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Global warming has become an indisputable fact. Forests play an important role in dealing with global change. Bamboo is an important part of Chinese forest resource and would play a special role in dealing with global change. This paper analyzed the characteristics and costs-benefits of the current bamboo management ways, based on moderate HHs'investigation. Costs-benefits of the carbon oriented bamboo management way and differences between carbon oriented and current bamboo management ways are analyzed with a case study. Using statistical description and economic model methods, this paper analyzed the aspiration and factors influencing HHs to choose carbon oriented bamboo management way, related strategies are presented. The main research contents and conclusions are as follows:
     (1) Current bamboo management way analysis. Bamboo shoots oriented, bamboo woods oriented, both oriented are three main bamboo management ways currently, using datas interviewed from bamboo manage specialists and HHs. Goal products, requirement for land situations and management measures expressed differently for them, while maximation for net economical benefits of forest products, such as bamboo woods and shoots is the same. Costs-benefits are also analyzed. Using C-D model, this paper analyzed the economic feasibility of different capital and labor inputs to net benefis. The result indicates, increasing fertilizer, pesticide and self labor inputs are economic feasible measures for the current 3 management ways, increasing land covers is feasible for bamboo shoots oriented management way, but infeasible for shoots and woods oriented. Increasing hire is feasible for bamboo shoots oriented and bamboo woods oriented, but infeasible for bamboo shoots and woods oriented.
     (2) Carbon oriented bamboo management way analysis. Taking maso bamboo forestation in Lin'an as a case, with data interviewed from carbon oriented bamboo management specialists and operator, this paper analyzed the differences of goal and management measures between carbon oriented and current bamboo management ways. The payback period is sensitive to carbon sink price, and it would be short then core zone in Modern Bamboo Tech Park if the carbon sink price increased to current carbon price. The total cost is high for carbon oriented, mainly reflected in labor and organic fertilizer inputs. The net economic benefit is sensitive to carbon sink price. Using statistic and ternary choices Logistic model, this paper analyzed the aspiration and factors influencing HHs to choose carbon oriented bamboo management way. The cost increasing expects is the most significant factor influencing the aspiration.
     (3) Strategy analysis for leading HHs to choose carbon oriented management way. Presented the strategies leading HHs to carbon oriented management way, including distinct rights of carbon sink, establish trade mechanim for forest carbon sink, deepen related tech research of bamboo carbon sink, strengthen demonstration and generalization, advance systemanic management.
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