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“Hermeneutics”in the thesis is the description of course features for urban design. By means of theories in hermeneutics, we can regard all social and cultural phenomena contained in the urban space as meaningful text, and the city may then be named as“simi-text”. The urban text would be of certain shape and space, and it can display the firm relationship between each shape (inter-text). The process of urban design would include the“understanding”,“interpretation”and“acceptance”of urban text. Here,“understanding”refers to reading the urban text, and“interpretation”refers to analysis and research in urban design text, while“acceptance”refers to the hermeneutics method as applied during creation by the main body of the hermeneutics. In one word,“hermeneutics”is the highly summarized expression of the active process for people to understand, write about and express the city, and the systematic summary of internal structure and way of though in urban design course.
     In the history of philosophy, modern hermeneutics, phenomenology and reception aesthetics has thronged in succession, which were interacted and formed their own system have imposed profound influence over the research of urban planning and architectural science. The“Fundamentals for Hermeneutics Theory”is a collective term of theoretical system formed by hermeneutics, phenomenology and reception aesthetics. Contemporary urban design, as influenced by the foregoing philosophy ideas, has demonstrated obvious features of hermeneutics. Such philosophy ideas like historical features, understandability, communicability, exchangeability, uncertainty, process-based, participation-based and diversified meaning etc as emphasized in hermeneutics has directed the post-modernism mainstream tendency in urban design. In the meantime, the urban design course also exists in the philosophy circumstances of hermeneutics. From the viewpoint of hermeneutics, the urban design concepts at different stages have influenced by the then cultural comments and social thoughts. The explanation and analysis of urban works would be possible since the research of urban history and culture is regarded as empirical course.
     Therefore, after understanding the hermeneutics connotation of the meaning of urban space, the hermeneutics theory of urban design would start to seek the internal mechanism for people to understand the space in aesthetics field and the human studies. The hermeneutics theory of urban design may also be named as“hermeneutic aesthetics of urban space”. For human being– the main body of urban aesthetics and recognition– city is not the objective matter, and the display, recognition and expression of which shall be through people’s activities. During people’s recognition activities, objective matter would become the target of text, while the subject will think of, understand and image the objective matter through imagined images. Urban object is the“meaning form”for the subject of hermeneutics, and the urban (design) text would turn to be the target of urban object. Therefore, people would be imposed the active recognition between urban (design) text and urban object. At this time, the urban text (simi-text) and the urban design text (real text form) would form the meaning structure indicating the urban object.
     In terms of the practice of urban design, when the scientific understanding upon the urban design hermeneutics is recognized, then methodology system in the social studies hermeneutics would be obviously referential for the course of urban design, in which methods like context analysis, rhetoric analysis, metaphor analysis, mental intention analysis and complexity analysis are all closely in connection with the methodology of urban design. Therefore, the main body hermeneutics in the creation practices of urban design, the meaning hermeneutics in terms of concept of urban design as well as the text hermeneutics in the notional process of urban design has jointly formed the methodology system of urban design hermeneutics theory, which stresses the concept of configuration, the notional process and the different stages of creation practice featuring practices and application.
     The thesis emphasized the following creative points through the research of hermeneutics theory of urban design:
     It formulated the research framework for the hermeneutics theory of urban design, which has caused the cross-relation of hermeneutics theory and urban design knowledge in an all-round and systematic manner, laying the theoretical foundation for the deeper research of hermeneutics theory of urban design.
     It elaborated the way of thought for hermeneutics shaped by the hermeneutics context– hermeneutics structure– hermeneutics dimension, and unveil the internal features of the hermeneutics way of thought in urban design.
     It carried out the application research in terms of the meaning hermeneutics in concept (research on city text), text hermeneutics in the notional process (research on urban design text) and the main body hermeneutics of the creation practice for urban design.
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