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     被动算法在单线程的情况下不会造成额外的开销,而在多线程情况下的时空复杂度与并发度的大小无关。主动算法通过高效的检测逻辑,确保发现顺序流和随机访问的热点区域,自适应的预读大小可以避免预读抖动,因而往往可以获得更好的性能。实验表明本文算法相对传统预读有突出的优势:在发生预读抖动的情况下,网络输出流量可达到传统算法的3~4倍;在随机干扰之下的顺序读性能可提高29%;交织读的性能是传统算法的4~27倍,同时应用程序可见延迟改善了35倍;在NFS文件服务中,性能提高了1.8倍:在lighttpd文件服务中,磁盘占用率降低了26%,网络输出提高了17%;在随机文件加载实验中,主动检测算法可以获得3倍于传统预读的性能。本文所述的预读算法具有重大的应用价值,其中的按需预读基本框架和顺序流的被动预读算法已先后被Linux 2.6.23和2.6.24内核采用。
The ever-increasing gap between CPU and I/O speed has created the most outstanding imbalance in computer systems.The improvement of disk throughput has been unable to keep up with the rapidly speeding-up CPU,and the I/O delay has been lagging behind seriously.Prefetching is a vital technique for improving disk I/O performance.It can transform small synchronous I/O requests from applications into large asynchronous readahead I/Os,so that I/O delays could be hid from applications,and I/O could be parallelized.
     Sequential prefetching has been a standard function in modern operating systems. The Linux kernel implemented a generic file readahead algorithm in its virtual file system layer.As Linux is widely deployed and runs an increasing variety of workloads, its in-kernel readahead algorithm has been challenged by many unexpected and subtle problems.To name a few:readahead thrashings arise when readahead pages are evicted prematurely under memory pressure;readahead attempts on already cached pages are undesirable;interrupted-then-retried reads can easily fool the sequential detection logic. In this thesis,we present a demand prefetching framework.By introducing a pair of readahead triggers,it can handle most abnormal cases in a natural and uniform way.The modular design simplifies the pattern detection and readahead logics,and makes them independently improvable.
     With the trend towards multi-core and multi-thread processors,software developers multi-thread their applications and bring forward more parallel I/Os.It is a big challenge for the prefetching algorithm to efficiently recognize and handle the interleaved sequential read streams in parallel I/O workloads.On the basis of the demand prefetching framework, we designed and implemented a reactive sequential detection algorithm and a proactive one,which feature the use of page status as a complement to the less reliable readahead states,as well as relaxed sequentiatity criterion.They can support various semi-sequential access patterns:sequential streams mixed in random accesses;interleaved read pattern created by concurrent sequential accesses to one file descriptor;sparse sequential reads; locally reordered sequential NFS reads;high density random read areas;row iterations on huge arrays,etc.
     The reactive algorithm brings no overhead to the classical single thread case;for parallel I/Os the space and time complexities are trivial and irrelevant to the number of concurrent streams.The proactive algorithm is equipped with an efficient sequential detection logic,which guarantees the detection of sequential streams and hot random read areas.Its adaptive readahead size can prevent readahead thrashing and hence achieve better performance.Experiments show that the proposed algorithms perform much better than legacy Linux readahead:Network throughput is 3~4 times better in the case of thrashing; Sequential reads intermixed with random ones are faster by 29%;I/O throughput of interleaved streams could be 4~27 times better,while the application visible I/O latencies are improved by up to 35 times;On serving large files via NFS,throughput could be 1.8 times better;On serving large files with lighttpd,the disk utilization is decreased by 26%while providing 17%more network throughput;On randomly populating a file,the proactive algorithm performs 3 time better than the legacy one.Our prefetching algorithms have real-world relevance,among them the demand prefetching framework and reactive sequential prefetching algorithm has been adopted by Linux kernel 2.6.23 and 2.6.24.
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