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The evidence question is a key question in the lawsuit. The question is very outstanding during the judicial pratice at present. One that is about evidence is collected,application. With strength of proving question of putting ability to the proof etc of canning be adopted nature on the evidence,set up some rules,make administration of justice to practise with the rule prevent the wanton quality,in order to safeguard the justice .The more important things is that ensures the lawsuit to participate in people's lawful rights and interests. So to some problems with outstanding reflection in the judicial pratice,taking a concrete and feasible countermeasure out is the task of top priority. Chinese legislature has already planned to make the evidence rule of the lawsuit. The evidence legislates already mentioned that the schedule comes past. The focus that the evidence rule of criminal suit has already became the legal principle. In recent years,educational circles and administration of justice real affair circle
     and been discussed.
    At present,the achievement made in criminal suit evidence is derived from the aspect of theoretical foundation of Chinese criminal suit system.,epistemology or the value theory,or from the characteristics of the criminal evidence,evidence admissiblility ect. Some are made from the angle of the comparative law belonging to doctrine country concerning the applications of the regulations and systems in the courts in China. These regulations and systems such as witness appearance in count procedure ,the complexion letter of the judicial expert's conclusion procedure are researched individualy and only constituted a part in the letigation system in China and are not combined with each other to be observed and discussed .The writer of this paper's aim is to improve in this area and she made her study with the help of the clue of measures of human rights protection in the evidence in criminal suit. According to the observations that the writer made,there is no study in our country which connect the them.
    In the preface the writer briefly described the development of idea of human rights and pointed out that nowadays it has become an important value goal in the criminal suit reform of every country in the world and use it as an basic key element as criminal suit of evidence to ensure the realization of human rights in the criminal suit. This part provided the starting point for this paper.
    Definite definitions is the prerequisite for the research. The first part of this paper defined three essential definitions in studying the evidence regulation reform of criminal suit which are criminal suit evidence,evidence system. The definition of evidence rule of criminal suit is that the evidences are the mark,image,etcs of the case the judicial authority approved to prove the truth in the course of criminal suit. There are subjective factors and objective factors in the evidence and it is and entity of them. The evidence rule is the practical and regular evidence operational procedure to criminal suit. This part discussed the difference between the narrow sense in a broad sense of the evidence rules and the functional problems relative to the evidence system and the status in evidence rule which made the foundation well for the following argument.
    The second part of this paper firstly discussed the such a view from the vertical history aspcet (the historical evolution of criminal suit with evidence rule) that the development history of criminal suit evidence is a history promoted to protect human rights in the lawsuit. We can say that the development of human right in lawsuit is closely bound up to the development of evidence
    rule. Secondly,it introduced the legislative mode of contemporary criminal evidence rules and ensure content in human rights among them with their development trend and then carry on China and foreign countries to compare with the evidence rule mode draw a preliminary conclusion:of our country evidence regular mode science,systimtic ensuring and in one a kind of weak te
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    ⑧ 《列宁全集》第23卷,P34
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    11 Black' Law Dictionary(flfth edition), West Publishing co., 1979, P1195
    12 巫宇甦主编《证据学》,群众出版社 1983年版,P22-23
    13 台湾地区《刑事诉讼法》第一编第十二章,转引自刘善春等著《证据规则研究》
    14 樊崇义主编《刑事诉讼法学研究综述与评价》,中国政法大学出版社 1991年版,P700-701
    15 徐静村主编《刑事诉讼法学》,法律出版社 1997年版,P163-172
    16 何家弘主编《证据法论坛》第一卷,中国检察出版社 2001年版,P156
    17 卞建林、姚莉“关于建立和完善我国证据规则的思考”,载《法商研究》1999年第5期
    18 夏勇著《人权概念起源》,中国政法大学出版社 1996年版
    19 何家弘主编《新编证据法学》,法律出版社 1999年版,P51
    20 冯春萍“论控辩平等与被控人人权保障”,载《法律科学》1998年第6期
    21 中国大百科全书出版社主编《中国大百科全书法学卷》1994年版P835
    22 裴苍龄“制定证据法典刻不容缓”,载《法商研究》1999年第5期。
    23 刘善春、毕玉谦、郑旭著《诉讼证据规则》,中国法制出版社 2000年版,P41
    24 江伟主编《证据法学》,法律出版社 1999年版,P26
    25 “证人出庭,难在何处?”载《检察日报》1999年8月12日第4 版
    26 宋英辉文“不必自我归罪原则与如实陈述义务”载《法学研究》1998年第5期
    27 王敏远“刑事被告人权利研究”,载夏勇主编《走向权利的时代——中国公民权利发展研究》,中国政法大学出版 1995年版,P538
    28 F A Hayek: The Road to serfdom, University of Chicago Press, 1944, P54
    29 雷威廉斯著,吴松江、张文定译《文化与社会》,北大出版社,1991年版P34
    30 Bentham, The Principles of Judicial Pricedure转引自陈瑞华“法律程序价值观”《中外法学》1997年总第47期
    31 陈一云主编《证据学》,中国人民大学出版社,1991年版,P114
    32 熊秋红《刑事辩护论》,法律出版社 1998年版,P97
    33 陈瑞华《刑事审判原理论》,北京大学出版社 1997年版,P74
    34 同上注,P74
    35 梁漱溟著《中国文化要义》,台北正中书局 1975年版,P260、266
    36 龙宗智著《相对合理主义》,中国政法大学出版社 1999年版,P65
    37 《1986年美国犯罪情况统计》,《法学译丛》1988年第6期
    38 何家弘“中国证据法学前瞻”,载《检察日报》,1999年9月2日第3版
    39 陈光中、丹尼尔 普瑞方廷(加)主编《联合国刑事司法准则与中国刑事法制》,法律出版社 1998年版,P267-268
    40 赵德云“对非法取得的刑事证据材料排除之比较”,《刑事法律问题专题研究》,群众出版社 1998年版,P694
    41 [日]日本最高裁判所刑事判例集32卷6号P1672,1978年9月7日
    42 李昌珂译《德国刑事诉讼法典》,中国政法大学出版社 1995年版,P21
    43 卞建林译《美国联邦刑事诉讼规则和证据规则》,中国政法大学出版 1996年版,P58

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