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There is no doubt that the emergence and development of modern internationalorganizations contributed enormously to the enforcement of international law. It is nownot only a collective, but also a centralized mechanism. As the most authoritativeinternational organization, the United Nations designed its implementation of theresolution through strictly compliance mechanisms, greatly strengthened internationallaw enforcement measures in the traditional sense. The sanctions employed by the UNSecurity Council to enforce its decisions are important means.
     United Nations sanctions regime has been deployed widely through dozens ofcountries, including a comprehensive economic and trade sanctions, or more specificsanctions such as arms embargoes, travel bans, financial or diplomatic restrictions. Butregardless of the types of the sanction, it has to face implementation issues in thedomestic area.
     In spite of the introduction and conclusion, the main part of this paper is dividedinto four chapters.
     Introduction begins with brief history of the very origin of the UN Sanctions,describes the research background and significance of proposed research focus in thispaper, and the status of domestic and international academic research; and thesis researchideas and research methods explanations.
     Chapter I focus on the legal nature of the UN sanctions, as well as its evolution andthe challenges. Based on a realistic view of today's international community, theeconomic development of deep-seated problems caused by the outbreak of the pent-upsocial contradictions, is making the international community gradually split: whether thebypassing of multilateral international mechanism of unilateralism countries to takeaction, or the EU debt crisis triggered by the "de-organized" the tendency. Although theUN "targeted sanctions" and "Kimberley Process" on the sanctions of a larger reform, atdomestic implementation level, it still facing the danger of fragmentation.
     Chapter II focus on the establishment of a theoretical framework for domesticimplementation of UN sanctions to conduct a preliminary exploration. Although manycountries make clear the relationship between international law and domestic law, very
     few provide the appropriate provisions on the implementation of the UN sanctions. Evenin the countries taking the primacy of international law, whether the sanctions can beimplemented directly in their countries is still uncertain. In addition, a number of nationaland regional courts claimed judicial review on the domestic implementation of laws,even the sanctions themselves. Therefore, from the perspective of theoreticalconstruction, the implementation issues of UN sanctions, de facto contains three aspects,namely, the theoretical framework, the effectiveness of domestic implementation, and theconflict of laws.
     Chapter III investigates national legal systems from an empirical point of view,about how the United Nations sanctions implemented in the domestic plane. Generally,three patterns of implantation have been found from the empirical study: through theframework of “enabling legislation” to transfer the power from the legislative branch tothe executive branch; through present legal systems, without “enabling legislation”, norspecial legislation; and through special legislation.
     Chapter IV analyzes the patterns and practices of China's legislative conduct. On theone hand, there are considerable gaps in China's domestic legal system, concerning therelationship between international law and domestic law. No constitutional provisionswere taken to clarify the issue, but scattered in various ordinary laws. On the otherhand, the practice of implementing UN sanctions often through the Ministry of ForeignAffairs’ notification letters, and administrative documents in the form of a generaldeclaration of the implementation of United Nations sanctions. Even in some sensitivesectors, such as customs and financial branches, the implementation means of UnitedNations sanctions are still administrative normative documents, rather than legal means.
     The concluding section summarizes the main discourse described on the above, andfurther emphasizes the construction of the legal system implementing UN sanctions inChina.
    ②Edward Newman, A Crisis in Global Institutions? Multilateralism and International Security, Abingdon: Routledge,2007, p.35.
    ③Paul Taylor and A. J. R. Groom, The United Nations and the Gulf War,1990-91: Back to the Future? London: TheRoyal Institute of International Affairs Discussion Paper38,1992.
    ①United States Institute of Peace, American Interests and UN Reform, Report of the Task Force on the United Nations,Washington D.C.,2005, p.5.
    ①Quincy Wright, Enforcement of International Law, American Society of International Law Proceedings, vol.38(1944), p.78.
    ②Hans Morgenthau, Politics among Nations, New York: Alfred A. Knopf1960, p.283.
    ③John K. Setear, An Iterative Perspective on Treaties: A Synthesis of International Relations Theory and InternationalLaw,37Harvard International Law Journal139,147;1996; John K. Setear, Responses to Breach of a Treaty andRationalist International Relations Theory: The Rules of Release and Remediation in the Law of Treaties and theLaw of State Responsibility,83Virginia law review1,123;1997.
    ④托马斯·弗兰克(Thomas Franck)的“合法性理论”以解释国际法的遵守则认为,国家遵守国际法规则是由于他们认为这些规则“来自于正当程序”。 Thomas M. Franck, Legitimacy in the International System, AmericanJournal of International Law, vol.82(1988), pp.705,706.
    ⑤Philip R. Trimble, International Law, World Order, and Critical Legal Studies, Stanford Law Review, vol.42(1990),pp.811,833.
    ①Oona A. Hathaway, Do Human Rights Treaties Make a Difference?, Yale Law Journal, vol.111(2002), pp.1935,1958.
    ②Roger Fisher, Improving Compliance with International Law,127-140;1982.
    ③Abram Chayes and Antonia Handler Chayes, The New Sovereignty: Compliance with International RegulatoryAgreements3,1995.
    ④Edward Newman, A Crisis in Global Institutions? Multilateralism and International Security, Abingdon: Routledge,2007, p.24.
    ⑤Laurie Rosensweig, United Nations Sanctions: Creating a More Effective Tool for the Enforcement of InternationalLaw, Austrian Journal of Public International Law, vol.48(1995), pp.161-195.
    ①Iain Cameron, Targeted Sanctions and Legal Safeguards, Report to the Swedish Foreign Office on Legal Safeguardsand Targeted Sanctions, October2002; and see, Andrew Mack and Asif Khan, The Efficacy of UN Sanctions,Security Dialogue200031:279, The online version of this article can be found at:http://sdi.sagepub.com/content/31/3/279, visited on12December2011. Golnoosh Hakimdavar, UN Sanctions: ASynthesis of Strategic Factors Affecting Implementation, From the Selected Works of Golnoosh Hakimdavar,available at http://works.bepress.com/golnoosh_hakimdavar/1/, visited on15January,2012.
    ②Clara Portela, National Implementation of United Nations Sanctions, International Journal, winter2009-2010, p.13.
    ②Peter Wallensteen, Carina Staibano and Mikael Eriksson, Making Targeted Sanctions Effective: Guidelines for theImplementation of UN Policy Options, Results from the Stockholm Process on the Implementation of TargetedSanctions, Uppsala University Department of Peace and Conflict Research,2003.
    ③See “Stockholm Process” Findings-Year-Long Study on targeted Sanctions Presented to Security Council, UnitedNations Press Release SC/7672,25/02/2003.
    ④Targeted Financial Sanctions—Harmonizing National Legislation and Regulatory Practices, Prepared by theTargeted Financial Sanctions Research Project at the Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University,available at http://www.watsoninstitute.org/project_detail.cfm?id=4, visited on15January,2012.
    ①Andrea Charron, Canada’s Domestic Implementation of U.N. Sanctions: Keeping Pace? Canadia Foreign PolicyJournal, vol.14, no.2, pp.1-18.
    ②Shigeo Kawagishi, UN Economic Sanctions and Domestic Implementation in Japan, American Society ofInternational Law Proceedings, vol.89, p.344.
    ③Hazel Fox and C. Wickremasinghe, UK Implementation of UN Economic Sanctions, The International andComparative Law Quarterly, Vol.42, No.4, pp.945-970.
    ④United States General Accounting Office, Report to the Honorable Edward M. Kennedy, US Senate,Serbia-Montenegro Implementation of UN Economic Sanctions, available athttp://www.gao.gov/assets/220/217680.pdf, visited on15January,2012.
    ①See Jost Delbrück ed., The Future of International Law Enforcement: New Scenarios-New Law? Proceedings of anInternational Symposium of the Kiel Institute of International Law, Berlin: Duncker&Humblot,1993, p.21.
    ②Jeremy Carver and Jenine Hulsmann, The Role of Article50of the UN Charter in the Search for International Peaceand Security, The International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol.49, No.3, July2000, p.577.
    ③G. L. Burci, The Indirect Effect of United Nations Sanctions on Third States: The Role of Article50of the UNCharter, African Yearbook of International Law,1995, p.162.
    ④See Vera Gowlland-Debbas, Collective Responses to Illegal Acts in International Law: UnitedNations Action in the Question of Southern Rhodesia, Dordrecht/Boston/London: Martinus NijhoffPublishers,1990, pp.557-632.
    ②Peter Malanczuk, Akehurst’s Modern Introduction to International Law,7threv. ed., Routledge,1997, pp.3-4.
    ④Kim Richard Nossal, Economic Sanctions in the League of Nations and the United Nations, in David Leyton-Brown(ed.), The Utility of International Economic Sanctions, ST Martin’s Press,1986, p.11.
    ①James L. Brierly, The Law of Nations: An Introduction to the International Law of Peace,4th ed., Clarendon Press,1949, p.93.
    ②Black's Law Dictionary,8th ed.,2004, p.4178.“An economic or military coercive measure taken by one or morecountries toward another to force it to comply with international law.”
    ③Quincy Wright, Enforcement of International Law, American Society of International Law Proceedings, Vol.38,1944, p.78.
    ④N. J. Schrijver, The Use of Economic Sanctions by the UN Security Council: An International Law Perspective, inHarry H.G. Post (ed.), International Economic Law and Armed Conflict, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1994, p.125.
    ⑤Steve Charnovitz, Rethinking WTO Trade Sanctions, American Journal of International Law, Vol.95,2001, p.794.
    ①YILC,1979, Vol.II, part2, p.121.
    ②Report of the International Law Commission on the Work of its Fifty-third Session, UN Doc.A/56/10, p.75.
    ①Malcolm N. Shaw, International Law,5thed., Cambridge University Press,2005, p.1100.
    ④Kim Richard Nossal, Economic Sanctions in the League of Nations and the United Nations, in David Leyton-Brown(ed.), The Utility of International Economic Sanctions, ST Martin’s Press,1986, p.14.
    ⑤Manley O. Hudsion, The Report of the Assembly of the League of Nations on the Sino-JapanDispute, The AmericanJournal of International Law, Vol.27, No.2(April1933), pp.300-305.
    ⑥Vaughan Lowe, International Law, Oxford University Press,2007, p.270.
    ⑦Margaret P. Doxey, International Sanctions in Contemporary Perspective, London: The MacMillanPress,1987, pp.24-27.
    ⑨John Paxman and George Boggs, eds., United Nations: A Reassessment-Sanctions, Peacekeeping and HumanitarianAssistance, Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press,1973, p.21.
    ①Leland M. Goodrich, Edvard Hambro and Anne Patricia Simons, Charter of the United Nations: Commentary andDocument, p.311.
    ②UN Doc. S/RES/57/4(2002), October10,2002.
    ①Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua, I.C.J. Reports1986, p.14.
    ②UN Doc. S/PV.2704(1986), July31,1986; UN Doc. S/PV.2718(1986), October28,1986.
    ③Hans Kelsen, THE LAW OF THE UNITED NATIONS, New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc.,1950, pp.721-724.
    ④Leland M. Goodrich, Edvard Hambro and Anne Patricia Simons, Charter of the United Nations: Commentary andDocuments, p.334; Rosalyn Higgins, The Development of International Law Through the Political Organs of theUnited Nations, London: Oxford University Press,1963, p.334.
    ⑤和平之威胁、和平之破坏及侵略行为之间的界限并不明晰。“和平之威胁”没有定义,似乎可认为是,有可能在短期或中期引起国际武装冲突的国际危机。See Erika De Wet, The Chapter VII Powers of the United NationsSecurity Council, Oxford University Press,2004, p.139.“和平之破坏”似乎是指两个国家间武装敌对的任何情势。See N. D. White, Keeping the Peace: the United Nations and the Maintenance of International Peace and Security,Manchester University Press,2nded.,1997, p.48.“侵略行为”的定义见于1974年联合国大会《关于侵略定义的决议》,但根据定义的第2条和第4条,安理会拥有侵略行为的最终决定权。《联合国宪章》对“和平之破坏”与“侵略行为”的区分有点儿令人吃惊,因为后者只是前者的一种特殊形式。区别似乎在于后者明显地将责任归于当事国一方。See Kenneth Manusama, The United Nations Security Council in the Post-Cold War Era:Applying the Principle of Legality, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,2006, pp.50-51.
    ①Erika De Wet, The Chapter VII Powers of the United Nations Security Council, Oxford and Portland Oregon,2004,p.184.
    ②在第43条的特别协定缔结之前,第106条作为“过渡安全办法”仍具有效力。See Albrecht Randelzhofer, Article2(4), in Bruno Simma et al.(eds.), The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary, Oxford University Press,1995, p.120.
    ③Paul Conlon, United Nations Sanctions Papers, Special Collection1991-1995, available at University of IowaLibraries, Special Collections Department; see also, Paul Conlon, Historical Note on the Issue of Oil Belonging tothe Kuwait petroleum Company in Aden, Collected Papers of Paul Conlon, Director of UN Security CouncilSanctions Committee, University of Iowa Special Collections.
    ①David Cortright and George A. Lopez, The Sanctions Decade: Assessing UN Strategies in the1990s, Boulder: LynneRienner Publishers, Inc.,2000, p.1.
    ②UN Doc. S/RES/169(1961), November24,1961.
    ③UN Doc. S/RES/312(1972), February4,1972.
    ④UN Doc. S/RES/183(1961), August7,1963.
    ⑤David Cortright and George A. Lopez, The Sanctions Decade: Assessing UN Strategies in the1990s, p.1.
    ①UN Doc. S/RES/661(1990), August6,1990.
    ②UN Doc. S/PV.2933(1990), August6,1990.
    ③UN Doc. S/RES/665(1990), August25,1990.
    ④UN Doc. S/RES/670(1990), September25,1990.
    ⑤UN Doc. S/PV.2943(1990), September25,1990.
    ①Thomas G. Weiss and David Cortright, George A. Lopez, and Larry Minear, eds., Political Gain and Civilian Pain:Humanitarian Impacts of Economic Sanctions, Lanham: Rowman&Littlefield Publishers, Inc.,1997.
    ②Supplement to an Agenda for Peace: position paper of the Secretary-General on the occasion of the50th anniversaryof the United Nations, UN Doc. A/50/60(1995), January25,1995.
    ③Kofi Annan, Annual Report of the Secretary-General on the Work of the Organization, UN Doc. A/53/1, August27,1998, para.64.
    ④Peter Wallensteen, Carina Staibano and Mikael Eriksson, eds., Making Targeted Sanctions Effective: Guidelines forthe Implementation of UN Policy Options, p. iii.
    ⑤UN Doc. S/PV.4128(2000), April17,2000.
    ①High-Level panel on Threats, Challenges and Changes, A More Secure World: Our Shared Responsibility, p.55.
    ②Peter Wallensteen, Carina Staibano and Mikael Eriksson, eds. Making Targeted Sanctions Effective: Guidelines forthe Implementation of UN Policy Options.
    ②UN Doc. S/2007/734(2007), December12,2007.
    ③Vera Gowlland-Debbas, Security Council Enforcement Action and Issues of State Responsibility, International andComparative Law Quarterly, Vol.43, January1994, p.59.
    ②Leland M. Goodrich, Edvard Hambro and Anne Patricia Simons, Charter of the United Nations: Commentary andDocuments, p.334.
    ⑤Regional Hearings in the Preparation for the Millennium Assembly of the United Nations: Hearing Held for theRegion of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia at Beirut on23and24may1999, UN Doc.A/54/280(2000), January20,2000.
    ②[美]菲利斯·本尼斯(Phyllis Bennis)著,陈遥遥、张筱春译,《发号施令:美国是如何控制联合国的》,北京:新华出版社1999年版,第213页。
    ④See Bernd Martenczuk, The Security Council, the International Court and Judicial Review: What Lessons fromLockerbie? European Journal of International Law, Vol.10,1999, p.545.
    ①See Hans Kelsen, The law of the United Nations: A Critical Analysis of Its Fundamental Problems (withSupplement), New Jersey: The Lawbook Exchange Ltd.,2000, p.294.
    ②前南国际刑事法庭在Tadi一案中指出,“无论是宪章条文还是宪章精神都没有认同安理会是不受法律约束的。”此外,国际法院也承认,“国际组织作为国际法主体应受它们在一般国际法规则之下的义务的限制,受它们的组成条约的限制以及它们作为成员的国际条约的限制。”See Prosecutor v. Tadi,Appeal on Jurisdiction,Case IT-94-I-AR72(2October1995, para.28; and, Interpretation of the Agreement of25March1951between theWHO and Egypt, ICJ Reports1980, pp.89-90.
    ③Separate Opinion of Judge Lauterpacht, Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of theCrime of Genocide, Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro, ICJ Reports1993, p.440.
    ①P. R Baehr, Leon Gordenker, The United Nations: Reality and Ideal, New York,1984, at173.
    ②C. Lloyd Brown-John, Multilateral Sanctions in International Law, New York,1975.
    ③The Brookings Institution, Conversation with H. M. Queen Noor of Jordan, Federal News Service,3October1990.事实上,约旦的经济极大地依赖于与伊拉克的贸易:将近40%的约旦水果、蔬菜以及轻工业产品出口伊拉克,而伊拉克也相应提供了约旦90%的石油。
    ④Reuters,24September1990. The closing of the pipeline carrying one-million barrels of Iraqi oil a day to the Turkishport of Yumurtalik cost Turkey$312-million in revenues during the first year of sanctions.''Turkey Says 'No' toReopening Pipeline,"1Mid-East Markets23(24June1991). p.5.
    ⑤Reuters,9June1992. Bulgaria also reported-losses of up to$1.2-billion through its adherence to sanctions againstIraq.
    ⑥Reuters,31August1992. The Hungarian Ministry for International Economic Relations reported in the summerof1992that with half of Hungary's$250-million annual trade with the former Yugoslavia going to Serbia, lossescould reach$160million. The Financial Times,12June1992.
    ①R. Renwick, Economic Sanctions, Cambridge, MA,1981, at26.
    ②See Doxey, International Sanctions in Contemporary Perspective, New York,1987, at120.
    ③New York Times,23May1994. Eight hours after the newly tightened sanctions in United Nations Security CouncilResolution917took effect; boats were already carrying hundreds of gallons of embargoed oil from the DominicanRepublic to Haiti.
    ④“伊拉克与我们是兄弟。尽管我们是约旦人,但在内心上我们都是为伊拉克工作。”See Newsday,13September1990, p.14.
    ⑤M. Doxey, Economic Sanctions and International Enforcement, London,1971, at87.南非与南罗德西亚安全部队甚至还经常采取联合行动打击罗德西亚境内的游击队。
    ①The New York Times,31January1993, Section4, p.18.
    ②Financial Times,12June1992. The Bulgarian Government has expressed similar fears about reprisals toward the65,000Bulgarians living in Serbia. The Iraqi Government demonstrated its willingness to use threats to prevent theenforcement of sanctions as well: Hussein stated that foreign nationals would suffer the same shortages as Iraqis,motivating States to send supplies in contravention of the embargo. Reuters,16September1990.
    ③R. Renwick, Economic Sanctions, Cambridge, MA,1981, at78.
    ④Washington Post,19November1992. p.31.
    ①R. Renwick, Economic Sanctions, Cambridge, MA,1981, at18.
    ①See Vera Gowlland-Debbas, Collective Responses to Illegal Acts in International Law: United Nations Action in theQuestion of Southern Rhodesia, Dordrecht/Boston/London: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1990, pp.557-632.
    ③See Daniel Patrick O'Connell, International Law,1970, Vol.1, pp.43-46.
    ④“A party may not invoke the provisions of its internal law as justification for its failure to perform a treaty. This ruleis without prejudice to article46”, Article27, Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties,1969.
    ⑤事实上在1945年联合国制宪会议上就有国家表达了相应的担心,比利时代表即提交了相应的提案。参见UNCIO Docs., Vol.13, p.759.
    ⑦Importation of Rhodesian Chrome, Congressional Hearings and Mission Reports: U.S. Relations with SouthernAfrica, available athttp://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/?&Db=d095&querybd=@FIELD(FLD001+@4(Rhodesia)), visited on18December2011.
    ①Singapore Academy of Law, Singapore and International Law, Section4. Available athttp://www.singaporelaw.sg/content/IntLaw.html, visited on23December2011.
    ③尽管“自动执行”条约的概念出自于美国法,但目前对此并没有统一而精确的概念界定。国内法上的自动执行条约通常指可以在国内法体系中无需借助于国内立法即可直接予以实施,且能够在国内法院得到适用的国际条约;而非自动执行条约通常指在一国之内发生效力之前要求制定使其能够实施的法令。此外学界经常适用的术语还包括“直接适用”(direct applicability)以及“直接效力”(direct effect),但严格而言二者并不是同义词。直接效力以直接适用为前提,但是直接适用并不必然导致直接效力。而且直接适用性所针对的是条约在国际法层面上的效力问题,即条约在国际法上是否被其缔约国认为具有在国内法直接适用的效力。不过,鉴于直接适用的条约范围较为狭窄并且对国际法律要求较高,这一概念多在联系紧密的区域性超国家组织例如欧盟法上使用。参见罗国强:《论国际条约的国内适用问题》,载《兰州学刊》2010年第6期;唐颖侠:《国际法与国内法的关系及国际条约在中国国内法中的适用》,载《社会科学战线》2003年第1期;See also, ThomasBurgenthal, Self-Executing and Non-Self-Executing Treaties in National and International Law, RCADI, vol.235(1992), pp.317-340.
    ①Thomas Burgenthal, Self-Executing and Non-Self-Executing Treaties in National and International Law, RCADI,vol.235(1992), pp.317-340.
    ②United States, Decision of the District Court for the District of Columbia in Diggs v. Dent, May1975, ILM, vol.14,pp.803-804.甚至在美国不同的法院,对安理会制裁措施的认定均有不同。具体参阅Thomas A. Schweitzer, theUnited Nations as a Source of Domestic Law: Can Security Council Resolutions be Enforced in American Courts,Yale Studies in World Public Order, vol.4(1977), pp.224-230.
    ③Gilbert Guillaume, The Introduction and Implementation in the Legal State of the Resolutions of the SecurityCouncil of the United Nations Adopted under Chapter VII of the Charter, International Journal of Comparative Law,vol.50(1998), p.546.
    ④United Nations ParticipationAct (“UNPA”),22USCS Section287c.
    ①Resolution concerning the Economic Weapon adopted by the Assembly on October4,1921.
    ②A. E. Highley, The First Sanctions Experiment: A Study of League Procedures, Geneva,1938, pp.33-34.
    ③Act on the Implementation of Certain Obligations of Finland as a Member of the United Nations, No659/1967,Issued at Helsinki on29December1967.随后在芬兰成为欧盟成员国之后将该案于1997年作出了修正,目前有效的法案为Act on the Enforcement of Certain Obligations of Finland as a Member of the United Nations and ofthe European Union, title amended by Act No705/1997.
    ④Vera Gowlland-Debbas, Djacoba Liva Tehindrazanarivelo, eds., National Implementation of United NationsSanctions: A Comparative Study, the Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers2004, p.42.
    ①Law on the Implementation of Decisions of the United Nations Security Council, Belgium,1995.
    ②Lag om vissa internationella sanktioner (Act on Certain International Sanctions),1999. Available at,http://www.notisum.se/rnp/sls/lag/19960095.htm, visited on26December2011.
    ③Government Gazette15350, State President's Office, No.2433,17December1993.
    ①See e.g., Section8B (5), Immigration and Asylum Act1999.
    ②United States, Decision of the District Court for the District of Columbia in Diggs v. Dent, May1975, ILM, vol.14,pp.803-804.
    ③International Emergency Economic Powers Act,50USC Sec.1705.
    ④See e.g., Fact Sheet: Pressuring Syrian Regime, Supporting Universal Rights, The White House Office of the PressSecretary, August18,2011, available athttp://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/texttrans/2011/08/20110818101148su0.1598736.html#ixzz1hhIRrgTp,visited on27December2011.
    ⑤Vera Gowlland-Debbas, Djacoba Liva Tehindrazanarivelo, eds., National Implementation of United NationsSanctions: A Comparative Study, the Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers2004, p.44.
    ①Resolution232(1966) of16December1966. Available athttp://www.un.org/zh/documents/view_doc.asp?symbol=S/RES/232%281966%29&referer=http://www.un.org/chinese/aboutun/prinorgs/sc/sres/sres66.htm&Lang=E, visited on29December2011.
    ①Vera Gowlland-Debbas, Djacoba Liva Tehindrazanarivelo, eds., National Implementation of United NationsSanctions: A Comparative Study, the Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers2004, p.48.
    ②Sixth Report of the Security Council Committee Established in Pursuance of Resolution253(1968) Concerning theQuestion of Southern Rhodesia, UN Doc. S/11178/REV.1(OR),9January1974, p.33.
    ③Sixth Report of the Security Council Committee Established in Pursuance of Resolution253(1968) Concerning theQuestion of Southern Rhodesia, UN Doc. S/11178/REV.1(OR),9January1974, p.34.
    ①The S.S. Lotus Case (France v. Turkey), P.C.I.J. Ser. A, No.10, p.4(1927).
    ②Trading with the EnemyAct,1939,2&3Geo.6., Ch.89.“…it would be at variance (moreover) with both law andprecedent, to assert that public international law precludes a State from enacting laws having extraterritorial effectand providing for enforcement within the territory of the legislating State.”
    ③Trading With the Enemy Act of1917, Act Oct.6,1917, Ch.106,40Stat.411.
    ④The Southern Rhodesia (Petroleum) Order1965, ST/1965, No.2140, The London Gazette,24December1965.
    ⑤The Southern Rhodesia (Prohibited Exports and. Imports) Order1966, SI/1966, No.41, The London Gazette,21January1966.
    ⑥Sixth Report of the Security Council Committee Established in Pursuance of Resolution253(1968) Concerning theQuestion of Southern Rhodesia, UN Doc. S/11178/REV.1(OR),9January1974, p.34.
    ⑦Council Regulation (EEC) No990/93of26April1993concerning trade between the European EconomicCommunity and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), Official journal of the EuropeanCommunities, No. L102/14.
    ⑧See Case C-177/95, Ebony Maritime SA and Loten Navigation Co. Ltd. v. Prefetto della Provincia di Brindisi andOthers,27February1997, ECR I-1114, para.35.
    ①Paul Tavernier, Research on the Application in Time for the Acts and Rules in Public InternationalLaw, Problems of Intertemporal Law or Transitional Law, Paris: LGDJ,1970.
    ②典型的例外如美国针对南罗德西亚制裁措施的行政法令:Executive Order11322Relating to trade andother transactions involving Southern Rhodesia, January5,1967.
    ①See Vera Gowlland-Debbas, Collective Responses to Illegal Acts in International Law: United Nations Action in theQuestion of South Rhodesia, Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1990, p.557.
    ②See Antonios Tzanakopoulos, From Interpretation to Defiance, Abdelrazik v. Canada and United Nations Sanctionsin Domestic Courts, Journal of International Criminal Justice, vol.8,2010, p.263.
    ③例如2008年9月,欧洲法院推翻了欧洲初审法院对卡迪案的一审判决,裁定欧盟理事会制定的执行联合国相关制裁决议的第881/2002号条例因违反基本人权而应予以废止(annul);此后欧洲初审法院也基于该判例,废除了欧盟妨碍当事人财产权和辩护权的相关执行措施。See Joined Cases C-402/05P and C-415/05P, YassinAbdullah Kadi and Al Barakaat International Foundation v. Council of the European Union and Commission of theEuropean Communities; Case T-318/01, Judgment of the Court of First Instance of11June2009-Othman v.Council and Commission, Official Journal of the European Union, C180/37.此外,2010年,英国最高法院也在类似的案例中指出英国行政机关执行制裁的国内措施《基地组织法令》因剥夺了当事人获得有效救济的权利而部分无效。Her Majesty’s Treasury (Respondent) v. Mohammed Jabar Ahmed and others (FC)(Appellants), HerMajesty’s Treasury (Respondent) v. Mohammed al-Ghabra (FC)(Appellant), R (on the application of Hani El SayedSabaei Youssef)(Respondent) v. Her Majesty’s Treasury (Appellant)(No.2),[2010] UKSC5,4February2010.
    ①See Abdelrazik v. Canada (Minister of Foreign Affairs),2009FC580(CanLII),[2010]1FCR267.
    ②See Marian Lloyd Nash, Digest of United States Practice in International Law, Superintendent of Documents,Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office (1980), p.436.
    ③United States v. Steinberg,478F.Supp.29,33(N.D.Ill.1979).
    ①Charles Coles Diggs et al., Appellants, v. George P. Shultz, Secretary of Treasury, et al., United States Court ofAppeals, District of Columbia Circuit,152U.S. App. D.C.313.
    ②Vera Gowlland-Debbas, Djacoba Liva Tehindrazanarivelo, eds., National Implementation of United NationsSanctions: A Comparative Study, the Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers2004, p.59.
    ③例如法国法院曾将上述行为定义为“政府行为(an act of government)”而拒绝进行审查。See Milan Petrovi, The"Acts of Government" and the Legal Notion of Politics, Facta Universitatis Series: Law and Politics, Vol.9, No.2,2011, pp.85-97.
    ①Judgments-Kuwait Airways Corporation v. Iraqi Airways Company and Others,[2002] UKHL19,16May2002.
    ②Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament v. Prime Minister of the United Kingdom&Ors., Court of Appeal-Queen'sBench Division, December17,2002,[2002] EWHC2759(QB).
    ③Bosphorus Hava Yollari Turizm ve Ticaret AS v. Minister for Transport, Energy and Communications and others,Irish High Court, No.352JR,2The Irish Law Reports Monthly, June1994, p.551.
    ④Council Regulation (EEC) No990/93of26April1993concerning trade between the European EconomicCommunity and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), Official Journal of the EuropeanUnion, L102.
    ③Opinion of the Advocate General, Case C-177/95, ECR I-1122, para.21.
    ②Report of the Secretary-General, Uniting Against Terrorism: Recommendations for a Global
    Counter-Terrorism Strategy, A/60/825,27April2006.
    ③OAU Convention on the Prevention and Combating of Terrorism, Algiers, Algeria,14July1999.
    ④2001ASEAN Declaration on Joint Action to Counter Terrorism, Bandar Seri Begawan,5November2001.
    ⑤Council Common Position of27December2001on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism,2001/931/CFSP, Official Journal of the European Communities, L344/93.
    ⑥Council Regulation (EC) No2580/2001of27December2001on specific restrictive measures directed againstcertain persons and entities with a view to combating terrorism, Official Journal of the European Communities, L344/70.
    ①鉴于恐怖主义的定义问题并不属于本文的研究范围,故不再详述。SeeArticle1(3), Council Common Position of27December2001on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism,2001/931/CFSP, Official Journal ofthe European Communities, L344/93.
    ②See, e.g., Case T-306/01, Ahmed Ali Yusuf and Al Barakaat International Foundation v. Council of the EuropeanUnion and Commission of the European Communities, Order of the President of the Court of First Instance,7May,2002; and, Order of the President of the Court of First Instance, Case T-47/03R, JoséMaria Sison v. Council andCommission,15May2003.
    ①The Federal Council, A Swiss Government White Paper on Relations between Switzerland and the United Nations,Swiss Government, June18,1997, p.4.
    ②Swiss Federal Council to H.E. Kofi Annan, Secretary of the United Nations, Switzerland’sApplication to Join theUnited Nations including a Declaration of Neutrality, Berne,20June2002.
    ④包括拒绝与种族隔离政权建立关系,对南罗德西亚军事物资的出口限制,限制经济往来等,随后在1970年关闭了瑞士驻Salisbury(Harare)领馆。See Bilateral relations between Switzerland and Zimbabwe, FederalDepartment of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland, available athttp://www.eda.admin.ch/eda/en/home/reps/afri/vzwe/bilzim.html, visited on2January2012.
    ①Micha Bühler, Choice of Swiss Law No Escape Route To Avoid Application of International Sanctions, WalderWyss&Partners Attorneys at Law, No.29October2001.
    ②SR946.231, Bundesgesetz über die Durchsetzung von internationalen Sanktionen (Embargogesetz, EmbG),22M rz2002(Stand am27. Juli2004).
    ①See Jost Delbrück ed., The Future of International Law Enforcement: New Scenarios-New Law? Proceedings of anInternational Symposium of the Kiel Institute of International Law, Berlin: Duncker&Humblot,1993, p.21.
    ②不过,也有学者认为,依据宪章第49条“联合国会员国应通力合作,彼此协助,以执行安全理事会所决定之办法”的规定,应当对因执行而引起困难的国家进行援助。See Hans Kelsen, The Law of the United Nations:A Critical Analysis of Its Fundamental Problems (with supplement), New Jersey: The Lawbook Exchange,2000,pp.97-98.但是这一观点却忽略了宪章的文本差异,在于上述因执行制裁而引起经济困难的国家,还有可能是联合国非会员国,而第49条仅仅规定了会员国间的协助义务。
    ③S/9853/Add.1,1October1970, Annex I. available athttp://daccess-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N70/216/53/PDF/N7021653.pdf?OpenElement, visited on2January2012.
    ④Resolution253(1968), S/RES/253(1968),29May1968.
    ⑤“I wish to report with deep regret that no Member States, specialized agencies or other international organizationshave given Zambia effective assistance as a result of these resolutions.” S/9853/Add.1,1October1970, Annex I, p.6.
    ⑥S/26705,8November1993, p.6.
    ①UN Doc. S/AC.25/SR.14,5October,1990; S/AC.25/SR.15,12October,1990.
    ②G. L. Burci, The Indirect Effect of United Nations Sanctions on Third States: The Role of Article50of the UNCharter, African Yearbook of International Law,1995, p.162.
    ⑤Jeremy Carver and Jenine Hulsmann, The Role of Article50of the UN Charter in the Search for International Peaceand Security, The International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol.49, No.3, July2000, p.577.
    ①Ley12838/1946, Aprobando ratificación a la Carta de las Naciones Unidas, formulada por el P.E. el08/09/1945.-(Approving ratification to the Charter of the United Nations, made by e.g. the08/09/1945.-),21November,1946.
    ②Section31, Chapter I, Constitution of the Argentine Nation.
    ③Paragraph22, Section75, Chapter IV, Constitution of theArgentine Nation.“Treaties and concordats have a higherhierarchy than laws.”
    ④Paragraph24, Section75, Chapter IV, Constitution of theArgentine Nation.“…treaties of integration whichdelegate powers and jurisdiction to supranational organizations under reciprocal and equal conditions, and whichrespect the democratic order and human rights. The rules derived therefrom have a higher hierarchy than laws.”
    ①典型的阿根廷执行联合国制裁措施行政命令正文包括如下内容:“The President of Argentina Decrees:Article1: Approval of Resolution No.917adopted by the Security Council of the United Nations on May6,1994,which certified copy as Annex I is an integral part of this Decree.Article2: The National Executive and government departments and National Government agencies, provinces andmunicipalities, will take in their respective jurisdictions whatever measures necessary to comply with the decisionscontained in the resolution that was approved by the previous article.Article3: Contact, published, submitted to the National Official Registry and filed.” Decreto Nacional784/94,Restricciones Acordadas por el Consejo de Seguridad Internacional de las Naciones Unidas a la Republica de Haiti(Restrictions Agreed by the Security Council of the United Nations to the Republic of Haiti), Buenos Aires, May18,1994(Official Gazette, May27,1994)
    ②Communication C5778, Banco Central de la Republica Argentina,11October1990.
    ③J. Barberis, The Formation of the International Law, Buenos Aires, Ed Abaco, de R. Depalma,1994, pp.1994, p.159.
    ④G. Bidart Campos, Manual of the Reformed Constitution, Buenos Aires: Ediar,1996, p.287.
    ①Section96, Spain Constitution, sanctioned by His Majesty the King on August27,1992.“Validly concludedinternational treaties, once officially published in Spain, shall be part of the internal legal system. Their provisionsmay only be repealed, amended or suspended in the manner provided for in the treaties themselves or in accordancewith the general rules of international law.”
    ②On the Establishment of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for SeriousViolations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia, S/RES/827(1993),25May,1993.
    ③See M. Martin Martinez, NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS, The Hague: Kluwer LawInternational,1996, pp.226-227.
    ④J. D. González Campos, COURSE OF PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW, Complutense University of Madrid,1990,pp.231-233.
    ⑤Section99, para.3, Chapter III, Constitution of theArgentine Nation.“The President of the Nation has the followingpowers:…3.-He takes part in the making of laws according to the Constitution, promulgates them and has thempublished.”
    ⑥Ley24080, Tratados Y Convenciones Internacionales, Establécese la publicación en el Boletín Oficial de actos yhechos referidos a tratados o convenciones internacionales en los que la Nación Argentina sea parte (Treaties andInternational Conventions: Set the publication in the official bulletin of acts and facts relating to treaties orinternational conventions to which the Argentina nation is a party), Issued on June10,1992
    ①Miguel A. Ekmekdjian, c. Gerardo Sofovich, Buenos Aires, julio7de1992, Fallos315:1492.
    ②Raúl H. Guerrero, The Relationship between the International Standard and The National Constitution: Correctionafter Its Reform, La Ley, Vol.16(December1999), No.3, p.133.
    ③Section19, Chapter I, Constitution of theArgentine Nation.“The private actions of men which in no way offendpublic order or morality, nor injure a third party, are only reserved to God and are exempted from the authority ofjudges. No inhabitant of the Nation shall be obliged to perform what the law does not demand nor deprived of whatit does not prohibit.”
    ④Articulo3o, Ley24080.“The international treaties and conventions laying down obligations for natural and legalpersons other than the State are mandatory only after its publication in the Official Gazette, observed in this regardas prescribed by article2of the Civil Code.”(emphasis added).
    ①Unilever NV c. Instituto Nacional de la Propiedad Industrial, Fallos323:3160,24October,2000. See also, AntonioBoggiano, International Law: Law of the Relationship between the Legal and Human Rights, Buenos Aires: La Ley,2001.
    ②Unilever NV c. Instituto Nacional de la Propiedad Industrial, Fallos323:3160,24October,2000.“An internationaltreaty has, under the conditions of its validity, precedence over the laws and principles immediately integrate theArgentine legal order. The good faith interpretation of this important result leads to dismiss the order under anysolution to behave in a frustration of the objectives of the treaty or that compromises the future fulfillment of theobligations of the result.”
    ③《武器輸出三原則の緩和、正式決定:国際共同開発を容認》,朝日新聞社,2011年12月27日。参见http://www.asahi.com/special/minshu/TKY201112270195.html,访问日期2012年1月5日。See also, CoreyWallace, Japan’s ‘Three Principles ofArms Exports’ about to Enter A New Phase, Japan Security Watch, NewPacific Institute.
    ①As amended in the Official Gazette of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, No.1396,1September,1958.
    ②The Constitution of The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Official Gazette of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan,No.1093,8January,1952.“(i) The King declares war, concludes peace and ratifies treaties and agreements.(ii)Treaties and agreements which involve financial commitments to the Treasury or affect the public or private rights ofJordanians shall not be valid unless approved by the National Assembly. In no circumstances shall any secret termscontained in any treaty or agreement be contrary to their overt terms.”
    ③Article55, The Constitution of The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.“Ministers shall be tried by a High Tribunal foroffences which may be attributed to them in the course of the performance of their duties.”
    ③D. L. Bethlehem, The Kuwait Crisis: Sanctions and Their Economic Consequences, Vol.2, Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press,1994, p.659.
    ①不过在实践中,1994年约旦政府与英国劳氏认证集团(Lloyd’s Register Group)订立了承包协议,允许劳氏集团在约旦亚喀巴(aqaba)港口建立海岸检查站,对所有前往伊拉克的货物进行检查。但随后在2000年11月,约旦政府收回了对劳氏集团的授权,终止双方的协议,并且将终止协议的情形通知了联合国,从而将所有陆地检查权收归约旦政府机构。See Saad G. Hattar, Official: Lloyd's Register inspectors left Aqaba, JordanTimes, January10,2001.
    ①See Jost Delbrück ed., The Future of International Law Enforcement: New Scenarios-New Law? Proceedings of anInternational Symposium of the Kiel Institute of International Law, Berlin: Duncker&Humblot,1993, p.21.
    ②Amman Chamber of Commerce, The Effects of the Gulf Crisis and the Embargo on the Gulf of Aqaba on theJordanian Economy especially the Industrial Sector,16April,1994. Available athttp://capital.osd.wednet.edu/media/capital/library/pdf/jordan.pdf, visited on7January2012.
    ③不过,也有学者认为,依据宪章第49条“联合国会员国应通力合作,彼此协助,以执行安全理事会所决定之办法”的规定,应当对因执行而引起困难的国家进行援助。See Hans Kelsen, The Law of the United Nations:A Critical Analysis of Its Fundamental Problems (with supplement), New Jersey: The Lawbook Exchange,2000,pp.97-98.但是这一观点却忽略了宪章的文本差异,在于上述因执行制裁而引起经济困难的国家,还有可能是联合国非会员国,而第49条仅仅规定了会员国间的协助义务。
    ④Letter from the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Jordan addressed to the President of the SecurityCouncil,20August,1990. See also, E. Lauterpacht, C. J. Greenwood and Marc Weller, The Kuwait Crisis: BasicDocuments, Cambridge International Documents Series, Vol.1, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1991,p.238.
    ②Chapter XLI, An Act to authorize the President of United States to lay, regulate and revoke Embargoes,1U.S.Statutes at Large372,4June1794.“The President of United States,…whenever, in his opinion, the public safetyshall so require, to lay an embargo on all ships and vessels in the ports of the United States, or upon the ships andvessels of the United States, or the ships and vessels of any foreign nation,…”
    ①U.S. Supreme Court, Reid v. Covert,354U.S.1(1957).
    ②Section5, Trading with the Enemy Act,50U.S.C. App., Act Oct.6,1917, Ch.106,40Stat.411.
    ③Presidential Proclamation No.2039of6March1933,48Stat.1689; No.2040of9March1933,48Stat.1691.
    ①United Nations ParticipationAct (“UNPA”), Title22, Chapter7,22U.S.C. Section287c.“(a) Notwithstanding theprovisions of any other law, whenever the United States is called upon by the Security Council to apply measureswhich said Council has decided, pursuant to article41of said Charter, are to be employed to give effect to itsdecisions under said Charter, the President may, to the extent necessary to apply such measures, through any agencywhich he may designate, and under such orders, rules, and regulations as may be prescribed by him, investigate,regulate, or prohibit, in whole or in part, economic relations or rail, sea, air, postal, telegraphic, radio, and othermeans of communication between any foreign country or any national thereof or any person therein and the UnitedStates or any person subject to the jurisdiction thereof, or involving any property subject to the jurisdiction of theUnited States.”
    ②House Committee on Foreign Affairs, United Nations Participation Act of1945, H.R. Rep. No.1383,12December1945,1945U.S.C. Cong. Service, p.932. See also, Economic Sanctions Against Rhodesia, Hearings Before theSubcommittee on International Organizations and Movements of The Committee on Foreign Affairs House ofRepresentatives, Ninety-Second Congress, First Session, H.J. Res.172; H. Con. Res.5,6,12; H. Res.45; and H.R.5445, June17and22,1971.
    ②Executive Order11419, Relating to trade and other transactions involving Southern Rhodesia,33F.R.10783, July30,1968.该行政法令在1970年随着制裁的终止而撤销。See Executive Order11509, February11,1970,available at http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/executive-orders/1968.html, visited on10January2012.
    ③The International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA), Title II of Pub.L.95-223,91Stat.1626, October28,1977.
    ④Executive Order12170,44F.R.65729, November15,1979.
    ⑤See Andreas F. Lowenfeld, Lawrence W. Newman, John M. Walker, Revolutionary Days: The Iran Hostage Crisisand the Hague Claims Tribunal: A Look Back, Juris Publishing,1998, pp.40-46.
    ⑥Executive Order13129, Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions With the Taliban,64F.R.36759, July7,1999. Executive Order13224, Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions With Persons Who Commit, Threatento Commit, or Support Terrorism,66F.R.49079, September25,2001.
    ①Foreign Assets Control Regulation,31C.F.R. part500,329.
    ①Restatement (Third) of Foreign Relations Law of the United States, Amer. Law Inst.(June1986), also available atwww.macalester.edu/courses/intl114/docs/restatement.pdf, visited on10January2012; see also, Kathleen Hixson,Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Under the Third Restatement of Foreign Relations Law of the United States, FordhamInternational Law Journal, Vol.12, Issue1,1988, p.127.
    ②See31C.F.R. Part550,308, Libya.条例中采纳了“美国人”(United States Person)的概念,而并没有适用“出于美国管辖权之下的任何人”(Person Subject to the Jurisdiction of the United States)的定义。
    ③See31C.F.R. Part585,317.
    ④United States of America v. David S. McKeeve, No.96-2273, United States Court of Appeals, First Circuit,131F.3d1,48Fed. R. Evid. Serv.348, December5,1997.
    ①U.S. Companies Pay Penalties for Trade with Certain Nations, New York Times,3July2002; See also, U.S.Department of the Treasury, http://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/Documents/document25.pdf, visitedon10January2012.
    ②See31C.F.R. Part591.
    ④Arms Export Control Act (AECA),22U.S.C.2778.
    ①C.F.31C.F.R. Part550,308, Libya;31C.F.R. Part585,317.
    ②尽管理论上美国国会完全有权对行政机关的广泛权力进行限制,在美国的立法实践中也存在相应的限制尝试,例如1969年美国国会对出口控制法的修订,即将“出口控制”(Export Control)修改为“ExportAdministration”,试图放松行政机关对出口的控制并且限制了“国家安全”的范围,但从随后的实践可以看出,行政机关仍然没有受到有效的限制。See, e.g., Andreas F. Lowenfeld, Trade Controls for Political Ends, MatthewBender Publisher,1983, pp.132-136.
    ③Article249, EC Treaty (formerly Article189of the EEC Treaty).
    ④Case34/73, Variola,[1973] ECR981, paras.10-11.
    ①在洛克比空难临时措施案中,国际法院即指出,“考虑到利比亚以及英国、美国同为联合国成员国,应当遵守和执行联合国宪章第25条所规定的安理会决议,……法院初步(prima facie)认定,这一义务应扩展至安理会第748决议,并且由于第103条的规定,这一义务应优先于任何其他国际协定,包括《蒙特利尔公约》。”See Case Concerning Questions of Interpretation and Application of the1971Montreal Convention arising from theAerial Incident at Lockerbie (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. United Kingdom, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. United Statesof America), Provisional Measures, Orders of14April1992, I.C.J. Reports1992, p.114.
    ②Article307, EC Treaty.“The rights and obligations arising from agreements concluded before1January1958, or,for acceding States, before the date of their accession, between one or more Member States on the one hand, and oneor more third countries on the other, shall not be affected by the provisions of this Treaty.”事实上该条经过1997《阿姆斯特丹条约》的修正,重新将日期具体化以避免歧义。多数学者认为,该条的订立和修正是为了保障1969年《维也纳条约法公约》第30条强制规则的顺利实施避免冲突。See Anthony Aust, Modern Treaty Law andPractice,2000, p.183; Trevor C. Hartley, The Foundations of European Community Law, Oxford University Press,2007, p.96.
    ③Case C-124/95, R. v. HM Treasury and Bank of England, ex parte Centro-Com Srl.,[1997]1CMLR555.
    ④Case C-124/95, R. v. HM Treasury and Bank of England, ex parte Centro-Com Srl.,[1997]1CMLR555,paras.44-49.
    ①Case C-177/95, Ebony Maritime SA v. Prefetto Della Provincia di Brindisi,[1997]2CMLR24.
    ②Article301, Treaty establishing the European Community.“Where it is provided, in a common position or in a jointaction adopted according to the provisions of the Treaty on European Union relating to the common foreign andsecurity policy, for an action by the Community to interrupt or to reduce, in part or completely, economic relationswith one or more third countries, the Council shall take the necessary urgent measures. The Council shall act by aqualified majority on a proposal from the Commission.”
    ④See Mr. Vredeling, Written Question No.5/73, Official Journal, C57,23March1973, p.27; Answer of theCommission, Official Journal, C57,4June1973, p.28.
    ①Report by the Foreign Ministers of the Member States on the Problems of Political Unification, Part one, para.7.“The first fact is that, in line with the spirit of the Preambles to the Treaties of Paris and Rome, tangible form shouldbe given to the will for a political union which has always been a force for the progress of the EuropeanCommunities.”
    ②Report by Mr. Leo Tindemans, Prime Minister of Belgium to the European Council, Bulletin of the EuropeanCommunities Supplement1/76.
    ④Common Foreign and Security Policy, available athttp://europa.eu/legislation_summaries/institutional_affairs/treaties/amsterdam_treaty/a19000_en.htm, visited on14February2012.
    ①Council of the European Union, Basic Principles on the Use of Restrictive Measures (Sanctions),10198/1/04Rev.1,Brussels,7June2004.
    ②Council of the European Union, Guidelines on Implementation and Evaluation of Restrictive Measures (Sanctions)in the Framework of the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy,15114/05, Brussels,2December2005.
    ③Council of the European Union, Basic Principles on the Use of Restrictive Measures (Sanctions),10198/1/04Rev.1,Brussels,7June2004.
    ④Council of the European Union, Basic Principles on the Use of Restrictive Measures (Sanctions),10198/1/04Rev.1,Brussels,7June2004.
    ①具体请参见欧盟秘书处背景文件,The High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/The EuropeanExternal Action Service, November2009, available athttp://www.consilium.europa.eu/uedocs/cms_data/docs/pressdata/en/ec/111301.pdf, visited on16February2012.
    ②Mehrdad Payandeh and Heiko Sauer, European Union: UN Sanctions and EU Fundamental Rights, InternationalJournal of Constitutional Law, vol.7(2009), pp.306,308,310-315.
    ③Piet Eeckhout, X. L. Xenopoulos ed., External Relations of the EU and the Member States: Competence, MixedAgreements, International Responsibility and Effects of International Law, Nicosia,2006, at287.
    ④Article301, European Community Treaty.
    ⑤Article60, European Community Treaty.
    ②Case C-176/03, Commission v Council,[2005] ECR I-7879, paragraph38, and Case C-440/05Commission vCouncil [2007] ECR I-0000, paragraph52
    ③Case C-170/96, Commission v Council,[1998] ECR I-2763, paragraph16; Case C-176/03, Commission v Council,paragraph39; and Case C-440/05, Commission v Council, paragraph53.
    ④http://ec.europa.eu/external_relations/cfsp/sanctions/index.htm, visited on16February2012.
    ⑤Paola Mariani, The Implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions Imposing Economic Sanctions in the EU/ECLegal System: Interpillar Issues and Judicial Review, Bocconi Legal Studies Research Paper No.1354568, BocconiUniversity-Institute of Comparative Law (IDC), March6,2009.
    ①Article24, Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany.“The Federation may by a law transfer sovereignpowers to international organizations.”
    ②Theodor Maunz, Günter Dürig, Grundgesetz: Kommentar (Basic Law: Commentary), Vol.6, C.H. Beck,1994.
    ③BGH1StR700/94-Case of21April1995(LG Mannheim), BGHSt41,127; Strafbarkeit der Bef rderung vonPrivatpersonen im Busverkehr von Deutschland nach Serbien Montenegro w hrend des UN-Embargos (Offense toTransport by Private Bus from Germany to Serbia in Montenegro during the UN Embargo), Entscheidungen desBundesgerichtshofes in Strafsachen (Decisions of the Federal Court in Criminal Matters, BGHSt), Vol.41, p.127.See also, Judgment of28September,1995, Neue Juristische Wochenschrift1996, p.602.
    ①Sec.2(1),Art undAusma von Beschr nkungen und Handlungspflichten, Au enwirtschaftsgesetz.“Soweit indiesem Gesetz Beschr nkungen zugelassen sind, kann durch Rechtsverordnung vorgeschrieben werden, dassRechtsgesch fte und Handlungen allgemein oder unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen:1. einer Genehmigungbedürfen oder;2. verboten sind.”
    ②Sec.5, Erfüllung zwischenstaatlicher Vereinbarungen, Au enwirtschaftsgesetz.“Zur Erfüllung zwischenstaatlicherVereinbarungen, denen die gesetzgebenden K rperschaften in der Form eines Bundesgesetzes zugestimmt haben,k nnen Rechtsgesch fte und Handlungen im Au enwirtschaftsverkehr beschr nkt und bestehende Beschr nkungenaufgehoben werden.”
    ③Sec.7, Schutz der Sicherheit und der ausw rtigen Interessen, Au enwirtschaftsgesetz.“(1) Rechtsgesch fte undHandlungen im Au enwirtschaftsverkehr k nnen beschr nkt werden, um:1. die wesentlichen Sicherheitsinteressender Bundesrepublik Deutschland zu gew hrleisten;2. eine St rung des friedlichen Zusammenlebens der V lker zuverhüten;3. zu verhüten, dass die ausw rtigen Beziehungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland erheblich gest rtwarden, oder;4. die ffentliche Ordnung oder Sicherheit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Sinne von Artikel46und58Absatz1des EG-Vertrags zu gew hrleisten.”
    ④Sec.2(2), Art und Ausma von Beschr nkungen und Handlungspflichten, Au enwirtschaftsgesetz.
    ⑤See, e.g., Section69c, Regulation Implementing the Foreign Trade and Payments Act (Foreign Trade and PaymentsRegulation–AWV) of18December1986, last amended by the90thRegulation Amending the Foreign Trade andPayments Regulation of18August2010.
    ①例如关于津巴布韦制裁的相关规定。See Restrictions based on the Common Position2004/161/CFSP of9February2004imposing restrictive measures on Zimbabwe, Section69h, Regulation Implementing the ForeignTrade and Payments Act (Foreign Trade and Payments Regulation–AWV) of18December1986, last amended bythe90thRegulation Amending the Foreign Trade and Payments Regulation of18August2010.
    ②Order of2June1992in the case of Yugoslavia, Federal Gazette,4June,1992, p.4493. See also, Question9, Noteverbale dated16April2003from the Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations addressed to theChairman of the Committee, Report of Germany required pursuant to paragraphs6and12of resolution1455(2003),S/AC.37/2003/(1455)/10,17April2003.
    ③Gesetz über die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof für das ehemalige Jugoslawien(Jugoslawien-Strafgerichtshof-Gesetz), Bundesgesetzblatt, Part1, No.18, Z5702,13April,1995, p.485. available athttp://www.bgbl.de/Xaver/start.xav?startbk=Bundesanzeiger_BGBl, visited on8January2012. See also, Gesetzüber die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof für Ruanda (Ruanda-Strafgerichtshof-Gesetz),Bundesgesetzblatt, Part1, No.25,8May,1998, p.843. available athttp://www.bgbl.de/Xaver/start.xav?startbk=Bundesanzeiger_BGBl, visited on8January2012.
    ④Gesetz zur Bek mpfung des internationalen Terrorismus (Terrorismusbek mpfungsgesetz), Bundesgesetzblatt, Part1,No.3,11January,2002, p.361. available at http://www.bgbl.de/Xaver/start.xav?startbk=Bundesanzeiger_BGBl,visited on8January2012.
    ①Order of2June1992in the case of Yugoslavia, Federal Gazette,4June,1992, p.4493.
    ①See Federal Gazette,13June,1992, p.4706.
    ②Executive Order of7August1990, Federal Gazette,8August,1990, p.4013.
    ③Regulation of9August1990, Federal Gazette,11August1990, p.4065.
    ⑤Sec.7(3), Schutz der Sicherheit und der ausw rtigen Interessen, Au enwirtschaftsgesetz.“(3) Zu den in Absatz1genannten Zwecken k nnen auch Rechtsgesch fte und Handlungen Deutscher in fremden Wirtschaftsgebietenbeschr nkt werden, die sich auf Waren und sonstige Gegenst nde nach Absatz2Nummer1einschlie lich ihrerEntwicklung und Herstellung beziehen, wenn der Deutsche:(1) Inhaber eines Personaldokumentes derBundesrepublik Deutschland ist oder;(2) verpflichtet w re, einen Personalausweis zu besitzen, falls er eineWohnung im Geltungsbereich dieses Gesetzes h tte.”
    ①Sec.45b, übermittlung personenbezogener Daten aus Strafverfahren, Au enwirtschaftsgesetz.
    ②Executive Order of26April1993, Federal Gazette,28April,1993.
    ③Decision of26March1987, Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts (Decisions of the FederalConstitutional Court, BVerfGE), vol.74, p.358.
    ①Judgments of12April1995, Neuen Zeitschrift für Strafrecht, p.551; BGH1StR700/94-Case of21April1995(LGMannheim), BGHSt41,127; Strafbarkeit der Bef rderung von Privatpersonen im Busverkehr von Deutschland nachSerbien Montenegro w hrend des UN-Embargos (Offense to Transport by Private Bus from Germany to Serbia inMontenegro during the UN Embargo), Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshofes in Strafsachen (Decisions of theFederal Court in Criminal Matters, BGHSt), Vol.41, p.127; Judgment of28September,1995, Neue JuristischeWochenschrift1996, p.602; Judgment of14July1998, Rechtsprechung des Bundesgerichtshofs, para.34.
    ②Federal Court of Justice, Judgment of28September1995, Neue Juristische Wochenschrift1996, p.602.
    ③Judgment of11September1995, Rechtsprechung des Bundesgerichtshofs,1StR242/95.
    ④Supreme Court of the State of Bavaria, Judgment of10November1997, Die ffentliche Verwaltung1998, p.296.
    ①State Court of Stuttgart, Judgment of1October1996, Neue Zeitschrift für Strafrecht,1997, p.288.
    ②Court of Appeals of Oldenburg, Judgment of6June1994, Neue Juristische Wochenschrift,1994, p.2908.
    ③Court of Appeals of Stuttgart, Judgment of17October1995, Neue Zeitschrift für Strafrecht,1997, p.288.
    ④See e.g., Federal Court of Justice, Judgment of27January1994, Juristenzeitung,1994, p.725.
    ⑤Hans-Konrad Ress, The Trade Embargo: International Relations, European Integration and Foreign Trade LawFramework, and Compensation Practices, Springer,2000, p.272.
    ⑥Federal Court of Justice, Judgment of28September1995, Neue Juristische Wochenschrift,1996, p.603.
    ①Sec.34(4), Straftaten, Au enwirtschaftsgesetz.“(4) Mit Freiheitsstrafe von sechs Monaten bis zu fünf Jahren wirdbestraft, wer:1. einer Rechtsverordnung nach§2Absatz1in Verbindung mit§5oder§7Absatz1oder3Satz1zuwiderhandelt, die der Durchführung: a) einer vom Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen nach Kapitel VII derCharta der Vereinten Nationen,…”
    ②Federal Court of Justice, Judgment of21April1995, Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshofes in Strafsachen,Vol.41, p.134.
    ③Federal Court of Justice, Judgment of21April1995, Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshofes in Strafsachen,Vol.41, p.134.
    ④Judgment of9October1998, Entscheidungssammlung des Verwaltungsgerichtshofs (Decisions of the AdministrativeCourt), Vol.49, p.60.
    ①不过也有学者认为,依据联合国制裁措施而对德国国民财产的剥夺,可能会引发与宪法保护个人财产规定的冲突,而在这一方面目前在德国法院也没有可以援引的判例;即使能够依据安理会决议和相关的国内执行立法能够对公民财产进行冻结或扣押,是否应当进行补偿的问题也会带来潜在的宪法性冲突。此外,在联合国反恐问题上,根据1373(2001)号决议,德国重新对国内反恐怖安全法进行了修正,大大扩展了德国情报和国家安全部门的权力,因此而带来对宪法保障的公民基本权利的侵害,这一影响则至为深远。See Hans-KonradRess, The Trade Embargo: International Relations, European Integration and Foreign Trade Law Framework, andCompensation Practices, Springer,2000, p.327.
    ②See Case T-315/01, Yassin Abdullah Kadi v. Council and Commission, Court of First Instance,21September2005,ECR II-3649; Case T-315/01, Yusuf and Al Barakaat International Foundation v. Council and Commission, Court ofFirst Instance,21September2005, ECR II-3533, para.226.
    ③Council Regulation (EC) No.881/2002of27May2002, imposing certain specific restrictive measures directedagainst certain persons and entities associated with Usama bin Laden, the Al-Qaida network and the Taliban, andrepealing Council Regulation (EC) No467/2001prohibiting the export of certain goods and services to Afghanistan,strengthening the flight ban and extending the freeze of funds and other financial resources in respect of the Talibanof Afghanistan, Official Journal of the European Communities, L139/10,29May2002.
    ①Case T-306/01, Yusuf and Al Barakaat International Foundation v. Council, and Case T-315/01Kadi v. Council andCommission, Judgments of21September2005, para.132-133.
    ②Case T-306/01, Yusuf and Al Barakaat International Foundation v. Council, and Case T-315/01Kadi v. Council andCommission, Judgments of21September2005, para.326.
    ③Case T-306/01, Yusuf and Al Barakaat International Foundation v. Council, and Case T-315/01Kadi v. Council andCommission, Judgments of21September2005, para.316.
    ⑤See Case No.1A45/2007, Youssef Nada v. State Secretariat for Economic Affairs and Federal Department ofEconomic Affairs, Administrative Appeal Judgment, Switzerland, Federal Tribunal,14November2007, para.7.
    ⑥See Agrim Behrami and Bekir Behrami v. France, Ruzhdi Saramati v. France, Norway and Germany, EuropeanCourt of Human Rights,2May2007, joined App. Nos.71412/01&78166/01, paras.148-149.
    ⑦See R (on the application of Al-Jedda) v. the Secretary of State of Defense, Court of Appeal,[2007] UKHL58,EWCA Civ.327,29March2006, para.74.
    ⑧See Nabil Sayadi and Patricia Vinck v. Belgian State, Tribunal de premiere instance de Buxelles4thCh.,2February2005, Cited in Third Report of the Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team Appointed Pursuant to Res.1526(2004) Concerning Al-Qaida and the Taliban and Associated Individuals and Entities, UN Doc. S/2005/572,pp.48-49.
    ①Dubsky v. Ireland and Others, IE2005, ILDC485, para.91.
    ②Antonios Tzanakopoulos, Judicial Dialogue in Multilevel Governance: The Impact of the Solange Argument, inUnity or Fragmentation of International Law: The Role of International and National Tribunals, Fauchald, OleKristian&Nollkaemper, Andre eds., Hart, Oxford2010, p.13.
    ③Case No. PTA13,14,15,17&19/2007, A, K, M, Q&G v. H.M. Treasury, The High Court of Justice, Queen'sBench Division Administrative Court,[2008] EWHC869(Admin),24April2008.
    ④瑞士在执行1267决议时,国内曾规定了一个暂缓执行制裁措施的期间,在此期间内列入制裁名单的当事人可获得陈述和答辩的机会。但是,1267委员会对瑞士的做法表示了批评:“委员会希望澄清的是这些措施与成员国在《联合国宪章》第七章下的义务不符。因此,委员会敦促成员国保证在委员会将个人或实体列入名单后立即冻结其财产。”“1267体制”下义务的严格性由此可见一斑。参见顾婷:《安理会反恐“聪明制裁”之困境及其出路》,载《法学》2011年第10期,第124页。See also, Letter Sent by the President of the SanctionsCommittee Under Resolution1267to the President of the Security Council of1December2005, UN Doc.S/2005/760.
    ⑤Remarks of Kimberly Prost, Ombudsperson,1267Al Qaida/Taliban Sanctions Committee Delivered to the InformalMeeting of Legal Advisors,25October2010, http://www.un.org/en/sc/ombudsperson/pdfs/2010.10.25-E.pdf, visitedon16February2012.
    ④Qingjiang Kong, Enforcement of WTO agreement in China: Illusion or Reality, Journal of World Trade, Vol.35(2001), No.6, at p.1181.
    ⑤See Cheng Yan Ki Bonnie, Implementing Security Council Resolutions in Hong Kong: An Examination of the UnitedNations Sanctions Ordinance, Chinese Journal of International Law (2008), Vol.7, No.1, p.67.
    ①See Cheng Yan Ki Bonnie, Implementing Security Council Resolutions in Hong Kong: An Examination of the UnitedNations Sanctions Ordinance, Chinese Journal of International Law (2008), Vol.7, No.1, p.67.
    ①See Cheng Yan Ki Bonnie, Implementing Security Council Resolutions in Hong Kong: An Examination of the UnitedNations Sanctions Ordinance, Chinese Journal of International Law (2008), Vol.7, No.1, p.90
    ①Sec.2(2), Art und Ausma von Beschr nkungen und Handlungspflichten, Au enwirtschaftsgesetz.
    ①Section5, Trading with the Enemy Act,50U.S.C. App., Act Oct.6,1917, Ch.106,40Stat.411.
    ②Presidential Proclamation No.2039of6March1933,48Stat.1689; No.2040of9March1933,48Stat.1691.
    ③The International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA), Title II of Pub.L.95-223,91Stat.1626, October28,1977.
    ④Sec.2(1), Art und Ausma von Beschr nkungen und Handlungspflichten, Au enwirtschaftsgesetz.“Soweit indiesem Gesetz Beschr nkungen zugelassen sind, kann durch Rechtsverordnung vorgeschrieben werden, dassRechtsgesch fte und Handlungen allgemein oder unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen:1. einer Genehmigungbedürfen oder;2. verboten sind.”
    ⑤Sec.5, Erfüllung zwischenstaatlicher Vereinbarungen, Au enwirtschaftsgesetz.“Zur Erfüllung zwischenstaatlicherVereinbarungen, denen die gesetzgebenden K rperschaften in der Form eines Bundesgesetzes zugestimmt haben,k nnen Rechtsgesch fte und Handlungen im Au enwirtschaftsverkehr beschr nkt und bestehende Beschr nkungenaufgehoben werden.”
    ⑥See, e.g., Charter of the United Nations (Sanctions-Eritrea) Regulations2010, F2011C00256, SLI2010No.32Regulations as amended, taking into account amendments up to Charter of the United Nations LegislationAmendment Regulations2011(No.1), Administered by: Foreign Affairs and Trade, Prepared18May2011by OLDP.Article9(4):“Section15.1of the Criminal Code applies to an offence under section27of the Act that relates to acontravention of this regulation.”
    ①Martin Scheinin, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamentalfreedoms while countering terrorism, UN.Doc. A/61/267,16August2006.
    ②例如,在1993年安理会针对前南斯拉夫联盟制裁的第820号决议规定,“提醒各国亟须严格执行根据《宪章》第七章规定的措施,并呼吁各国控告违反第713(1991)、757(1992)、787(1992)号决议和本决议规定的措施的个人和实体,并处以适当的刑罚”。另见安理会第841(1993)号决议,第864(1993)号决议,第1295(1999)号决议,第1267(1999)号决议以及第1333(2000)号决议。按照布莱克法律词典对“penalty”的解释,指,“对违法者所施加的惩罚,通常以徒刑或罚金的形式,主要指刑事犯罪。”因此,尽管制裁决议往往缺乏足够的定义,但是从安理会上述制裁决议的文意上而言,应当意图针对制裁目标要求各成员国施加刑事处罚。See Black's Law Dictionary,8thed.2004, p.3588.
    ③See Vera Gowlland-Debbas, Collective Responses to Illegal Acts in International Law: United Nations Action in theQuestion of South Rhodesia, Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1990, p.557.
    ①UN Doc. S/RES/418(1977), November4,1977.
    ②UN Doc. S/PV.2046(1977), November4,1977.
    ③David Cortright and George A. Lopez, The Sanctions Decade: Assessing UN Strategies in the1990s, p.1.
    ①United Nations Security Council Resolution757,30May1992.
    ②S/AC27/1992/CRP7/Rev.3, para.8.
    ③Laurie Rosensweig, United Nations Sanctions: Creating a More Effective Tool for the Enforcement of InternationalLaw, Austrian Journal of Public International Law, vol.48, pp.161-195(1995).
    ①R. Renwick, ECONOMIC SANCTIONS, Cambridge, MA,1981, at45.
    1. United Nations Charter
    2. European Community Treaty
    3. OAU Convention on the Prevention and Combating of Terrorism
    4. ASEAN Declaration on Joint Action to Counter Terrorism
    1. UN Doc. S/11178/REV.1(OR), Sixth Report of the Security Council CommitteeEstablished in Pursuance of Resolution253(1968) Concerning the Question ofSouthern Rhodesia,9January1974;
    2. UN Doc. A/50/60, Supplement to an Agenda for Peace: position paper of theSecretary-General on the occasion of the50thanniversary of the United Nations,January25,1995;
    3. UN Doc. A/53/1, Kofi Annan, Annual Report of the Secretary-General on the Workof the Organization, August27,1998;
    4. UN Doc. A/54/280, Regional Hearings in the Preparation for the MillenniumAssembly of the United Nations: Hearing Held for the Region of the Economic andSocial Commission for Western Asia at Beirut on23and24may1999, January20,2000;
    5. UN Doc. A/56/10, Report of the International Law Commission on the Work of itsFifty-third Session, August,2001;
    6. UN Doc. A/60/825, Report of the Secretary-General, Uniting Against Terrorism:Recommendations for a Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy,27April2006.
    1. Council Regulation (EEC) No990/93of26April1993concerning trade between theEuropean Economic Community and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia andMontenegro)
    2. Council Regulation (EC) No2580/2001of27December2001on SpecificRestrictive Measures Directed against Certain Persons and Entities with A View toCombating Terrorism
    3. Council Regulation (EC) No.881/2002of27May2002, Imposing Certain SpecificRestrictive Measures Directed against Certain Persons and Entities Associated withUsama bin Laden, the Al-Qaida Network and the Taliban, and Repealing CouncilRegulation (EC) No467/2001Prohibiting the Export of Certain Goods and Servicesto Afghanistan, Strengthening the Flight Ban and Extending the Freeze of Funds andOther Financial Resources in Respect of the Taliban of Afghanistan.
    1. Argentine: Constitution of the Argentine Nation
    2. Austria: Bundes-Verfassungsgesetz, B-VG
    3. Columbia: Constitution of Columbia
    4. Costa Rica: Constitution of Costa Rica
    5. Cyprus: Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus
    6. Czech Republic: Constitution of the Czech Republic, amended by Act No.395/2001Coll.
    7. El Salvador: Constitution of the Republic of El Salvador
    8. Germany: Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany
    9. Honduras: Constitution of Honduras
    10. Italy: Constitution of the Italian Republic
    11. Jordan: The Constitution of The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
    12. Korea: The Constitution of the Republic of Korea
    13. Netherland: The Constitution of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
    14. Poland: The Constitution of the Republic of Poland of2nd April,1997
    15. Spain: Spain Constitution sanctioned by His Majesty the King on August27,1992
    1) United Nations Participation Act
    2) Trading With the Enemy Act of1917
    3) International Emergency Economic Powers Act
    4) Export Administration Act
    5) Foreign Assets Control Regulation
    6) Arms Export Control Act
    1) Executive Order11322, Relating to trade and other transactions involving SouthernRhodesia, January5,1967
    2) Executive Order11419, Relating to trade and other transactions involving SouthernRhodesia, July30,1968
    3) Executive Order12170, November15,1979
    4) Executive Order13129, Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions with theTaliban, July7,1999
    5) Executive Order13224, Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions WithPersons Who Commit, Threaten to Commit, or Support Terrorism, September25,2001.
    1) Trading with the Enemy Act,1939
    2) Immigration and Asylum Act1999
    1) Act on the Implementation of Certain Obligations of Finland as a Member of theUnited Nations, No659/1967, Issued at Helsinki on29December1967
    2) Act on the Enforcement of Certain Obligations of Finland as a Member of the UnitedNations and of the European Union, title amended by Act No705/1997
    Law on the Implementation of Decisions of the United Nations Security Council,1995
    Lag om vissa internationella sanktioner (Act on Certain International Sanctions),1999
    Bundesgesetz über die Durchsetzung von internationalen Sanktionen (Embargogesetz,EmbG),22M rz2002
    1) Au enwirtschaftsgesetz
    2) Regulation Implementing the Foreign Trade and Payments Act (Foreign Trade andPayments Regulation–AWV) of18December1986
    3) Regulation of9August1990
    1) Executive Order of7August1990
    2) Executive Order of26April1993
    1) Ley12838/1946, Aprobando ratificación a la Carta de las Naciones Unidas
    2) Ley19846/1972, Aprueba una resolución adoptada por el Consejo de Seguridad delas Naciones Unidas relacionada con el libre comercio con la República de Rhodesiadel Sur
    3) Ley24080, Tratados Y Convenciones Internacionales, Establécese la publicación enel Boletín Oficial de actos y hechos referidos a tratados o convencionesinternacionales en los que la Nación Argentina sea parte
    1) Decreto Nacional1.560/90, Ocupacion del Estado de Kuwait por la Republica deIrak (Occupation of the State of Kuwait by the Republic of Iraq), Buenos Aires,August13,1990
    2) Decreto Nacional2.067/90, Aprobacion de la Resolucion del Consejo de Seguridadpor la Cual se Amplian las Sanciones Contra la Republica de Irak (Approval of theResolution of the Security Council which will Increase the Sanctions against theRepublic of Iraq), Buenos Aires,2October1990
    3) Decreto Nacional2.798/93, Aprobacion de la Resolucion787del Consejo deSeguridad de las Naciones Unidas Sobre la Guerra de Bosnia (Approval ofResolution787of the Security Council of the United Nations on the Bosnian War),Buenos Aires, December30,1993
    4) Decreto Nacional784/94, Restricciones Acordadas por el Consejo de SeguridadInternacional de las Naciones Unidas a la Republica de Haiti (Restrictions Agreedby the Security Council of the United Nations to the Republic of Haiti), BuenosAires, May18,1994
    5) Decreto Nacional582/96, Seguridad Internacional. Aprobacion de una Resoluciondel Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas (Adoption of a resolution of theSecurity Council of the United Nations), Buenos Aires, May31,1996
    6) Decreto Nacional71/99, Seguridad Internacional (International Security), BuenosAires, February5,1999
    1. The S.S. Lotus Case (France v. Turkey), P.C.I.J.,1927
    2. Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. United Kingdom, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. UnitedStates of America, Case Concerning Questions of Interpretation and Application ofthe1971Montreal Convention arising from the Aerial Incident at Lockerbie
    3. Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua, I.C.J. Reports1986
    4. Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro, ICJ Reports1993
    5. Prosecutor v. Tadi, Appeal on Jurisdiction, Case IT-94-I-AR72,2October1995
    6. Case C-177/95, Ebony Maritime SA and Loten Navigation Co. Ltd. v. Prefetto dellaProvincia di Brindisi and Others,27February1997, ECR I-1114
    7. Agrim Behrami and Bekir Behrami v. France, Ruzhdi Saramati v. France, Norwayand Germany, European Court of Human Rights,2May2007
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