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The Chinese electric power industry has reformed since 20 centuries 80' s, developing the perpendicular integral mode of original electric power to open generating electricity and forming the generating electricity market. Now transporting electricity will be opened gradually and selling electricity must be opened at last to form selling market. With the mode of selling market opened, the paper gave a completely analysis and study about buying and selling electric power.The paper firstly learned from. some abort representative operating modes and characteristics in electric power market, and gave the "four segments" operating modes of Chinese power market in future combing actual circumstance in Chinese electric power. Then the paper study about buying power electricity included estimating the electricity capacity and the study about selling power electricity included pricing and selling strategy.The combing model with gray estimating method and season index number was given in paper considering the seasonal variety characteristics of using power electricity and season index number method considering the season variety. At the same time, the paper gave the superior electricity assigns model under the certain circumstance in need descends with require, combining proceeding the substantial evidence analyzes..On the base of analyzing the factors that influenced electric price, the principle about establishing electric price, the classification of electric price, the way about establishing electric price, the paper established the electric price list price model of the flexibility with the electric power through analyzing the combinable effect of electric price, including with the combinable effect of the carrying and generating electric business enterprise and the electric power customer,The electric power market is end to head for the buyer market. For the sake of obtaining the biggest profits, the electric power sale business enterprise that charged barbed wire net open mode bottom must adopt every kind of marketing strategy. The thesis discussed the electric power market marketing strategy combines on the foundation of analyzing the electric power market marketing characteristics, putting forward the electric power some selling strategy that business enterprise can adopt, including the market competition strategy, product and service strategy, price strategy, sale outlet strategy and promote sales strategy etc.
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