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Political identity is an important concept in modern democracy, and it is also an important guarantee for a multi-ethnic country to achieve national unity and social stability. After Reform and opening up, China experiences rapid economic development with increasing international influence and prominent social contradictions, the values advocated by Western ideology, way of thinking and lifestyle impact and shock the nation's political identity to varying degrees.. Meanwhile, the Western countries backed by the advanced Information Technology and amounts of money, persistently export so called "liberal democracy" to our nation. College students are precious resources for the Party and our nation and shoulder the historical mission of building a well-off society and realizing Chinese nation's great rejuvenation. College students are the future of our nation, and also the hope of inheriting the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. But Western countries have also seized the opportunities of the college students'lacking of social experiences, the unstable view of life, world and value and the tendency of mishear and misunderstand, to intensify the western lifestyle, way of thinking and value, interfering and influencing students' learning and living, resulting in the thought of hedonism, money worship and extreme individualism. Therefore, it is imperative to refine and improve students' political identity education in southwest national area, improving the relevance and effectiveness of political identity education and enhancing the level of political identity, so that students could rally closely around the CPC Central Committee and firm the confidence of the socialist road with Chinese characteristics. The research of college students'political identity education in southwest national area is necessary to consolidate the national unity in southwest national area, unity and promote regional high-speed development, and also the internal demand of cultivating student's political judging ability, improving their political acumen and supporting their healthy growth.
     This article takes college students in southwest national area as research subject, following the research thought of raising problems-analyzing questions-solving problems as follow:The full text focuses on proposing theoretical models and assumptions about students'political identity elements and verifying theoretical models and assumptions,aiming at analyzing those outstanding issues of political identity in their education based on the elements of students' political identity in Southwest National Area, then put forward targeted countermeasures from the perspective of education and guidance. Specifically:using SPSS19.0software for analyzing survey data from students in Southwest Ethnic Areas and Amos confirmatory factor analysis method, to verify the correctness of theoretical models of constitutive elements of students' political identity, and then analyze those outstanding issues of political identity in their education based on the elements of students' political identity in Southwest National Area, Finally, put forward targeted countermeasures from the perspective of education and guidance connecting with limited factors in Southwest Ethnic Areas. The article consists of six chapters, the specific content is summarized as follows:
     The first chapter is an introduction. This chapter explains the research origin and significance, concludes research status on political identity education at home and abroad and clarifies the research method and approach. China is in the stage of social transformation and opening up, the ideologies, ways of thinking and values in western society have huge influences on people's thought, life and manner. People's political identity is challenged by the reality where interest differentiation is obvious, social conflict is prominent and thought collides fiercely. President Hu Jintao clearly pointed out in his report to the18th National Congress of CPC that we should firmly grasp the leadership and ownership of ideological work, adhere to the correct guiding, improve guiding ability and expand the mainstream public opinion. This is a clear requirement for ideological work. College students with high enthusiasm to learn and the characteristic to accept new things, is the most active population, which has the highest potential and richness of thought. However college students lack of social experience which can't help them to form stable overlooks on the life, world and values. To strengthen the effectiveness and pertinence of college students' political education for helping students to realize the correct political identity in a multi-national state is an important method to unit all ethnic groups, enhance national cohesion, promote national unity and safeguard social stability; it is also an important method to improve students'political quality and achieve the personnel training objective of high education; likewise, it is the inner demand to guide students to learn political theory and make political identity practice, help them to build correct political view and integrate well with social mainstream ideology and culture, improve political sensitivity and political judgment ability, establish lofty ideal and faith of communism, promote political stability and sustain economic growth in Southwest National Area and consolidate the social basis of harmonious southwest national area.
     The research of political identity derived from foreign countries, which can be traced to the stage of Plato and Aristotle. Then the concept was widely introduced to other disciplines in social sciences and get in-depth research in the field of psychology, political science, sociology, etc., forming a fruitful research results. Through studying the existing achievements, foreign research of political identity focuses on the concept of political identity, political culture, and political identity as a basis for political legitimacy and so on. The political identity education for youth groups mainly takes recessive education, advocating political identity inherent in the conduct of behavior education, school education and vocational education. The research of political identity education in domestic has a late start, and the achievement mainly appeared after2000as below: basic theory research, including concept definition, content component and mechanisms; analyzing the characteristics of political identity in groups of farmer, worker and intellectual; explaining political identity situation in state of social transformation, opening-up and modernization; introducing political identity research from interdisciplinary theory. The earliest research of students'political identity is in an article published in Social Science by Sun Jiaming and Lin Jianhong in1989, both of whom are researchers in Fudan University. The research on college students'political identity education focused on the following contents:(1) discussing the relationship among political identity education, ideological and political theory curriculum and specialized course teaching;(2) investigating the students'political identity situation and analyzing the causes;(3) students'political identity in national region and minority areas;(4) relationship among student's political identity, national identity and ethnic identity; enlightment of foreign political identity education to our nation and so on.
     Chapter Two is an overview of college students' political identity. The article analyzes the characteristics of students'political identity, as class nature, expansibility, universality and hierarchy. According to the specific geographical location of southwest national area and the economic, cultural and national characteristics, the article concludes the regional feature of political identity in this area, then puts forward the idea that the students'political identity education must follow the law of education and students'thought. Identification problems was first concerned in psychology field, and then applied in other subjects of social science. Political identity is an important content in politics, and is also an important matter in psychology, sociology and education. Students' political identity in this article is a systematic project. It is based on the comprehensive development in Marxist theory, uses other theories for reference such as the view of politics and practice, political deification and political socialization theory in politics, social learning and social identity theory in sociology, indoctrination theory in ideological and political education and related theories, concludes that the core constituent factors of students' political identity are political cognition, political emotion, political trust, political participation and political behavior, summarizes the evaluation basis, evaluation content, evaluation index of political identity, which is helpful to finish the questionnaire of students' political identity situation in southwest national region and lay the principle foundation to evaluate correctly the political identity situation in this area.
     Chapter three introduces the basic situation and experience of students'political identity education in southwest national area. Based on the analysis on survey data, this chapter summarizes the basic situation and experience of students'political identity education in this area. Years of practice has proved that college students'political identity education in southwest national area can always adhere to the leadership of Marxist theory, emphasizing the main channel of political theory class and training of teachers, combined national district characteristics in the process of political identity education, which gain good result, laying ideological basis for social stability and national unity in southwest. The paper concludes the main experiences as follows. The first is paying great attention to students'political identity education. The colleges try hard to improve the education conditions in aspects of teachers, teaching conditions, campus environment, social practice and students'activity and son on, which lay a foundation to conduct students'political identity education. The second is conducting political identity education combined with traditional culture in multi-national areas. Making full use of rich national resources, the college integrates socialist core values and socialist theory with Chinese characteristics into daily teachings and activities through diversified activities, promoting the degree of students'political identity. The third is to improve students'political identity through national unity education. The college broadcasts the ethnic policies and religious policies to lead the college students to treat nationality difference, respect other cultures, and build confidence and decision to following the Party, integrating the identity education of political system with national unity education through the historical, cultural and religious relief education of minorities. The fourth is conducting students'political identity education with the help of red resources. Making use of local red resources and relying on historical facts of red resources, the college lead students to learn political theory and latest theoretical achievements of Marxism in China combined with students'actual thinking, which help the students to know and analyze hot problems and difficult problems with Marxist world outlook and methodology. It can be helpful to improve students'political literacy and keep highly consistent with the Party and nation in important events and critical issues, making them become an active force to maintain social stability and improving the confidence of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
     The fourth chapter is empirical study of students' political identity status in southwest national areas. This chapter conducts survey focusing on college students' political identity situation in southwest national area, introduces the type, design method and investigation methods and explains the rule to select investigation object and sample. According to the research, the article selects students in985college,211college, undergraduate college, new upgraded college, academy, private college and other types of colleges in Yunan Guizhou, Sichuan and Guangxi provinces as samples to conduct honesty education, who come from different grades and different background, taking0.15percent of enrollment students, gaining the firsthand information of political identity in southwest national area. After preliminary statistical analysis of survey data, the paper uses exploratory factor analysis method to process the data and verified the data by confirmatory factor analysis. The results from two methods match, which proves the hypothesis of core elements of political identity in the paper is right.
     The fifth chapter is the analysis of prominent problem and its attribution of students' political identity education in southwest national area. Overall, students' political identity in this area is in good condition that most students has a firm political attitude and is deepening their understanding of basic theory and important political issues on socialism with Chinese characteristics. However there are still some students who have misunderstanding on political identity. The prominent problems of political identity in southwest national area are expressed in three aspects:the vague political recognition; political identity education cannot result in resonance of anti-corruption education; the cognition and behavior of students' political identity does not match etc. the causes of these problems mainly include the more and more complex situation at home and abroad, the influence of district circumstance and network information. Recognition of the problems and its causes can help education to realize the arduousness and chronicity of political identity education optimize education content; improve education manner and education effect.
     The sixth chapter is the research of basic principle and countermeasures of students' political identity in southwest national areas. The history of our country and the reality of socialist modernization prove that the socialism cause with Chinese characteristics cannot well develop without the leadership of CPC and Marxism. The strengthen of students' political identity education in southwest must insist on the lead of Marxism, the combination of theory infusion and self-education, the combination of universal education and classified education, improve students' political identity education and socialist belief, which is the inner demand of accelerating the development of southwest national area, improving the healthy development of socialist cause with Chinese characteristics and cultivating qualified constructer and successor.
     Based on the charm and appeal of political theory, students' political identity education in southwest national area is influenced by the scientific, systematic, practical nature and acceptability and so on. The improvement and strengthen of political identity is an enormous and complicated project, which involves many aspects in terms of government, society, college, family and student. Limited by author's research ability and energy, the article cannot explains every aspect, but selecting class teaching, campus cultural environment building, group organization construction, social practical activity management and media platform establishment as factors to provide reference to college in southwest national area to strength and improve students' political identity education.
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