    [8]French Interpretations of Heidegger:An Exceptional Reception, edited by David Pettigrew & Francois Raffoul, State University of New York Press,2008

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