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     (1)45 d培养试验结果表明,旱地土壤在培养的6d~45d期间,旱地土壤中添加稻草处理细菌和真菌数量比对照分别增加271.4%~518.8%和2900%~3608%,添加稻草+真菌抑制剂和添加稻草+细菌抑制剂处理比添加稻草处理土壤细菌数量分别增加34.1%~81.4%和下降14.3%~43.5%。添加稻草+细菌抑制剂处理土壤真菌增加17.1%~37.6%。淹水稻田土壤在培养的6d~45 d期间,添加稻草处理土壤细菌数量比对照处理增加115.3%~362.2%,而真菌数量下降5.8%~27.8%;添加稻草+细菌抑制剂处理土壤细菌数量比添加稻草处理下降39.0%~76.2%。
     (2)45 d培养试验结果表明,在0~45 d培养期间,添加稻草能使红壤旱地土壤微生物量碳和磷分别增加187.5%~193.1%和135.8%~148.7%,土壤速效磷增加27.5%~32.9%。施稻草能明显增加淹水稻田土壤微生物量碳含量,而微生物磷含量在培养过程中变化较大,但能增加淹水稻田土壤速效磷16.0%~21.2%。
     (3)45 d培养试验结束时(第45大),添加稻草的旱地土壤Fe-P和AI-P含量及固定态无机磷总量均显著增加,活性有机磷(LOP)、中活性有机磷(MLOP)、中度稳定性有机磷(MSOP)含量和有机磷总量也显著增加。添加稻草的稻田土壤Fe-P含量显著增加,Ca-P含量显著降低,土壤LOP含量和有机磷总量显著增加。因此,添加稻草能有效提高红壤旱地和稻田磷素的作物有效性。
Most of the phosphorus (P) in the red soils were usually associated with kaolinite, the oxides and hydrous oxides of iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al), so that the validity of soil phosphorus and the utilizing efficiency of phosphate fertilizer are very low. Soil microorganisms play an important role in the transformation of soil organic matter and soil nutrients (such as C, N, P, S, ect.). Researches on the mechanisms of soil phosphorus transformation and the functional microorganisms which involving in the soil phosphorus transformation can provide a theory reference for the effective usage and management of phosphorus in red soils. To know better the mechanisms in which organic amendment induced the microbial transformation of P in upland and paddy red soils, responses of culturable microbial diversity and changes in the microbial biomass C (MB-C) and P (MB-P), Olsen-P, adsorbed inorganic and organic P fractions were investigated using a series of long-term field trials in Hunan, China. The main results were summarized as follows:
     i)The data obtained from a 45-day incubation experiment showed that, compared with the treatment of control, the amount of culturable bacteria and fungi in the soil amended with rice straw were increased by 271.4%~518.8% and 2900%~3608% respectively, during the incubation period of upland soil, the treatment of both rice straw and fungal inhibitor (actidione) increased the amount of culturable bacteria by 34.1%~81.4% compared to the rice straw. In the treatments of rice straw and bacterial inhibitors (tetracycline and streptomycin sulphate), the amount of culturable bacteria decreased by 14.3%~43.48% compared to the rice straw, however, the amount of culturable fungi increased by17.1%~37.6%. During the incubation period of the flooded paddy soil, the amount of culturable bacteria increased by 115.3%~362.2% in the treatment of rice straw application, whereas the amount of culturable fungi decreased by 5.8%~27.8%, compared to the control (without rice straw amendment). The amount of culturable bacteria decreased by 39.0%~76.2% in the treatment of rice straw and bacterial inhibitors compared to the treatment with rice straw only.
     ii) Throughout the 45-day incubation period, the addition of rice straw significantly increased the amounts of MB-C and MB-P by 187.5%~193.1% and 135.8%~148.7%, respectively, in the upland soil, and increased the amounts of Olsen-P by 27.5%~32.9%. Whereas in paddy soil, the addition of rice straw increased the amounts of MB-C, and MB-P often changed in the incubation period, but also increased the amounts of Olsen-P by 16.0%~21.2%.
     iii) At the end of 45-day incubation period, the treatment of rice straw increased the amounts of Fe- and Al-bound P and total inorganophosphorus significantly in upland soil, and increased the amounts of LOP, MLOP, MSOP and total organophosphorus. The treatment of rice straw increased the amounts of Fe-bound P, LOP and total organo- phosphorus in paddy soil, and decreased the mount of Ca-bound P.
     iv) Moreover, both of the fungal and bacterial groups taken part in the microbial transformation of P in upland and paddy red soils, but the fungal group made a relatively larger contribution in upland soil, and in paddy soil the role may be played by the bacteria..
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