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     本文鑑於此,同時整合消費者生活型態理論、服務行銷策略理論、消費者滿意理論及消費者轉换理論等,系統化探討消費者生活型態對行動通訊系統經營業者之服務行銷策略的影響。本文參考Plummer(1974)的一般化AIO量表及Likert態度量表,Lovelock Christoper H & Wright Lauren(2002)所述服務行銷管理8P,Cronin & Taylor(1992)、Ganesh,et al.(2000)及Tsiros & Mittal(2000)所指出的服務品質、顧客滿意與顧客忠誠之論點,設計問卷,蒐集資料後,使用SPSS,對樣本做基本特性分析、篩選、分類後,運用SEM建構模式,模式驗證。得到以下結論:
Mobile communication carrier(MCC) faces to the ages of globalization, liberalization、 perfect competition, consumer orientation, service economic marketing vigorous growing. It is a great challenge to MCC to secure his customer's appreciation, reduce his customer's churn rate in order to maintain his competility. By the various life of style, it is very different to the consumer to dominate his time, money, the willing to his activity on communication commerce, orientation of interesting and opinions on the mobile commerce. How to acquire a group of highly similarities consumers that can make better benefit from cutting down cost is the main strategy of focusliztion to MCC.In consideration of this, simultaneously integrate the theory of consumer life style, service marketing stragety, customer satisfaction and customer churn rate, it is the main effort of this thesis to study the systematization to inquire the influence of various consumer life style on MCC carrying on his service marketing stragety.Refer to generalize AIO measure table from Plummer(1974)、 Likert attitude measure table, the contents of 8P about service marketing management from Lovelock Christoper H & Wright Lauren (2002) , and the points of service quality, customer satisfaction and customer churn rate descripted by Cronin & Taylor(1992)、 Ganesh, et al. (2000)、 Tsiros & Mittal (2000), the thesis has raised the questionnaire design、 sample data collection, by SPSS performing for making the analysis of basic data characteristic, after screening, classifying, in order to building a SEM model for model testing and verifying to get the following conclusions.(1) On the product construct face, consumer life style influence on MCC's service marketing strategy has three types of the consumer group: a group who is addicted to try new product, a group who is price oriented and a group who is advertisement oriented. The influence are price & advertisement oriented group. The major influence is price oriented, but the group who addicted to try new product is not affected. The priority of consumer regarding to the product construct face are : (A) The service for emergency accident. (B) The service is related to account affairs. (C) Mobile dynamic information management service.
    (2) On the service construct face, the group influenced by the consumer life style on MCC's service marketing strategy is practical consumer group. The priority of consumer regard about service construct content are : (A) You are don't waiting too long time that MCC's service people immediately service to you. (B)MCC's service people have professional knowledge to respond & slove your problem very quickly. (C) MCC is very take care your opinions.(3) To customer satisfactin, it is no related to the affect of MCC's service marketing strategy on product construct face, but the service construct face is considerable influence.(4) The affect of customer satisfactiony to customer churn is not visible influence. But from the point of view on price oriented that has a very significant influence on customer churn. The major reasons of consumer churn are, high communication fee that percentage is 32.24%, bad communication quality that percentage is 21.71% and the choice of his relatives and friends chose another MCC.
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