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The doctrine of forum non conveniences is an important principle
    originated in Common Law System and it influences the court to exercise
    the jurisdiction , it is a problem concerning whether the court has the
    discretionary power to stay or to revoke an action which involving
    different legal systems. Because in the international civil and commercial
    litigation ,there is not identical international legal system to regulate the
    jurisdiction. In the practice, each country enacts the jurisdiction to the
    international civil and commercial case according the social, political
    and economical interests of the own ,on the basis of the own principle of
    rule of law and the spirit of legality. This phenomena leads to the
    tendency that arbitrarily expanding of the jurisdiction in international
    civil and commercial case, which causes the positive negative conflicts .
    Through the extensive right, the plaintiff can choose the favorable court
    which may bring unnecessary inconvenient and heavy burden to the
    defendant. This phenomena is not only contrary to the principles of
    justice and equity of the legal procession but also harmful to the
    reasonable resolution to the international civil and commercial actions.
    Because the doctrine of forum non conveniences has the value of justice ,
    equity, conveniences and efficiency, it has not only been adopted to
    limit the tendency of jurisdiction expanding by Common Law System ,
    but also gradually accepted by other law system countries. In different
    countries' practice ,there are different in the range of using the
    principle ,the conditions and so on. The doctrine has different types, the
    England model, the American model, the Canadian model and the
    Australia model, each model has different characters.
    This article uses comparative method ,studies the evolving process
    and the character of different types of the above -mentioned the doctrine of forum non conveniences , try to find out the same basis and condition in using the principle. First it introduces the concept and origin of the doctrine of forum non conveniences ,then it introduces the practice of the doctrine in some different Common Law System countries. In the third part of this article, it introduces the development in some Civil Law System countries ,setting Quebec, Germany and Japan as examples. At last ,it explores the reason of the application of the principle theoretically ,compares the standards of it ,at the same time ,it points out the limitations of the doctrine of forum non conveniences ,such as the vast discretionary power and so on. On the basis of this ,the author inspects the feasibility of the doctrine in China theoretically and practically . The author holds that though there is no regulation in our law, in the practice, our courts often use it in international civil and commercial litigation . Specially ,because our country has special national conditions interregional conflicts of laws often occurs ,and the conflicts of territorial jurisdiction can hardly be avoided, which provides potential space for the application of the doctrine of forum non conveniences. At last ,this article puts forward some constructive suggestions on the legislation of the doctrine of forum non conveniences.
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    [1] Ronald A.Brand, Comparative Forum Non Conveniens and the Hague Convention on Jurisdiction and Judgments, 37 Tex.Int'I L.J.467
    [2] Cheshier and North, Private International Law,1970,p251; D.Lasok and P.A.Stone, Conflict of Laws in the EC,1987.
    [3] John Bies, Conditioning Forum Non Conveniens, 67U.Chi.L.Rev.489.
    [4] Donald J. Carney, Forum Non Conveniens ih the United States and Canada, 3Buff.Jour.Int'l 1.117.
    [5] Hague Convention on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters.
    [6] Roger S.Foster, Place of trial-Interstate Aplication of Intrastate Methods of Adjustment, 44 Harv. L. Rev.43.
    [7] e cf.,p.Blair, The Doctrine of Forum Non Conveniens in Anglo-American Law, 29 Columbia Law Review(1929)
    [8] Inston Anderson, Forum Non Conveniens Checkmated?—The Emergence of Retaliatory Legislation. 10 J. Transnat'l. &Policy 183.
    [9] Alan Reed and TP Kennedy, Forum Non Conveniens and the Brussels Convention, New Law Journal Vol 145 No 6720 P1697.
    [10] Cf., A. Reus, Judicial Discretion: A Comparative View of the Doctrine of Forum Non
    Conveniens in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany, 16 Loyola of Los Angeles International & Comparative Law Journal 1994, p. 460.
    [11] Gordon. E. Maag: Forum Non Conveniens in Illinois: A Historical Review, Critical Aalusis, and Proposal for change 25S. Ill. U. L. J. 461.
    [12] Jill Adams. Survey of Illinois Law: Civil Procedure 20S. Ill. U. L. J. 697.
    [13] John W. Joyce, Forum Non Conveniens in Louisiana 60 La. L. Rev. 293.
    [14] Christine Russell Case Comment, Should Florida Be a "Courthouse for the World?" The Florida Doctrine of Forum Non Conveniens and Foreign Plaintiff, 10 Fla. J. Int'l. L. 353.
    [15] Cf.,W.L. Reynolds, The Proper Forum for a Suit, Transnational Forum Non Convenies and Counter-Suit Injunctions in the Federal Courts, 70 Texas Law Review 1992,p.1714.
    [16] Alan Reed, Multi-Party Group Actions and Availability of Legal Aid. New Law Journal, Vol 151 No6970 P177.
    [17] J.P. McEvoy, International Litigation: Canada, Forum Non Conveniens and the Anti-Suit Injunction, 17 Advocs. Q. 1, 5 (1995).
    [18] Donald J. Carney: Forum Non Conveniens in the United States and Canada, 3 Buff. Jour. Int'l L.117. Amchem Prods. Inc. v. British Columbia (Workers' Comp. Bd.), [1993] S.C.R. 921 (Can.).
    [19] Jeffrey Talpis and Shelley L. Kath, The Exceptional as Commonplace in Quebec Forum Non Convenies Law: Cambior, a Case in Point, Revue Juridique Themis,2000, P761.
    [20] Masato Dogauchi, A View From the Far East: The Hague Draft Convention from the Perspective of Japan, Paper Delivered at a Seminar Sponsored by the Union Internationale des Avocats (April 20-21, 2001) (on file with author).
    [21] Alan Reed, To be or not to be: The Forum non Convenience Performance Acted out of Anglo-American Courtroom Stages, Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law, Fall, 2000, p. 33.
    [22] BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY 655 (6th ed. 1990).
    [23] A.G. Slater, Forum Non Conveniens:A View from the Shop Floor, 104 The Law Quarterly Review (1988), P.554.
    [24] Carl C. Scherz. Comment, Legislature's Answer to Alfaro: Forum Non Conveniens in Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Litigation, 46 BAYLOR L. REV. 99, 139 n.48 (1994).

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