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Localization is the fundamental problem in wireless sensor network. This thesis focus on the localizability problem and localization algorithm in wireless sensor network. For a randomly given network, not all of the nodes are localizable by using the obtained distance measurements. The localizability problem is to judge whether the localization of a network or a single node can be uniquely determined under the constraints of distance measurements. From the view of graph theory and the existence of solution, we can obtain the graphical and algebraic localizable conditions, respectively. After that, how to compute the positions of these nodes, especially when using local distance information only, is concerned by the localization algorithm.
     This thesis studies the localization problem for sensor nodes in a two dimen-sional sensor network using only distance measurements between sensor nodes. We explore the localizability conditions for up to four nodes at a time and provide a necessary and sufficient condition. Based on our new localizability conditions, a new sequential cluster-based localization algorithm is proposed which starts from a set of anchor nodes and sequentially expands this set until all localizable nodes are covered. An alternative distributed implementation of this algorithm is also given using local computations and communication to reduce computational complexity. For noisy measurements, our localization algorithm is implement-ed as a nonlinear least squares optimization problem and we provide a novel initialization method to offer high localization accuracy and good robustness.
     This thesis also studies the problem of determining the sensor locations in a large sensor network using relative distance (range) measurements only. By in-troducing the barycentric coordinate, we can transform the nonlinear constraints between distance measurements and positions into a linear constraints. Moreover, the positions can be computed through a linear dynamic system. But we need to determine the sign patterns of the barycentric coordinate by using distance measurements only. Also, we need to design a stabilizer to guarantee the conver- gence of the linear system. A criterion is developed to address this issue based on the available distance measurements. A new distributed iterative algorithm is proposed using a diagonal stabilizer to guarantee the asymptotic localization for sensor nodes. We give a condition on the existence of such a stabilizer and show how to design it in both centralized and distributed manners. A necessary and sufficient condition for the localizability of the network is also given.
     At last, we explore the localization problem of sensor networks using relative position measurements. It is assumed that relative positions are measured in local coordinate frames of individual sensors, for which different sensors may have different orientations of their local frames and the orientation errors with respect to the global coordinate frame are not known. A new necessary and sufficient condition is developed for localizability of such sensor networks that are modeled as directed graphs. That is, every sensor node should be2-reachable from the anchor nodes. Moreover, for a localizable sensor network, a distributed, linear, and iterative scheme based on the graph Laplacian of the sensor network is developed to solve the coordinates of the sensor network in the global coordinate frame. We define a generic framework, under which there almost surely exists a diagonal stabilizer to guarantee the convergence if and only if the network is2-reachable.
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