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China English, different from Chinglish which does not accord with linguistic standards, has been accepted on a wide scale as one of the regional varieties of the English language. So far it has already taken shape with its definition and objectives settled over years of debate in academic circles. The focus of research on China English primarily falls into two aspects, namely, the definition and characteristics of China English, and the role of China English in intercultural communication. Past research, however, has rarely shed light on the role of China English in news reports from the perspectives of English linguistics. Research is required as to the role of China English in news media from the perspective of intercultural communication.
     Based on Susan Bassnett's cultural translation theory, this thesis addresses the role of China English in Chinese and foreign English news media on morphology and syntax levels. In terms of morphology, whether in Chinese or foreign news reports, China English is primarily chosen to describe Chinese cultural words, social neologism, political and economic terms, etc. Their forms vary from pinyin spelling, pinyin plus explanation, literal translation, literal translation plus explanation to free translation. Differences do exist in terms of the role of China English between news media in China and overseas. In the first place, corresponding words are preferred to be added after literal translation by foreign news media. What's more, foreign news reports tend to express China English through direct use of pinyin or literal translation. By contrast, news reports in China are more cautious in choosing foreignization approach to express China English. The foreignization approach is still not frequently used in Chinese media although it has already been encouraged in the translation of China English. When it comes to syntax, the sentence structure of China English is used in both Chinese and foreign media. Comparatively, it merely appears among news covering Chinese topics in foreign media; but in Chinese media, it is found in news reporting all kinds of topics.
     Susan Bassnett's theory of cultural translation offers forceful insight in this regard to help with further development of China English. According to Susan Bassnett, translation acts as an intercultural communication activity, and equivalence lies in the equal cultural function between source language and target language. Untranslatability, at the same time, explains the emergence of China English in the course of translation. China English is not merely important in language itself, but plays a more significant role in its cultural value. This thesis holds that China English, to a large extent, plays a vital part in protecting and spreading national culture. Translators should take appropriate strategies, such as domestication and foreignization, to express China English at the premise of consulting various China English forms existed in Chinese and foreign news media for the sake of cultural communication. Cultural equivalence could then be realized between the source language and target languages. China English, consequently, would be accepted on a wider scale.
     It cannot be ignored that random translation of China English still takes place in news reports of both Chinese and foreign media. A single Chinese character, for example, might have several corresponding expressions in English based on the status of the news reports. A serious standard of using China English should be proposed. Furthermore, the enhancement of formal and descriptive study on syntax is required since little attention has been paid on the syntax level. China English demands improved standards and enhanced ability to color the Chinese cultures so as to gain the upper hand in international communications.
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