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组织策略(Organizational Strategies)对于英语阅读具有非常重要的意义,它不仅有利于材料的识记与提取,也能加强和提高对材料的理解与表达,是一种高效率的学习策略。本研究旨在探讨大学生英语阅读中的组织策略,侧重于大学生英语阅读中的组织策略的体系以及影响大学生运用这些策略的因素。立足当前大学生英语阅读学习的实际情况,在详细分析国内外有关组织策略、认知策略和学习策略的基础上,通过个别访谈和开放式问卷调查,初步编制了大学生英语阅读中的组织策略原始问卷。然后经征询专家意见、团体施测、项目分析和因素分析,进行修订和完善,形成大学生英语阅读中的组织策略正式问卷。本研究采用的影响因素问卷有:大学生学习自我效能感问卷和大学生学习动机量表。本研究调查了600名大学本专科学生,并对调查结果进行了因素分析和回归分析。
Organizational strategy is very important for English reading, because it is conducive not only to material Shiji and extraction, but also to strengthen and enhance the understanding of the material and expression, is a highly efficient learning strategies. The study was designed to explore organizational strategies in the college English reading, focusing on the structure of organizational strategies as well as its’influence factors in English reading. Based on the the actual situation of the present college students in English reading and abroad in the detailed analysis of the organizational strategy, cognitive strategies and learning strategies, we prepared a preliminary reading in college English organizational strategy original questionnaire through individual interviews and open questionnaires. After consulting expert opinion, groups measure- ment, project analysis and factor analysis, we revision and perfection the formal questionnaire of organizational strategies in English reading of college students. The influential factors questionnaires used in the study include the university students learn self-efficacy questionnaire and the university students learning motivation scale. We surveyed 600 college students and conducted factors analysis and regression analysis to the survey results.
     According to the research results, some following conclusions can be made:
     (1) The questionnaire includes six dimensions, namely, the organizational strategy of order, the organizational strategy of causality, the Centre sentences organizational strategy, the organizational strategy of problem, the systems-oriented organizations strategy and the broad- based organization strategy.
     (2) In this research,the self-made questionnaire of organizational strategies in English reading of college students and tactics of the questionnaire survey are all good reliability and validity, being able to better reflect university students in the use of English reading the actual situation of organizational strategy.
     (3) Students in English reading strategies used in the organization has the following characteristics: First, a university student organizations to use English reading level of the overall strategy in the middle level. Second, There was significant difference between the male and female college students in the level of system organizational strategy. Third, the freshman and junior students to use the overall level of the organizational strategy of order, the organizational strategy of causality, the organizational strategy of problem was significantly higher than the level of sophomore students. Fourth, the issue of liberal arts college students use the strategy was significantly lower than the level of science and engineering students.
     (4) College students’learning self-efficacy, intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation affect their organizational strategies in English reading.
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