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     1 语言中的词汇构成一个完整的词汇系统,在这个系统中词语的意义是相互关联的;
     2 词汇应当作为一个完整的系统来研究,而非单独考察某一个词的语义变化;
     3 某个词的准确意义只有在对词汇间相互关系的分析和比较中才能确定。
     水义的最后 章遣语义学和翻译的结介,义细分为八个邢分,第
     部分探讨语境一翻译,第四部分探讨歧义和翻译,最后 九5分则巾点讨
     语境的概念和分类,片对其在翻译中的作川作了 个概}斤卜的沦述。
     源恰的语义的途径。八这一部分,我们着重讨论了该问地的 二个人山I:
     译意义;另 方面,忿义是语占的一部分,而语义学足语.’i·f的 部分。
This paper has probed into some aspects of semantic studies that are closely connected with translation and helpful in understanding and solving some problems in translation, namely semantic field theory, componential analysis, classifications of meaning, semantic contrast between English and Chinese, and notably semantic translatioa
    Semantic field theory is one of the most important achievements in modem semantic studies. And the connection of semantic field theory and translation lies in the comparison of words under a certain common concept among different languages such as English and Chinese.
    Componential analysis refers to the approach to the description of the meaning of words and phrases which rests upon the thesis that the sense of every lexeme can be analyzed in terms of a set of more general semantic features.
    As for componential analysis in translation, we have dealt with the eight main uses for the translator. Moreover, a translator or translation theorist should always bear in mind that except in a narrow area or a series a field is not a structure or a 'mosaic' system (Trier's term), but a loose conglomeration of words of senses centered in one topic.
    As for the classification of meaning, we have mainly discussed two types : John Lyons' and Geoffrey Leech's, the former including three sub-types : namely descriptive, social and expressive meaning, while the latter embracing seven, namely conceptual, connotative, social, -affective, reflected, collocative and thematic meaning. Comparing the two, we think that John Lyons' classification is economical, global, but a little vague, while Leech's is more systematic and clear-cut. And since Leech's classification is more instructive in guiding translators, we have dealt with each of their possible associations with translatioa
    In the third chapter, we have had a thorough comparison between English and Chinese on semantic contrast, including semantic overlapping, parallelism, exclusion and conflict We thought that this comparison is of great importance to the mutual translation between English and Chinese. This is mainly because that Chinese and English truly overlap, parallel, exclude and conflict with each other significantly over the meanings. If the translator aims at finding the most satisfactory equivalence for one language in another, it is absolutely essential for him -to ponder over all these various aspects of the
    semantics of language.
    The last chapter is a combination of semantics and translation which subcategorises into five smaller parts, e.g. meaning as the core of translating, changes of meaning and translation, context and translation, ambiguity and translation, and semantic translation.
    Meaning is the core of translating because translating is in search of meaning and understanding meaning is the foundation of translating.
    The four well-marked tendencies of changes of meaning are extension, narrowing,
    degeneration and regeneratioa All these changes can be easily seen from the
    Context is the term used to state meaning from what comes before and after a word, phrase, statement, etc. It is a topic much discussed and argued about in both semantics and pragmatics and it is meant here both linguistic context and context of situation.
    To a translator, context is very important in understanding the original text Our paper in this section has explored the concept and categories of context from the perspective of semantics and made a brief discussion on the role of context in translatioa
    Ambiguity in English is very common. It refers to a word or sentence permitting an un-specifiable range of possible interpretatioa It includes briefly two sorts: lexical ambiguity and grammatical ambiguity.
    In translating ambiguous sentence, we think comprehension of the sentence is very important and the correct understanding cannot go without proper context Therefore, we'd better first resolve ambiguity according to the context, then translate it into another language.
    Semantic translation is a translation approach whi
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