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An enterprise is a cell of economic system and enterprise's growth is the premise of economic growth.Enterprises' growth has accumulated certain experience since China's reform and opening up.But how to achieve sustainable growth is still an unsolved problem,that is to say what we rely on to achieve enterprises' growth and what is the most fundamental motive force for enterprises' growth.This paper based on cohesive force in enterprises discusses the above problems.Through the research on this problem,we can not only deepen the research on enterprises' growth theory and the theory of organizational ability in theory but also guide and solve problems in the process of enterprises' growth in reality.This paper is of great theoretical and practical significance,especially for the important research on the cohesion in growth of Chinese enterprises.
     This paper mainly analyzes the application of enterprise theory and the theory of enterprise organizational ability in our country and tries to use the word called cohesion to explain core competency of enterprises' growth.In order to understand the reasons of Chinese enterprises' growth,we should analyze the core competency of Chinese enterprises deeply and find the general character of the most fast growing Chinese enterprises.
     In the course of the research,industrial economics,institutional economics, enterprise theory,organizational ability theory and so on are used for reference in this paper.Using the method of combining normative analysis and empirical analysis,we carry out research on the coming into being,conception structure,cultivation,protection, expansion,evaluation index system and computation module of the cohesion in growth of enterprises deeply and systematically.
     The innovations in this paper are as follows:
     In the first place,it defines the concept called the cohesion in growth of enterprises which is elaborated newly.The cohesion in growth of enterprises is based on the symbiotic interest.It is the enterprise's attraction to all the members of the enterprise, the mutual attraction among them,the structural controlling force and the maintenance controlling force under the influence of certain external environment.The cohesion in growth of enterprise is the soul of enterprise's core competitiveness and makes the enterprise grow in strength.
     In the second place,the paper makes the point that the growing point of cohesion in the growth of enterprises is made up of idea,belief,kinship,overall benefit-based relationships and other benefit-based relationships.We think that the cohesion in the growth of enterprise is caused by whether the members of the core layer can regard the overall benefit as their highest object and regard the growth of enterprise, the enhancement of overall benefit and the continuation and development of the enterprise after they leave the enterprise as their best interests.It is the individuals' dependence on the enterprise for the normal members of the enterprise.They regard the enterprise's benefit as the source and guarantee of the individuals' benefit.Therefore, the common collective interests of the enterprise's members are the material base of identity cohesion.
     In the third place,this paper defines the composition of cohesion in enterprise creatively.It divides the cohesion in the growth of enterprises into three aspects which are attraction,structural controlling force,maintenance controlling force.We make further definition and analysis of the factors affecting the cohesion in enterprises on the three aspects and the aspect of external environment
     In the forth place,we establish 5 layers and 196 indexes measurement system and calculation model of the cohesion in the growth of enterprises.
     In the fifth place,this paper uses the index measurement system and evaluation model to calculate the quantitative level and membership of the cohesion in the growth of enterprises.According to the results,we compare layer by layer and get the layer and detailed index on the lower level of evaluation,so we provide the right direction and goal to the improvement of the enterprises' cohesion.
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