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According to the shortcomings in traditional riverbasin management which was to solve issues individually and lag in time, riverbasin ecosystem management was put forward, and which result in study on theory of ecosystem health. Ecosystem health is an essential condition to support life existing and development. To keep and maintain ecosystem health is a key project which is closely related to future of human life. Under the guidance of theories in systematic science and ecological economics, through integrating multi-sciences, issues of riverbasin ecosystem diagnosing and early-warning were studied.Taking a stressed ecosystem as entry point, a riverbasin ecosystem was treated as an individual life form to study its health;and theory frame of ecosystem health which is based on Pressure-State-Response was established. As an individual life form, riverbasin ecosystem needs a steady operation mechanism to maintain its healthy life. Considering immune system has automatic diagnosing function, and could kill virus in time to ensure physical life form being in a normal stable state, thereby, the operation mechanism of immune system was referenced to design diagnosing and early-warning system of ecosystem health, which includes: diagnosing and identifying subsystem, warning signal subsystem, coordination control subsystem and memory database. The system was provided with functions of early warning and mistakes rectifying, as well as immune function. And in further, indicators system of detecting and warning for riverbasin ecosystem healthy was designed, immune warning method was developed as well, which was based on denial choice algorithm of abnormal change detecting. Finally, taking Heihe River basin as a case study area, the system was applied to diagnose and early-warn the current and future situations of ecosystem health of the riverbasin;and the corresponding countermeasures were put forward.
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