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At present, China is in the rapid growth of industrialization and urbanization. The situation of demand growth for construction land is obvious. It is a very difficult task for protection of arable land and guarantee land demand of economic and social development. In the process of socio-economic development and continue to show the values of rural land, the Link of the increase and decrease of the land for construction use in both urban and rural areas is still in the stage of trial and skills summary, there are many problems linked to the pilot, such as the absence of grounds for indicators allocation, existing rent-seeking space of decision-making; a single source of funding sources; land supply and demand contradiction; a huge disparity between urban and rural areas for rent. Under the new round of land use, the overall planning of urban construction land and new rural construction planning requirements, Research about the link of the increase and decrease of the land for construction use in both urban and rural areas, making full use of rural collective construction land, planning and building of new communities in rural social is China's global and strategic issues for its economic development.
     The implement of Changes in urban and rural construction land will promote the implementation of linking urban and rural, new construction and land protection in rural areas, "Trinity" of urban and rural integration, effectively promoting economic development and urbanization process. The Isomerism phenomenon is obvious in the current construction of the village; realizing "heterogeneous coordination" is difficult. Promoting the space reconstruction of the center village (community) in the construction of new rural village complex will help realize the overall goals of "maintain the dynamic balance of total arable land" and promote the construction of new socialist countryside. It is a great significance for promoting China's socialist economy sustainable development. Chengdu city combined with a new round of revision of land use planning, scientific and reasonable arrange rural land to promote the building of new socialist countryside and urban and rural development in the urban and rural development especially in urban and rural construction land of rural areas.
     This paper depth discussed the theoretical roots of linking, content and mode by using property rights economics, Marxist theory of rent, location theory, urban theory, econometrics, development economics and resource economics and other theoretical results and theoretical tools, combined with the ongoing experimental units of changes in urban and rural construction sites and linked to the actual trial. This paper analyzed the price, power, evolution and control mechanism of the increase and Decrease mechanism of the land for construction use in both urban and rural Areas; Based on a large number of valid data for field research by means of quantitative analysis for urban and rural construction on the structural changes linked to mechanisms of evolution and its impact on economic growth issues; Chengdu as an example of the urban and rural construction sites linked to the mechanism of the system, a comprehensive analysis and study for the construction of land use linked to the theory building and practical guidance, providing ideas and measures.
     The main frame of this paper consists of four parts:The first part is an introduction, including the first, second and third chapter; the second part is research about the link of the increase and decrease of the land for construction use in both urban and rural areas, including the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh chapter; the third part is about analysis in the practice linked the increase and decrease of the land for construction use in both urban and rural areas, including ChapterⅧ; fourth part is conclusion and outlook, including chapterⅨ.
     The first chapter is an introduction about the significance, background, status, research ideas and methods of thesis topic, discussing the settings and problems for construction land of urban and rural, providing a range of data sources and the definition.
     ChapterⅡanalysis the theoretical basis of this paper, while describes the changes in domestic and international issues of urban and rural construction land linked to the research progress and further defined the focus of this study.
     ChapterⅢexplains the connotation about the link of the increase and decrease of the land for construction use in both urban and rural areas. The analysis from the perspective as allocative efficiency methods of the land consolidation project area linked to the main content, moving the use of idle land in rural areas, while increasing the renewal of the wharf area in polis, improve urban efficiency.
     The fourth chapter describes the premium assessment system of increase and decrease urban and rural construction land, establishing a unified market on the basis of construction land and a set of perfect price system is an essential link. Price system in rural construction land is empty, the state did not develop a point of order, and there is no corresponding guidance document for reference. Division at the level of the path and setting of the evaluation unit, the price evaluation methods are needed to establish in practice, there is need the effective land price system links the urban to formulate a unified reference for construction land evaluation procedures.
     ChapterⅤanalyzed the dynamic mechanism about the link of the increase and decrease of the land for construction use in both urban and rural areas from the urban space growth theory and the samples of local unit. This chapter focuses on the dynamic mechanism study of reality to reveal the changes in urban and rural construction land, providing mechanism reference for analysis of the increase and decrease of the land for construction use in both urban and rural areas.
     ChapterⅥexplains the evolution mechanism of space structure and time series, discussing the structural evolution and problems of its own mechanism.
     ChapterⅦstudied the current land policy of the urban and rural construction, providing the guidance and control recommendations through the analysis of control mechanism for future changes in urban and rural construction sites.
     ChapterⅧcarries out empirical study in Chengdu city, empirical analysis of its experience and practice changes in urban and rural construction sites, and provides further research recommendations.
     ChapterⅨis a summary of the full text, and presented the view of writer's own.
     The main contribution:
     1、The mechanism of the increase and decrease of the land for construction use in both urban and rural areas linked to political, economic and social aspects and be hold characteristics of comprehensive, systemic and social. This paper focus four aspects as he price、power、evolution and regulation, there has innovation in research perspective. this paper based on the mechanism of the increase and decrease of the land for construction use in both urban and rural areas (the price、driving、evolutionary and control mechanism) as the main content. There were more in-depth system analysis and discussion on rural and urban construction land as the object of study, so it is novelty on the selection of a subject.
     2、there is no consensus on the theory and practice, and substantive assessment and measurement mode linked to the price of urban and rural construction land on the assessment and calculation. Based on the model of property rights theory and Hedonic Pricing Project on research areas, and analyzed of the construction of new district land users of its spatial sequence and bidding curves to determine the auction market which was built under the new district the number of land use. Both of rule-based、effective and have a great theoretical and practical significance in theory and operation.
     3、Explore the feasibility of construction land market in accordance with the requirements of unified planning, construction land in urban-rural areas increase and decrease between the operation of the mechanism platform. In addition, actively pursuing the construction land capitalization, linking to the support of rural-urban construction land change.
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