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     由于历史原因所致,生物学数据来源非常复杂。为了减少或消除概念及术语的混乱,Gene Ontology协会开发了生物学数据的大型语义词典----基因本体GO(Gene Ontology)。GO应用的一个重要方面就是对GO术语的语义相似性进行度量。通常认为,如果两个基因产物的功能相似,那么它们的基因表达就相近,同时它们在GO中注解的术语就相似,所以我们只要能找出GO中术语对的相似度,就可以近似估计两基因表达的相似度,从而判断两基因产物功能的相似程度。所以说,GO术语间语义相似性的度量是解决生物学数据集成中语义异构问题的重要方法。
The study of similarity includes mostly structural similarity and semantic similarity. The study on structural similarity is pervasive comparatively in the past, and the study of semantic similarity attracts more and more attention till recent years.
     Owing to historical reasons, the data source of biology is very complicated. For reducing or eliminating confusion between concepts and terms, Gene Ontology consortium researched and developed a large semantic dictionary ---- GO (Gene Ontology). The reseach of similarity plays an important role in many study fields. One important aspect of GO application is measuring semantic similarity between GO terms. It is generally believed that if two gene products are similar, we would except that their genetic expressions are similar, and that they are similarly annotated in the GO. Thus, we may compare similarity of function levels of two gene products against their corresponding similarity of annotation in the GO. So measuring semantic similarity between GO terms is an important approach to resolve the problem of semantic heterogeneity in biological data integration.
     At first, we present the background of GO and the study situation of semantic similarity in this paper. Then we analyze several available approaches for measuring semantic similarity between GO terms, and propose a subgraph-based approach against one of the most commonly used approaches. And then, we design an algorithm and testify it upon a part of GO graph. Finally, a summary of this approach is given, and we discuss more broad application space for it.
     The new approach proposed in this paper is an approach which combines information content-based and semantic distance-based methods. It makes semantic similarity measure between GO terms more accurate. If this approach can be used to GO database, it will be promising to search similar or related proteins more accurately, and will lay a good foundation for the relevant study and application of bioinformation.
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