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随着中国加入WTO 和中国综合实力的整体提升,中国证券市场的逐步市场化和国际化的进程也在加快,证券业的发展引起了越来越广泛的关注,证券业的地位和重要性正在凸现。与此同时,在证券市场发生各种纠纷也是不可避免的。证券纠纷对于广大投资者的切身利益、证券市场的健康发展、国民经济的稳定增长都将产生重大影响,以合适的方式来公正、高效地解决证券纠纷就成为维护证券市场可持续发展的重要环节,其具有的积极作用是不言而喻的。然而,我国目前的证券纠纷解决机制远未完善,非诉讼程序没有发挥应有的作用,这对于整个证券市场的健康发展将产生消极影响,尤其是对处于弱势地位的中小投资者来说更是如此。因此,本文在吸收、消化、借鉴美国证券市场和发达国家成功经验和做法的基础上,结合我国国情以及我国证券市场的实际情况,多方面、多角度地就如何进一步建立、完善我国的证券纠纷非诉讼程序解决机制作一些有益的探索。
As China joins WTO and her overall national power increases, the securities market in China moves even faster in terms of market principles and internationalization. This attracts more and more attention and the importance and role of this market are on the increase too. However, securities transactions produce disputes and these disputes concern the interests of investors and the health of the market itself, bearing heavily upon the stability of the national economy. Thus, it has become an important link to settle securities disputes in a just and efficient and appropriate way for the sustainable development of this market and this is self evident. However, the dispute settlement mechanism in China’s securities market is far from full---fledged and Alternative Dispute Resolution (hereinafter referred to as ADR) is regrettably missing, which have a negative impact upon the development of the market and upon the disadvantaged small investors. Thus, on the basis of research on the experiences and practice of US securities market and developed countries, this paper takes into account the situation of China and her securities market and explores the possibilities of further establishing and improving the ADR mechanism of securities disputes from different facets.
    This paper is composed of eight chapters, offering analyses and research into the ADR mechanism of securities disputes in terms of history versus existing situation, the generalities and specifics, theories and practices, etc, and putting forward this author’s considerations and suggestions.
    The first chapter describes the existing situation of the securities system in China and problems with the resolution mechanism of securities disputes, pointing out that China lacks a resolution mechanism of securities disputes that can combine high efficiency with low costs. The reasons behind this situation are that China lacks both
    the effective judicial remedies for securities disputes and the ADR means. The second chapter briefly touches upon the definition, attributes and types of ADR, discussing in detail the demerits of litigation and the special functions of ADR, thus putting into spotlight the inspirations offered by ADR. The third chapter mainly discusses the attributes of securities dispute in China and the major unlawful acts in securities market, such as unauthorized issue of securities, insider trading, market manipulation, misrepresentation, frauds against customers, etc. The chapter goes on to pick up certain typical cases for special treatment and makes it clear that securities disputes bear certain attributes different from average civil and commercial disputes, as the former features in vast amounts, wide social influences, high degree of industry specialties and certain foreign elements. The fourth chapter mainly discusses the forms of ADR and its application in resolution of dispute securities, respectively describing the definitions, attributes and principles of negotiation, mediation and arbitration and their respective application in securities dispute resolution. The fifth chapter goes on to discuss the merits and values of ADR. The chapter tells that ADR entertains flexibility, high efficiency, confidentiality and independence, in addition, it is able to effectively mobilize resources and help disputing parties to settle disputes amicably and is internationally effective and enforceable. Meantime, ADR also entertains the legal and social functions of increasing efficiency, ensuring justice and maintaining social order and helping build up a harmonious society. The sixth chapter mainly discusses the theories and practices of ADR in US employed for dispute settlement of securities disputes. The chapter first describes the development and historical evolution of arbitration employed in securities dispute resolution. Then the chapter studies landmark cases and offers an insight into the certain important
    issues of arbitration employed in securities disputes. The chapter goes to analyze the attributes of securities arbitration in US and arbitration has become the major way out for securities arbitration. Through many years, a quite fully-fledged mechanism has come into being and China should draw upon it. The seventh chapter mainly discusses the existing situation of ADR mechanism for securities disputes in China and problems thereof. This chapter goes on lengthy discussion on the development of ADR in China and problems thereof and offers analysis on the ADR mechanism of securities dispute settlement in China, including such problems like an imperfect framework of legal provisions, court’s monopoly in dispute resolution and high costs for ADR mechanism, etc. Only removal of such problems through systemic arrangements can likely apply ADR and extend the range thereof. The eighth chapter mainly offers the considerations and suggestions of this author on how to improve the ADR mechanism of securities dispute resolution in China. The application of ADR to securities disputes is a systematic work. For this purpose, correct perceptions with regard to ADR have to be firstly established, especially the perceptions for the protection of the lawful interests of investors. Secondly, legislations have to be further amended so as to conform to the attributes of China’s securities market, with the relevant provisions in the Arbitration Law and Securities Law in need of amendment, thus creating favorable conditions for the ADR mechanism for securities dispute resolution. Thirdly, systematic innovations have to be further promoted in order to create a good environment of rule of law for the long term sustainable development of securities market.
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