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Shanxi, as one of the high quality apple production regions in the world,ranks first in China for its apple production. In apple orchards, chemicalpesticides are still used as a major countermeasure to prevent or cure pests, fungiand bacteria on apple trees. Using pesticides safely and properly by applegrowers plays a prime role for the quality of fresh apples, state of healthcondition of apple growers and apple consumers and quality of ecologicalenvironment, especially for the apple quality grade of safe apple planting areaand organic apple planting area, and for the apple competitiveness of shanxi. Toensure the apple quality grade of safe apple planting area and organic appleplanting area and enlarge the planting area of safe apple planting area andorganic apple planting area, we need to study how to prevent apple growersunproperly pesticides using, such as using unpermitted pesticides, applyingmore pesticides or disobeying preharvest interval, etc..
     Base on cognitive psychology theory and uncertainty decision of prospecttheory, and assuming apple growers show cognitive deviation for pesticidesknowledge and risk aversion for future risk, the paper analyses the progress andreasons of apple growers purchasing pesticide and using systematically from theaspects of apple growers, pesticides retailers, pesticides characters and socialenvironments. Its aim is trying to find ways to control apple growers’ unsafetypesticides using or using pesticides unproperly so that the apple quality can beensured and improved. So apple growers’ pesticides purchasing behavior, applegrowers’ pesticides dilutinging behavior, apple growers’ pesticides applyingbehavior, pesticides reside and pesticides package disposing behavior areanalysed more specifically. Based on investigating322households of applegrowers in seven counties in Shanxi and Gansu and related experiments, thepaper uses mutiliner regression model analysing the factors of influencingfarmers’ purchase pesticides from point of view of heuristic bias, and the resultsshow that pesticide retailers’ recommendation plays a key role in influencingfarmers’ pesticides purchase. Farmers’ perception on safety pesticides, riskaversion and other factors play a minor role in influencing farmers’ pesticidespurchase.The paper uses mutiorder logistic model analysing the factors ofinfluencing farmers’ purchasing, diluting pesticides etc., and the results showthat knowledge of diluting pesticides properly play a key role in influencing farmers’ pesticides diluting, farmers’ family numbers, age and other factors playa minor role in influencing farmers’ pesticides diluting. By analyzing theprogress of apple growers’ pesticides using and its influencing factors, the papertries to find ways how to control unsafe pesticides using and pesticides usingunproperly and construct the law system to control them.
     According to analysis of pesticides using behavior of apple growers, thepaper proposes the following conclusions:
     1. The kinds and quantity of prohibited pesticides used by apple growersare only a few, but the percentage of investigated apple growers who useprohibited pesticides reached60%.Most of apple growers obey pesticidesinterval, but there are40%of sample apple growers who dilute pesticides morethan10%of normal concentration ratio, and half of sample apple growers don’tobey protective measures.
     2. Influencing factors of apple growers pesticides using shows that heuristicbias and perception of prohibited pesticides play a key role and minor roleseparately in influencing apple growers’ safe pesticides using. Therefore, weneed to strengthen function of pesticides retailors prescribing safe pesticides forfarmers and the apple growers’ perception of prohibited pesticides. Second, weneed to code apples according their origins, employ village pesticides informerssupervising unsafe pesticides using and better unsafe pesticides detecting system.Third, we need perfect land transference to enlarge orchards scale ofapple growers.
     3. There are three related countermeasures to control unsafe pesticidespurchase and using pesticides unproperly. The first measre is to controlconsulting qualifications of pesticides retailers, their suggestions rules andrelating monitoring rules. The second measure is to enhancing apple growers’safe and proper knowledge on pesticides by training and propagandizing andemploying village informers to monitoring apple growers. The third measure isto test pesticides resides on sold apple on a spot check base.
     4. On the one hand, It suggests that we should integrate countermeasures ofcontrolling unsafe pesticide to our new pesticides regulations. On the other hand,according to analysis of pesticides regulation of USA and that of China, weshould use the pesticides regulations of USA for reference and perfect ourcountry’s new pesticides regulations to control unsafe and unproperly pesticidesusing from pesticides laws, organization setting and positions responsibilities,etc..
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