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美国当代著名女诗人、普利策诗歌奖得主、哈佛大学博伊尔斯顿修辞与演讲教授乔瑞·格雷厄姆(Jorie Graham,1950-)以“哲学诗人”而闻名。在其代表作《统一场的梦想:1974-1994诗歌选集》(1995)中,诗人怀着寻找自我的梦想,回顾并反思了她过去二十年诗歌创作的主题:在自然、艺术、神话与历史中寻找自我、体验自我;最终,诗人将自我与物质相关联。一种与客观世界紧密相连的主体观——物质性主体由此诞生。
Jorie Graham (1950-), a famous contemporary American woman poet, winner of Pulitzer Prize for Poetry, and Boylston Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory at Harvard University, is well-known as a "philosophical poet". With a dream of finding self, Graham reviews and reflects on the themes of her poems written during the past twenty years in her masterpiece poetry collection The Dream of the Unified Field: Selected Poems 1974-1994 (1995), trying to search and experience the self in nature, art, mythology and history. In the end, the poet correlates self with materiality. Thus, a material subjectivity-a view of subjectivity closely related to the objective world has come into being.
     This thesis investigates Graham's search for self in her different periods in a diachronic way and in a perspective of Merleau-Ponty's poetics of sensibility. Different from Descartes's purely abstract speculation "cogito, ergo sum", and distinctive from the strong ideological and ethnic identity recognition, Graham's inquiry of self exists in the perception and interaction between self and the outside world. In the part "Hybrids of Plants and of Ghosts" of this collection, Graham first brings up the issue of human's ability to perceive. By using a large number of natural metaphors, the poet implies that, the mind like the natural procedure is influenced by and limited to the surroundings. Thus, human beings should value the body experience to broaden the perception without being controlled by a certain biased ideology. Since the nature is always in change, the poet attempts to experience self in the eternal art world which Graham discussed in the part "Erosion". The desire to know is described as an "entering" into the things by the poet. The shift of the perspectives and space as well as the active participation of human being narrow the gap between the abstract and concrete, mind and body, subject and object successfully. The "entering" necessarily involves the problem of "exiting". In the part "The End of Beauty" of this collection, the poet lingers between the boundaries and limitations, steps out of the stereotyped thinking through a deconstruction of the mythical figures, and points out that knowledge will inevitably follow the releasing of thoughts and the breakthroughs of tradition. In the comprehensive part of the collection "Region of Unlikeness", Graham combines the growth of human being with the apparently unrelated historical events, and constructs the meaning of human being in history. In the last part "Materialism", the poet tells the reality of the self and correlates it with materiality. The interaction between human being and the material produces a resonance which gives people a sense of being and value of self. Thus, the searching journey begins with an inquiry into human perception, then goes on with the blurring of the distinction between subject and object, continues with the deconstruction of the myth, proceeds with the historically constructed human being, and ends with the material subjectivity-a view of subjectivity closely related with the material world, which emphasizes the embodied subject and the multiple, concomitant ways of sensing, feeling, knowing, experiencing and performing or the sensuous particularities of corporeal being and action. The search for materiality means rejecting the abstract preaching, meaningless speculation, and the human existence theory filled with value metaphors. It stresses the earthly feeling and self experiences through the return to the material world.
     In her poetry collection The Dream of the Unified Field, Graham demonstrates that self consciousness comes from the specific experience rather than purely abstract meditation. Materiality is an insistence that things matter, and that the study of materiality plays an irreplaceable role in the way that we understand self, society and historical sciences. Human thoughts originate from the understanding of the material world, human existence relies on the material in the first place, and human sensory organs are the primary tools to perceive. Therefore there is the need to return to concrete sensibility from purely abstract speculation. Since the experience of subjectivity is never empty and metaphysical, the realization of self requires a return to the human body, and calls for practice, the experience of the material and the subject's interaction with the object.
① "Unified Field Theory."Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.20 July 2009.
    ② Smith, Nathan D. and Jason P. Taylor. Descartes and Cartesianism. Newcastle UK:Cambridge Scholars Press. 2005, p41.
    ④ Tilley, Christopher Y. Handbook of Material Culture, Trowbridge:Cromwell Press Ltd,2006, p125
    ⑤ Whitman, Walt. Leave of Grass. Radford, VA:Wilder Publications.2007, p46
    ⑥ Greenspan, Ezra. Walt Whitman and the American reader. New York:Cambridge University Press.1990, p157
    ⑦ Whitman, Walt. Leave of Grass. Radford, VA:Wilder Publications.2007, P28
    ⑧ John Barnard, John Keats, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1987, P104
    ⑨ Scott, Grant F. ed. Selected Letters of John Keats, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,2005, P 54
    (?) Longenbach, James. Modern Poetry afterModernism. New York:Oxford University Press.1997, p.160.
    (?) Molesworth, Charles. Jorie Graham:Living in the world, Salmagundi, Volume 120, pp.276-284,1998, p277, p283
    12 Gardner, Thomas ed., Jorie Graham:essays on the poetry. Madison, Wisconsin:The University of Wisconsin Press,2005, p170
    13 Vendler, Helen. Soul Says:On Recent Poetry. Cambridge, Massachusetts:The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.1995, p223
    14 Bedient, Calvin. "Posdyrically Yours:Revie of Materialism". Jorie Graham:essays on the poetry. Ed. Thomas
    Gardner. Madison, Wisconsin:The University of Wisconsin Press,2005, p9
    15 Graham, Jorie ed., The Earth Took of Earth:A Golden Ecco Anthology. New York:Ecco Press.1996, p5
    16 Gardner, Thomas ed., Jorie Graham:essays on the poetry. Madison, Wisconsin:The University of Wisconsin Press.2005, p4
    17 Gardner, Thomas. "Accurate Failures:The Work of Jorie Graham." The Hollins Critic Vol.24. Oct 1987. p1(10). Expanded Academic ASAP. Online. Thomson Gale. Sweet Briar College.20 Nov 2006.
    18 Longenbach, James. "The Place of Jorie Graham". Jorie Graham:essays on the poetry. Ed. Thomas Gardner. Madison, Wisconsin:The University of Wisconsin Press.2005, p7
    19 Klink, Joanna. "To Feel an Idea:Review of Swarm", The Kenyon Review, New Series,2002, Vol.24, No.1 pp.188-201
    20 Ramke, Bin "Review The Dream of the Unified Field:Selected Poems 1974-1994", The Boston Review,1996, Vol.21, No.3
    21 Sacks, Peter. "What's Happening", The New York Times,1996,
    22 Fingered, Ashley. "Jorie Graham's sense of self in the physical and metaphysical world",
    23 Graham, Jorie. The Dream of the Unified Field, Selected Poems from 1974-1994. New York:Haper Collins Publishers Inc.1995,p22. All quotations of her poetry are cited from this book.
    24 Vendler, Helen. Soul Says:On Recent Poetry. Cambridge, Massachusetts:The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.1995, p227
    25 Nietzsche, Friedrich. Thus Spake Zarathustra. Thomas Common, trans. Pomona:Pomona Press.2006, p5
    26 Vendler, Helen The Given and the Made:Recent American poets. Cambridge, Massachusetts:Harvard University Press.1995, p94
    27 Vendler, Helen. Soul Says:On Recent Poetry. Cambridge, Massachusetts:The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.1995, p242
    28 Costello, Bonnie. "Jorie Graham:Art and Erosion". Contemporary Literature.1992,33(2), pp 373-395.
    30 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Emerson in His Journals. Joel Porte ed., Cambridge, Massachusetts:The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press,1984, p514
    31 Costello, Bonnie. Jorie Graham:Art and Erosion. Contemporary Literature.1992,33(2), pp 373-395.
    32 ibid, pp 373-395
    33 Pettinger, Terry O'Brien. "Where Intellect and Intuition Converge:Epistemological Errancies in the Poetry of Jorie Graham." 14 April,1999.13 October,2008.
    34 Vendler, Helen.Soul Says:On Recent Poetry. Cambridge, Massachusetts:The Bel knap Press of Harvard University Press.1995, p237
    35 Costello, Bonnie. "Jorie Graham:Art and Erosion". Contemporary Literature.1992,33(2),pp 373-395.
    36 Longenbach, James. Modern Poetry afterModernism. New York:Oxford University Press.1997,p168
    37 Vendler, Helen The Given and the Mad:recent American poets. Cambridge, Massachusetts:Harvard University Press.1995, p145
    38 Gardner, Thomas ed.,Jorie Graham:essays on the poetry. Madison, Wisconsin:The University of Wisconsin Press.2005, p122
    39 Graham, Jorie and David Lehman eds. The Best American Poetry of 1990. New York:Charles Scribner's Sons, 1990,
    40 Augustine, Saint The Confessions of St. Augustine. John Kenneth Ryan, trans. Virginia:Image Books Publishers.1960, p171
    41 Vendler, Helen. Soul Says:On Recent Poetry. Cambridge, Massachusetts:The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.1995, p212
    43 Vendler, Helen. Soul Says:On Recent Poetry. Cambridge, Massachusetts:The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.1995, p223
    45 Frost, Elizabeth. "Countering Culture". Women's Review of Books.1994, pp 11-12.
    46 Vendler, Helen The Given and the Made:Recent American poets. Cambridge, Massachusetts:Harvard University Press.1995, p127
    47 Vendler, Helen The Given and the Mad:recent American poets. Cambridge, Massachusetts:Harvard Universitv Press.1995,p126
    48 ibid p127
    49 Silverblatt, Michael.interviews Jorie Graham.10 MAY,2000.24 November,2008
    50 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice. The Structure of Behavior. California:Beacon Press.1963, p149
    51 Burkitt, Ian. Bodies of Thought:Embodiment, Identity and Modernity. Thousand Oaks, Calif.:Sage Publications.1999, p8
    52 Graham, Jorie and David Lehman eds. The Best American Poetry of 1990. New York:Charles Scribner's Sons, 1990.
    [1]Augustine, Saint. The Confessions of St. Augustine [M]. John Kenneth Ryan, trans. Virginia:Image Books Publishers,1960.
    [2]Bernhardt, Kimberly J. The Ethics of Mourning:Elegiac Response in the Works of Elizabeth Bishop, Mark Doty, Paul Muldoon and Jorie Graham [D]. New Brunswick, New Jersey:The State University of New Jersey,2003.
    [3]Burkitt, Ian. Bodies of Thought:Embodiment, Identity and Modernity [M]. Thousand Oaks, Calif.:Sage Publications,1999.
    [4]Costello, Bonnie.“Jorie Graham:Art and Erosion”[J]. Contemporary Literature.33.2 (1992):373-395.
    [5]Dickinson, Adam William. Lyric Ethics:The Matter and Time of Ecopoetry [D]. Edmonton, Alberta:University of Alberta,2005.
    [6]Feuerstein, Melissa Sara. Object Poems [D]. Cambridge, Massachusettes:Harvard University,2006.
    [7]Figueiredo, Ashley. “Jorie Graham's Sense of Self in the Physical and Metaphysical World.” [J] http://www.english.sbc.edu/Journal/Figueriedo.htm
    [8]Frost, Elizabeth. “Countering Culture” [J]. Women's Review of Books.11 (1994):11-12.
    [9]Gardner, Thomas ed. Jorie Graham:Essays on the Poetry [C]. Madison, Wisconsin:The University of Wisconsin Press,2005.
    [10]Graham, Jorie and David Lehman eds. The Best American Poetry of 1990 [M]. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons,1990.
    [11]Graham, Jorie ed. The Earth Took of Earth:A Golden Ecco Anthology [M]. New York: Ecco Press,1996.
    [12]Graham, Jorie. The Dream of the Unified Field:Selected Poems from 1974-1994 [M]. New York:HaperCollins Publishers Inc,1995.
    [13]Greenspan, Ezra. Walt Whitman and the American Reader [M]. New York:Cambridge University Press,1990.
    [14]John Barnard, John Keats [M], Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1987.
    [15]Klink, Joanna. “To Feel an Idea:Review of Swarm” [J]. The Kenyon Review, New Series, 24.1 (2002):188-201.
    [16]Longenbach, James. Modern Poetry after Modernism [M]. New York:Oxford University Press,1997.
    [17]Merleau-Ponty, Maurice. The Structure of Behavior [M]. California:Beacon Press.1963.
    [18]'Metzo, Christine. R. Bodily Being:the Intercorporeal Nature of the Materiality of Human Life [D]. Lexington, Kentucky:University of Kentucky,2008.
    [19]Molesworth, Charles.“Jorie Graham:Living in the World” [J]. Salmagundi.120(1998): 276-284.
    [20]Nietzsche, Friedrich. Thus Spake Zarathustra [M]. Thomas Common, trans. Pomona: Pomona Press,2006.
    [21]Pettinger, Terry O'Brien. "Where Intellect and Intuition Converge:Epistemological Errancies in the Poetry of Jorie Graham."[D] 14 April,1999. http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-02072001-144439/unrestricted/PettingerThesi s.PDF
    [22]Ramke, Bin.“Review The Dream of the Unified Field” [J], The Boston Review,21.3 (1996). http://bostonreview.net/BR21.3/Reviews.html
    [23]Sacks, Peter.“What's Happening” [J], The New York Times,1996. http://www.joriegraham.com/sachs 1995
    [24]Scott, Grant F. ed. Selected Letters of John Keats [M]. Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,2005.
    [25]Silverblatt, Michael. “Interviews Jorie Graham”.10 MAY,2000. http://www.kcrw.com/etc/programs/bw/bw000511jorie graham
    [26]Smith, Nathan D. and Jason P. Taylor. Descartes and Cartesianism [M]. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press,2005.
    [27]Tilley, Christopher Y. Handbook of Material Culture [M]. Trowbridge:Cromwell Press Ltd, 2006.
    [28]Vendler, Helen. The Given and the Made:Recent American poets [M]. Cambridge, Massachusetts:Harvard University Press,1995.
    [29]Vendler, Helen. Soul Says:On Recent Poetry [M]. Cambridge, Massachusetts:The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press,1995.
    [30]Whitman, Walt. Leave of Grass [M]. Radford, VA:Wilder Publications,2007.
    [31]“Unified Field Theory.” Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.20 July 2009. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand unified field theory
    [32]Zona, Kirstin Hotelling.“American Poetry and Jorie Graham” [J]. Contemporary Literature,46.4, (2005):667-687.
    [34]陈伯海. “自我”与“非我”——关于主体性的思考提纲[J].中州学刊.2009(2).

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