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As a global issue, the concept of "Food security" has been given a lot of attention by the various international and regional economic conferences, since it was propounded by Food Security Committee of United Nations. The world's food supply and demand have become acute imbalance, due to growth of the global population, deterioration of production factors, the change of the structural, climate variability, and various accidental factors, there are local food crisis frequently. The food security is seriously threatened. China, as a member of the world grain market, is impacted by the dramatic changes of international food prices. However, the domestic food supply pressure will continue to increase, in pace with the population growth and the raising level of consumption, as well as industrialization and urbanization progresses, so it has become a strategic issue that how to ensure the sustainable development of food security.
     This paper researched on Chinese food security in the perspective of sustainable development in a scientific and deep and systematic way. This paper discussed the some issues which include the situation of the food supply and demand and the food development of circulation industry, the advance of the agricultural science and technology and food security, using the experience of home and abroad for reference, based on the theory of sustainable development, the requirements of integrated application of industrial economics and technology economics, agricultural economics, resource economics and other scientific theories, as well as methods on food security, science and technology, sustainable development, the production factors, production function theory and related literature. According to the theory above, this paper analyzes the factor which affects relationship of supply and demand of food, and put forward safeguards of the Chinese food security in the perspective of sustainable development, which has important practical and theoretical significance.
     First, the related theory and literature have been reviewed in this paper, including theory of sustainable development, food security related research, scientific and the theoretical study of technological progress, factors of production theory and production functions. Base on those theoretical reviews, this paper argues that food security is based on the sustainable development of ecological. In order to meet the needs of the subsistence food, people should not only concern about the quality and quantity of food currently, but also focus on these five sustainable development systems of food production, agricultural economics, social support, resources, environment and agriculture technology. Also, the connotation of scientific and technological progress, models and source were reviewed. However, the factors of production theory, the classification of agricultural production factors and production functions were described in detail.
     By analyzing the situation of Chinese food production and demand, this paper discuss the factors deep, and forecast the trends of Chinese food production and demand, using the H-P filter analysis and regression analysis. After the review the change of Chinese circulation system, We Analyzed the current situation of Chinese grain market system,researched the composition of food market system and influencing factors.
     This paper defined the concept, processes and models of progress in agricultural science and technology, calculated the contribution rate of technological progress of crops using Solow's growth rate equation, further, reckoned the input factors on the contribution rate of grain production, judged the model of Chinese food crops development in biochemical science and technology by ES model. It determined that making progress in the development of biochemical science and technology has important strategic significance. Scientific-technical progress has a fundamental role in increasing food production and ensuring national food security, with the marked restraining food production by natural resources, social environment.
     In this paper, the idea of sustainable development theory was taken into the evaluation of food security, building a safety evaluation system for Chinese food in the perspective of sustainable development, and evaluating the situation of Chinese food security sustainable development by collecting relevant statistical data. This paper argues that:
     (1) In the last fifteen years, the sustainable development of Chinese food security walked three stages of growth steadily, pace up and down, rapid development. The level of food security continues to improve.
     (2) In the perspective of sustainable development, promoting the sustainable development of national food security need to increase agricultural productivity, agricultural productivity of intermediate consumption, agricultural land productivity, and add the proportion of agricultural science and technology personnel and investment in agricultural science and technology, and promote agricultural scientific and technological progress, improving the contribution rate of agricultural science and technology. In the long run, the factors provided the challenges for protection national food security, such as population, resources, ecological. The most critical is to rely on agricultural science and technology innovation for solving Chinese food safety problems with the limited arable land and large population.
     (3) The sustainable development of Chinese food security will have considerable potential for improvement in the next period of time. It must be accelerated to promote agricultural science and technology, develope modern food distribution industry to improve the balance between grain supply and demand structures, and promote sustainable development of food security.
     In the end, the paper proposed measures to ensure the the national food security under sustainable development. (1) Rooting out the growth potential of food supply, guiding the direction of food supply and demand, and to.weaken the pressure; (2)Duilding a modern food distribution industry, including building a modern food market system, improve the efficiency of the grain market, and promote national food industry of the system, enhance the food industry, strengthen the national food macro-control, and gradually improve food security mechanism; (3)Increasing the innovation ability of agricultural science and technology, accelerating the transformation of agricultural science and technology, vigorously strengthen the qualified personnel of agricultural development, to protect the national food security under sustainable development.
     This article introduced the sustainable development theory to the evaluation of food security, built the assessment system for Chinese food security based on the sustainable development. We evaluated the sustainable development of Chinese food security in depth, systematic evaluation. The Solow growth rate equation method and ES model were introduced into estimates the level and model of food crops science and technology. We analysed the effect of technology progress on food security, researched the strategies for food security by the grain supply and demand situation, the grain distribution industry, agricultural science and technology progress, the sustainable development of food security, put forward strategic choice and innovative measures. These conclusions have important reference value and practical and theoretical innovation for all levels of governments to draft correlative strategic choice.
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