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Information and communication technology accelerates the coming of Knowledge Society and global economy, which highlights the bridging function of English language in worldwide communication and provides technological support to reform the English language education model to cater to an increasing number of learners’diversified needs. English education in China is no exception to this trend. IT-based, to be more specific, computer/internet-based English education approach and autonomous language learning model have been strongly advocated and stipulated in College English Curriculum Requirements issued by National Education Ministry.
     Theoretical and empirical researches on computer-assisted language education, learners’autonomous language learning, and / or on the combination of both have been and are being conducted a lot abroad. Since the introduction of computer-assisted language learning and autonomous language learning in Chinese college English education, more and more domestic English language researchers have set their feet in exploring their theoretical and practical value. However, among so many researches, there seem fewer studies in this respect that have been done from the angle of the integration of input theory, CALL and ALL. Therefore, by endeavoring to finding out the answers to the following three questions: 1) does the multi-facet information input in CALL environment promote learners’autonomous language learning? 2) how does the multi-facet information input in CALL environment foster learners’autonomous language learning?and 3) do the multi-channel input and autonomous language learning in CALL environment make learners more productive?, the author, in the present study, makes a tentative attempt to investigate the efficacy of English teaching with the co-work of four elements --- language input, learner, learner’s autonomous learning, and computer-assisted language learning.
     The literature review begins with the introduction of input theory, Krashen’s input hypothesis in particular, which emphasizes the four criteria of the optimal input. Blessedly, the four criteria can be technologically met by employing computer and internet, and have always been a constant pursuit in the three phases of the development of CALL: language input in CALL context can be greatly strengthened and diversified. Synchronous language input exerts significant impact on learners’beliefs --- their confidence, motivation, curiosity, interest, etc. and deeply touches their arousal senses. The diversified and multi-channeled language input brings learners intrinsic psychological change. Learners are more apt to accept new model and use new devices to facilitate their language learning, which fully prepares them for autonomous language learning.
     The development of CALL interweaves with that of language education theories. The same is true of the development of ALL. Renowned figures have made a lot of contributions to ALL, which highlights learners’self-controlling of study, possibility of cultivating learners’ability of autonomous learning and learners’effective achievement in ALL. In fact, ALL follows almost the same chronological developing track as CALL. In the meantime, both CALL and ALL find their theoretical support in constructivism theory, which focuses on offering learners with more freedom in their decisions concerning their study and tops non-pressured learning environment. In one word, the author attempts to build an overarching framework in which input theory, CALL, and ALL co-work and intermingle with each other, with constructivism as their supportive theory. Therefore results to be drawn in the survey and experiment studies can have sound theory basis.
     From the survey study and the experiment study, respectively conducted among 98 students and two intact classes with 30 students for each from the college where the author is working, the gathered data are carefully analyzed and synthesized. The results drawn from the studies are: first, most students hold positive attitudes towards CALL; second, quite many a student is at loss as to ALL; third, multi-facet information input in CALL environment fosters ALL; fourth, information input channel and load via computers and internet make students more active in ALL; finally, multi-facet information input in CALL environment makes students more productive. All these results reflect that learners, language input, ALL, and CALL environment are four crucial elements which influence the language learning productivity and with their co-work, learners’language proficiency can be achieved. These discoveries also imply that the integration between language learning and new technologies, especially IT, should be furthered and reinforced, that more emphasis on the knowledge of ALL and wide practice of ALL should be attached, and that the combination of ALL and CALL are worth advocating to achieve better English learning.
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