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Victor Papanek, the renowed designer, design educationalist, and design theorist who was actived in the Post-War America. In his controversial work Design for the Real World :Human Ecology and Social Change, He called on design professional to against the profit-oriented design., and focus on the real needs of the people who were neglected by the designers. he searched another dimension of design .In this dissertation, the author first presents an analysis of the social milieu in which this book came into existence , next comes an account of Victor Papanek's early education and experience, and then explains the "Function complex "and "real world", finally the main purpose of this dissertation is to open up to the readers the main structure of designer's responsibility.
[1]John Heskett.Industrial Design.New York and Toronto:Oxford University Press,1980.p51
    [2][美]丹尼尔·鲁斯 詹姆斯·P·沃麦克[英]丹尼尔·T·琼斯.沈希瑾等译.改变世界的机器.北京:商务印书 馆.1999年11月,第11页
    [2]转引自Nigel Whiteley.Reyner Banham-Historian of the Immediate Future The MIT Press.2002.p109
    [4]Nigel Whiteley.Toward a Throw-Away Culture.Consumerism,'Style Obsolescence 'and Cultural Theory in the 1950s and 1960s.Oxford Art Journal,Vol.10,No.2,The 60s.(1987),p3-27(5)
    [5][法]消费社会波德里亚 全志钢/刘成富译南京大学出版社2001.5,第66页
    [1]转引自[法]马克·第亚尼 编著,非物质社会——后工业世界的设计、文化与技术,滕守尧译,成都:四川出版集团,1998-3,第62页
    [2][法]马克·第亚尼 编著,非物质社会——后工业世界的设计、文化与技术,滕守尧译,成都:四川出版集团,1998.3,第63页
    [3]Grinyer,Clive.Smart Design Products that change our lives.Switzerland:Roto Vision,2001.p58
    [1]Nigel Whiteley.Toward a Throw-Away Culture.Consumerism,'Style Obsolescence "and Cultural Theory in the 1950s and 1960s.Oxford Art Journal,Vol.10,No.2,The 60s.(1987),p3-27(9)
    [2]关于生态设计中的英文文本的整体综合性评述可参见:Pauline Madge.Design,Ecology,Technology:A Historiographical Review.Journal of Design History.Vol.6 No.3 The Design History Society.pp 149-166
    [1]Ezio Manzini.Prometheus of the Everyday:The Ecology of the Artificial and the Designer's Responsibility Design Issue:Vol.Ⅸ,Number 1 Fall 1992 p9
    [1]Al Gowan.Design's gadfly.May/Jun98,Vol.52 Issue 3,p32,4p,9c
    [1]根据如下资料整理:Mel Byars.2004.The Design Encyclopedia.Foreword by Terence Riley.The Museum of Modern Art.Laurence King Publishing,London.The Museum of Modern Art,New York.P555.Guy Juliet.The Thames and Hudson Encyclopaedia of 20th Century Design and Designers.London:Thames and Hudson.p149-150Contemporary Designers,3rd ed.St.James Press,1997.Reproduced in Biography Resource Center.Farmington Hills,Mich.:Thomson Gale.2007.Boman.,John Editor,Cambridge Dictionary of American Biography.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.1995
    [2]Al Gowan.Design's gadfly.May/Jun98,Vol.52 Issue 3,p32,4p,9c
    [1]Victor Papanek.The Green Imperative—Ecology and Ethics in Design and Architecture.Thames & Hudson,1995,p16
    [3]Ralph Caplan.Victor Papanek,1925-1998,An Alternative View.Mar/Apr 1998;45,2;Academic Reserch Library.p34.
    [4]Leslie Speer是圣何塞州立大学的助理教授,也是IDSA之成员,提出“Design for the Majority”的观点,在与她通信的过程当中,她最初提到:Victor Papanek died a few years ago.He is not honored by IDSA.Strange how those sorts of things turn out.(2007-12-5)
    [5]第三封信中她又纠正了前面的看法:Actually,I just saw a typo in my email.It should have said "he is NOW honored by IDSA".(2007-12-7)
    [3]John Heskett.Industrial Design.New York and Toronto:Oxford University Press.1980.p62
    [2]Victor Papanek.The Green Imperative—Ecology and Ethics in Design and Architecture.Thames &Hudson,1995.p 140
    [1]Victor Papanek.The Green Imperative—Ecology and Ethics in Design and Architecture,Thames &Hudson,1995.p34
    [1]George H.Marcus,What Is Design Today? New York:Harry N.Abrams,Inc.,2002,p9
    [1]Edward Lucie-Smith,Bictionary of Art Team,London:Thames & Hudson New Edition 2003British Library,p97.
    [1][美]马尔库塞.单向度的人:发达工业社会意识形态研究.张峰译.重庆人民出版社1989年版 第6页
    [2]Ezio Manzini.Prometheus of the Everyday:The Ecology of the Artificial and the Designer's Responsibility Design Issue:Vol.Ⅸ,Number 1 Fall 1992 p8
    [2]Arthur J.Pulos,The American Design Adventure 1940-1975.Massachusetts Institute of Technology,1988
    [2]Lucie-Smith,Edward.A History of Industrial Design.Oxford:Phaidon Press Limited,1983 p113.
    [1]Ezio Manzini.Prometheus of the Everyday:The Ecology of the Artificial and the Designer's Responsibility Design Issue:Vol.Ⅸ,Number 1 Fall 1992
    [2]William MaDonough & Michael Braungan.Cradle to Cradle-Remaking the Way We Make Things.New York:North Point Press2002.p19
    [3]黄厚石,孙海燕.设计原理.南京:东南大学出版社,2005.8.第179页美国环境毒理和化学学会(The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry)将其定义为“考察一个产品从摇篮到坟墓的生命周期相联系的环境后果。”国际标准化组织(The International Organization for Standardization,ISO)的定义“生命周期分析是对一个产品系统的生命周期的输入、输出及潜在环境影响的综合评价”
    [4]Victor Papanek.Design for Human Scale.New York:Van Nostrand Reinhold Company.1983,p68
    [1]John Heskett.Industrial Design.New York and Toronto:Oxford University Press.1980 p206
    [3]H.Alpay Er.Development Pattens of Industrial Design in the Third World:A Conceptual Model for Newly Industrialized Countries.Journal of Design History,Vol.10.No3.(1997),pp.293-309(295)
    [4]Nicola Morelli.Social Innovation and New Industrial Contexts:Can Designers "Industrialize" Socially Responsible Solutions? Design Issues:Volume23,Number 4 Autumn 2007
    [1]Design Secrects:Products.50 Real-life Projects Uncovered.)IDSA& Rockport Publishers,2001,p148
    24、[美]戴维·纪森编著.大且绿—走向21世纪的可持续性建筑.林耕,刘宪, 姚小琴翻译.林耕主审.天津:天津科技翻译出版社.2005
    29、[法]消费社会波德里亚 全志钢/刘成富译 南京大学出版社2001
    1、 Papanek, Victor. Design for the Real World : Human Ecology and Social Change.(with an introduction by R. Buckminster Fuller). New York: Pantheon Books. 1973
    2、 Papanek, Wictor.Design for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change. (Second Edition Completely Revised), London: Thames & Hudson. 1984. Reprinted 2004
    3、 Papanek, Victor. Design for Human Scale. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. 1983
    4、 Papanek, Victor. The Green Imperative—Ecology and Ethics in Design and Architecture. Thames &Hudson, 1995
    5、 Heskett John. Industrial Design . New York and Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1980
    6、 Lucie-Smith, Edward. A History of Industrial Design. Oxford: Phaidon Press Limited, 1983
    6、 David Raizman and Laurence Pu King. History of Modern Design.. London: Laurence King Publishing. 2004
    7、 Arthur J .Pulos, The American Design Adventure 1940-1975.Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1988
    8、 William McDonough , Michael Braungart. Cradle to cradle: remaking the way we make things . New York: North Point Press.2002
    9、 John, A. Walker. Design History and History of Design.. London : Pluto Press. 1989
    10、 Grinyer, Clive. Smart Design Products that change our lives. Switzerland: RotoVision ,2001.
    11、 Jean Dubuffet. Beauty is Nowhere: Ethical Issues in Art and Design (Critical Voices in Art, Theory and Culture). G+B ART .1998
    12、 Grant McCracken. Culture and Consumption. New Approaches to the Symbolic Character of the Consumer Goods and Activities. Indiana University Press. 1988 (Chapter 5.p71-89.Meaning Manufacture and Movement in the World of Goods)
    13、Grant McCracken.Culture and Consumption Ⅱ-Markets,Meaning,and Brand Management.Indiana University Press.2005.(Chapter 6.p53-94 When Car Could Fly)
    14、Spark,Penny.Design and Culture-1900 to the Present.(Second Edition)London and New York:Routledge,Inc.1986
    15、Nigel Whiteley.Reyner Banham-Historian of the Immediate Future.Cambridge:The MIT Press.1991(chapter 3,p82-138.Popular Desires and Rough Poetry)
    16、Julier,Guy.The Thames and Hudson Encyclopaedia of 2Oth Century Design and Designers.London:Thames and Hudson.
    17、Byars,Mel.2004.The Design Encyclopedia.Foreword by Terence Riley.The Museum of Modern Art.Laurence King Publishing,London:The Museum of Modern Art,New York.
    18、Boman.,John Editor,Cambridge Dictionary of American Biography.England:Cambridge University Press.1995
    19、Contemporary Designers,3rd ed.Detroit:St.James Press,1997._Reproduced in Biography Resource Center.Farmington Hills,Mich.:Thomson Gale.2007.
    20、Nigel Whiteley.Toward a Throw-Away Culture.Consumerism,'Style Obsolescence' and Cultural Theory in the 1950s and 1960s.Oxford Art Journal,Vol.10,No.2,The 60s.(1987),p3-27
    21、Nicola Morelli.Social Innovation and New Industrial Contexts:Can Designers "Industrialize" Socially Responsible Solutions? Design Issues:Volume23,Number 4Autumn 2007
    22、Ian Abley and James Heartfield,Sustaining Architecture in the Anti-Machine Age,Wiley-Academy,2001(Chapterl,Paul Hyett,Ryder.If Sustainable Design isn't a Moral Imperative,What is? p22-31)
    23、Papanek,Victor.The Future Isn't What It Used to Be.Design Issues,Vol.5,No.1(Autumn,1988),pp.4-17
    24、Ezio Manzini.Prometheus of the Everyday:The Ecology of the Artificial and the Designer's Responsibility Design Issue:Vol.Ⅸ,Number 1 Fall 1992
    25、 Ralph Caplan. Victor Papanek, 1925-1998, An Alternative View . Mar/Apr 1998;45,2; Academic Reserch Library . p34
    26、 Al Gowan. Design s gadfly. May/Jun98, Vol.52 Issue 3 , p32,4p, 9c
    27、 Victor Margolin. Design, the Future and the Human Spirt. Design Issues, Volume 23, Number 3 Summer 2007
    28、 H . Alpay Er. Development Pattens of Industrial Design in the Third World: A Conceptual Model for Newly Industrialized Countries. Journal of Design History, Vol. 10,No3.(1997),pp.293-309
    29、 Henry Winthrop. Toward an Extension and Revision of the Concept of Waste. American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol. 39, No.3(Jul,1980), pp.273-287
    30、 Madge,Pauline. Design, Ecology, Technology: A Historiographical Review.Journal of Design History . Vol.6 No.3 The Design History Society.pp149-166
    31、 Philip Pacey. ''Anyone Design Anything?" Non-Professional Designers and The History of Design. Journal of Design History, Vol.5,No.3.(1992), pp217-225.
    32、 Edward Woodhouse and Jason W. Patton. Design by Society: Science and Technology Studies and the Social Shaping of Design. Design Issue: Volume20, No 3, Summer 2004. p1-12
    33、 Madge Pauline. Ecological Design: A New Critique. Design Issues, Vol. 13, No. 2, A Critical Condition: Design and Its Criticism. (Summer, 1997), pp. 44-54.

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