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The high speed urbanization process brings massive constructions of residential buildings. It becomes not only the architects' targets but also the urging and important livelihood problem that how to design and build low costing, comfortable, aesthetic as well as energy, land and material saving residential districts. Digital technology has entered architectural design region for about half a century, but there are always few digital technologies which can really assist the schematic design itself. Domestic and abroad studies are both in the beginning of their exploration.
     This paper has used the newest and most popular artificial intelligent design approach and design-evaluation-redesign expert system to do the schematic design of row house cluster of parallel layout.
     First of all, this paper has studied the relations between dwelling units' locations and influence elements of environmental quality, setting the inhabitants' environmental preferences and the classification as the layouts' judgment standards which data come from a house-hold investigation. It has used object-oriented programming language C++, multi-agent system, generative and stochastic incomplete approaches to simulate the layout design and establish a mathematic model with corresponding restricted rules. It has also compiled a set of residential clusters' automatic layout program and realized the simulation process of human brain's layout design. The results show that:the automatic layout design process of row house cluster is manageable, controllable and visual. The layout process is bottom up converged and the emerged layout is the relatively best layout with high general satisfaction score.
     Secondly, this paper has analyzed the digital layout with deferent environmental parameters: plot ratio, site scale, size and ratio of dwelling unit, classification of inhabitants' preferences and type of clusters. The results show that:a.the relations between general satisfactions and parameters in different types of clusters; b. the corresponding design strategies to improve the general satisfaction.
     At last, the layouts of real projects which were designed by the traditional approach have been redesigned by the digital approach under the same planning and evaluation conditions. The paper has compared and analyzed the two kinds of layouts, the results show that:a. the digital design approach can produce the layouts with high satisfaction; b. the related design strategies of central green land, the conjunction ways of dwelling units and the relations between residential building and surrounding roads.
     In brief, the digital technology of automatic layout design of residential clusters which has been presented in paper is a new and real computer aided architectural design. It shows the "inhabitant-oriented" design principal and "energy-saving society" national policy. It is a brand new attempt of artificial intelligence in layout design of residential districts.
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