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在过去的十多年中差分干涉测量技术(Differential Interferometry synthetic aperture radar, D-InSAR)有了很大的发展,广泛的应用在了地震观测、地面沉降监测、火山监测和冰川活动性观测等领域。但是,由于时间和空间的失相关和大气效应等因素的影响,传统的差分干涉测量的应用受到了较大的限制,造成数据利用率的下降和技术应用的盲区。永久散射体技术(Permanent Scatter,PS-InSAR)在一定程度上克服了传统差分干涉处理中遇到的问题,但同时也存在一定的缺点,它需要有一定数量和密度的稳定的反射点,而且对雷达数据数目的要求比较高,一般要求大于30景,才能达到较好的效果。为了克服上述的问题,基于角反射器的合成孔径雷达处理技术被提了出来,它在相干性低的区域的地表变形和特定目标的监测中具有很大的应用潜力。本文首先介绍了InSAR和D-InSAR的基本原理、数据处理流程和数据处理中的关键技术,并在此基础上介绍了PS-InSAR技术的原理和数据处理流程,阐明了PS-InSAR技术的优缺点。接着介绍了德国GFZ的夏耶博士提出的CR InSAR算法理论和处理流程。CR InSAR技术至关重要的一步是在雷达图像上识别出人工角反射器,而目前的实验还没有找到很好的方法解决这一问题。本文从角反射器的设计、制作和安装等过程入手,进行严格地质量控制,从而使角反射器能够在图像上被更有效地识别。我们根据角反射器点在雷达图像的特征等,结合目视判读和计算机自动识别方法,在雷达图像上识别出了人工角反射器所对应点像点。在实验区安装了7个角反射器,利用文中提出的方法分别在雷达图像上找到了相应点,安装角反射器后,这些点的后向散射强度明显增强,并保持较高的稳定性。为后续利用CR InSAR算法提取相应地区形变提供了目标点。最后根据高相干性理论算法,得到了该区域的人工角反射器点处的形变量并对其进行了分析,认为实验区在监测时间段内没有发生明显形变。
Recently ten years differential interferometry (Differential Interferometry synthetic aperture radar, D-InSAR) has been greatly developed, and it has a wide range of applications at the seismic observation, monitoring of ground subsidence, volcanic activity monitoring and observation of glaciers and other fields. However, because of the loss of time and space and atmospheric effects related to other factors, the traditional application of differential interferometry has more restrictions, resulting in a decline in the utilization of data and the blind spots in application. Permanent scatterer technique (Permanent Scatter, PS-InSAR) overcomes the traditional differential interference problems to some extent, but it also exists a disadvantage, which requires a certain amount of reflection points with high stability and density, and more than 30 scenes of radar data is required in order to achieve good results. In order to overcome the above problems, synthetic aperture radar technology based on the corner reflectors has been put forward, and it has great potential in the deformation monitoring at the surface regions with low deformation and the monitoring of specific objects. This article introduces the basic principles and the key technologies in data-processing of InSAR and D-InSAR, and based on this, the introduction of the PS-InSAR technique and data processing flow has been put forward to clarify the priorities and disadvantages of PS-InSAR technology. Then the algorithm and data processing method of CR InSAR proposed by Dr. Xia Ye (the GFZ, Germany) has been introduced. To identify artificial corner reflectors are essential in CR InSAR technology , and we have not yet found a good way to solve this problem with the present experiments. This article starts with the design, production and installation of the corner reflectors, so that the corner reflectors on the image can be identified effectively. We identified artificial corner reflectors corresponding pixel points in the radar images based on the characteristics of the corner reflector points in the radar images, combined with the visual interpretation and computer automatic method. We installed 7 corner reflectors in the experimental area and found the corresponding points using the method presented in this paper. After the installation of the corner reflectors, the scattering intensity increased and maintained a relatively high stability. As a result, it provided target points for the following extraction of the corresponding region. Finally, we got the deformation variable of the artificial corner reflectors in this area according to the theory of high-coherent algorithm, then get the conclusion that there were no apparently deformation occured during the monitoring period in the experimental area.
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