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Nowadays, scientific and technological progress is changing quickly and market competition is becoming fiercer. Design innovation is imperative in view of current situations: the step of economic globalization speeds up; the product development cycle shortens; the customer requirements become more diversified; manufacturing enterprises are in a dynamic changing environment of market and production. During the design process, with the change of design factors and increase of design depth, the product process models and associated knowledge are increased considerably in complexity and quantity. However, this kind of time-varying resource is difficult to be reused and shared in present CAD systems which leads to the huge drain of the knowledge hidden in design process. Therefore, variation design oriented technology of transplantation element retrieval and fusion process evolution is put forward. The design whose factors change is defined as variation design. The variation design is classified into three types: structure variation design; object variation design; scale variation design. Structure variation design oriented technology of transplantation element retrieval is realized via constructing shape retrieval index and locating similar models rapidly. Fusion process evolution is realized via fusing the factors such as resource, rules and knowledge throughout the design process and making the design develop towards the better direction. The evolution technology in variation design promotes the design forward with the change of design factors and increase of design depth which improves design efficiency and quality as well as reflects the advanced requirements of modern design.
     The research works are developed around 5 aspects: shape similarity retrieval of 3D models; design fragment reuse across the process; time-varying knowledge acquisition throughout the process; expressing and solving of complex multi-object; design modeling of micrometer scale product. There are 5 innovations: the technology of shape similarity retrieval of 3D models is developed, the evolution design which takes node resource reuse as remarkable characteristic is realized; the technology of design modeling and reuse across the process is developed, the evolution design which takes design fragment reuse as remarkable characteristic is realized; the technology of acquisition and active navigation of time-varying knowledge throughout the process is developed, the evolution design which takes time-varying knowledge fusion as remarkable characteristic is realized; object variation oriented technology of optimization design of spatial mechanism is developed, the evolution design which takes expressing and intelligent computing of complex multi-object as remarkable characteristic is realized; scale variation oriented technology of flexible design of micrometer product is developed, the evolution design which takes flexible design flow in microscopic scale as remarkable characteristic is realized.
     The organization structure of full text is as follows:
     In chapter 1, variation design oriented technology of transplantation element retrieval and fusion process evolution is described. The research and application situation at home and abroad is reviewed. The shortage of present research for product digital design is pointed out. The research content and architecture of the dissertation is introduced.
     In chapter 2, structure variation design oriented technology of transplantation element retrieval is presented and realized. The shape retrieval method of 3D models based on shape distribution graph and BP neural network is developed. The present shape linear index is extended to nonlinear index. A 3D shape and structure retrieval method of mechanical parts based on recursive segmentation is realized.
     In chapter 3, structure variation design oriented technology of product design process reuse is presented and realized. A process reuse method of product variation design based on association and backtracking is developed. The design reuse objects are extended from the static isolated design node to the dynamic continuous design process.
     In chapter 4, structure variation design oriented technology of acquisition and active navigation of time-varying knowledge is presented and realized. A method of acquisition and active navigation of knowledge particles throughout product variation design process is developed. The navigation decision basis is extended from static isolated design status to dynamic continuous design process so that it more flexibly adapts to the different designers and various structure variation design steps.
     In chapter 5, object variation design oriented technology of kinematics optimization design of manipulator is presented and realized. Discernible trajectory oriented kinematics optimization design method for manipulator is developed. The present trajectory based dimension synthesis is extended to trajectory and kinematics based multiobjective optimization design.
     In chapter 6, scale variation oriented technology of flexible design of micrometer product is presented and realized. A flexible design modeling methodology for MEMS based on Petri Net is developed. The present design methods are extended from top-down, bottom-up and hybrid to flexible design based on Petri Net. The product design is no longer restricted to fixed process.
     In chapter 7, the platform of variation design oriented technology of transplantation element retrieval and fusion process evolution is introduced. In independent prototype system, the various complex mechanical products are taken as examples.
     In chapter 8, the research results of this dissertation are summarized and the ways for further research are pointed out.
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