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China's manufacturing is the leading industries in achieving the international competitiveness,with the deepening of China's industrialization process,the role and the status of the traditional manufacturing industry will become more prominent; Shipbuilding industries,as an important part of the traditional manufacturing industry,it is Strategic industries of the national economy related to national defense and scientific technology,each country has always focused its training and support. Moreover,China's shipbuilding industries grown very fast in the international shipbuilding market,especially the generation of private enterprise shipbuilding industrial clusters in Jiangsu and Zhejiang coastal has developed very rapidly;But behind this prosperity,we must use rational thinking to deal with the future development of clusters.
     This paper is just based on these facts,make use of Taizhou shipbuilding industrial cluster for example,with the application of location quotient,spatial Gini coefficient,the degree of clusters aggregation,as well as the changes of the industrial indicator to determine the level of development of clusters,and the life-cycle stage of the cluster,point out that cluster is in life cycle stage of rapid development currently. And then combined with the problem in the corresponding development strategies of a general industrial cluster,analyze specific issues in specific situation and then put forward the growth path in realization of sustainable development of Taizhou shipbuilding industrial cluster,provide the theoretical guidance and analysis framework to the local government.
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    [20]BAZAM L,NAVAS-ALEMAN,Upgrading in Global and National Value Chains:Recent Challenges and Opportunities for the Sinos-Valley Footwear Cluster,Brazil in Schmitz,H.(ed.),Local Enterprises in the Global Economy:Issues of Governance and upgrading[M],Cheltenham:Edward Elgar,2003
    [21]Thomas Brennery.A Methodology to Identify Local Industrial Clusters and Its Application to Germany[J],2004

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