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Middle Construction (MC), also known as the Middles is a kind of common and special language phenomenon with cross-language properties. It is active in syntactic form and passive in semantic meaning implicitly. The qualities of its special syntactic form, unique semantic properties and complex binary opposition has made the study of MC a wide and controversial reaseach topic in the linguistic circles both at home and abroad since the1980s. The previous studies on MC were mainly concentrated around the mechanism of the structure, the use of adverbs and the selectional restrictions of tenses and aspects. But there is still no normal standard for its proper definiting, resulting in great differences standard from different perspectives in linguistic world, so much complicated constraints, as adverb effect restriction, implicit agent restriction, modal semantic standard. verb effect restriction, non-double-objects restriction, action effects and argument sensitive standard. Each kind of standard, however, can find counterexamples in violation. In order to break through the barriers the complicated constraints and to deepen our understanding the true nature of MCs, this thesis, with the Cross-linguistic perspective of the Linguistic Typology, on the base of the research results in this field achieved at home and abroard, makes the intrinsic properties of the overall comprehensive analysis and research, focusing on the semantic characteristics、implicit-agent in cognitive motivation、the intrinsic properties of both Chinese and English MCs.
     In order to avoid cross-language study just applying English MC mechanically, corpus-based quantitative and qualitative analyses on English and Chinese MCs with the concept of" the jade may be refined from stones coming from other hills", that is, theories abroad can be used as reference to enrich the Chinese language study. The cross-language study, from the perspective of typology, is advantageous to the theory of ontology research on Chinese and helpful for the application of Chinese language international promotion. By way of the reasearches on the previous hypothesis on these studies, the argument that "the MCs are of cross-language characteristics" have been confirmed and the characteristics of universality and heterogeneity have been found in Chinese MC. And then according to the investigation and demonstration of the statistics from the corpora, the quantitative and qualitative analyses have been carried out on the corpora characteristics of MCs both in English and Chinese. Thus the status of the Chinese format [NP+V-qilai+AP] and [NP+hao-V] has been set as the Chinese MCs. Through comparative study, the commonalities and differences have be found. The commonalities are that both English and Chinese MCs are of independent constructions between active and passive structure, of "the subject duty and non events " features, and of highlighted-patient implied-agent characteristics. In the distribution of corpus and range of using, both English and Chinese MCs belong to oral language, and the verbs in MCs are most commonly used in single syllable routinely used verbs; not only adverbs/adjectives can be used after verbs in MCs, but prepositional phrases, the semantic orientation of which pointing to the implicit agents, can also be found to describe attributes or characteristics of the serface subject NP. The differences:adverbs are used to modify after the English verbs while adjectives after Chinese verbs; and in real corpus a lot of bare verb English MCs, that is no modifies after verbs, while no bare verb Chises MCs can be found in corpus; and the degree of consent in the condition of sentences is that Chinese MCs are more tolerant and productive than English MCs.
     In this paper, MCs have been classified into typical and atypical models in syntactic structure by the syntagmatic-relation approach. And researches have been made on the syntactic stuctures and semantic expressions of the two models. In addition, the distinction between the two types of MCs, namely,"the generic reference" type and "the definite reference" type, have been put forward by the paradigmatic-relation approach from the perspective of cognition. With an argument on the similarities between the two types of MCs both in English and Chinese, an examination has been conducted on their corresponding semantic changes, pragmatic features and the deep cognitive motivation in the implicit-agents. This method of classification has overturned the beliefs held by most of domestic scholars that all the MCs are characteristic of "genericity" and "universality", which, in fact, is only true of the "the generic reference" middles. In the comparative studies on the two types of MCs, the similar distinctions have been found between English and Chinese: differences between the implicit-agents in cognitive motivation, differences in semantic attributes of the subject noun and the differences of the semantic hierarchy levels. Whereas "the definite reference" functions the contextal representation of object properties or state in the process of the action. And unified interpretations have been made to complex binary opposition and many counter-examples of linguistics and to the features of binary opposition, which have long confused the linguistic field.
     The full text of the thesis is divided into six parts.
     Chapter One, as the introduction to the whole thesis, is an explanation to the reason of the establishment of the reasearch program as well as an illustration of the research object, content, purpose and significance. The chapter, as a part of literature review, is designed as an introduction to the relative studies on MCs held by the different genres of English and Chinese linguistists both at home and abroad. It is a general review of the studies on English and Chinese MCs as well as a comparative study on the achievements obtained and the problems still existed. Finally, the guiding theory and research methods has been put forward with an interpretation of the source of corpus and structure arrangement.
     Chapter Two is an investigation into and an analysis on the corpuses of English and Chinese MCs. With the support of large-scale corpus and the self-built English-Chinese parallel corpus, a research has been carried out on the distribution of and the correspondence with English and Chinese MCs with an investigation into the verbs and the modifiers in the MCs as well in the corpus. First of all, an examination and statistics have been conducted on the corresponding MC structures in Chinese with those in English in bilingual corpus. Secondly, with an investigation into the distribution of the MCs in different corpus, the range and frequency in use of the structures have been verified. Finally, a discussion has been made on how many of the verbs and the adverbs which can be found in English MCs could or couldn't be correspond with those in Chinese MCs in the corpus. The other object of the discussion is the difference of its frequency in use of those verbs and adverbs. A contrastive analysis on English and Chinese sentence conditions of the MCs in corpus is another task of this chapter---comparative studies being made respectively on the constraint conditions, the category of the modifiers and the restricts of choice. By way of description and illustration, a conclusion has been made with qualitative and quantitative analyses in this chapter that the MCs are also a general language phenomenon in Chinese.
     Chapter Three, while combing the standards and biased errors in the previous studies on defining MC has presented the significance in strictly definiting MC. And then the contrast researches have been made on the MC structures easy to be confused, and the syntactic semantic standards in defining MC have been put forward with the grammatical category of MC structures being analysized.
     Chapter Four is the classification of the MC structures. In this chapter, the classification has been conducted syntactically and semantically. The general MCs are divided into typical and atypical models with the syntagmatic-relation approach so that investigations could be made in Chinese and English MCs. And the distinction between the "the generic reference" and the definite reference types of MCs has been made with paradigmatic-relation approach. As for the the generic reference" and definite reference types of MC, a fruitful discussion have been held on the commonness and differences between English and Chinese MCs.
     Chapter Five is a study on the Chinese MCs and their semantic characteristics. A research has been made on the syntactic and semantic features of the Chinese sentence structures "V-qilai起来" and "hao好-V". With the commonly acknowleged syntactic standards and semantic features of MCs obtained in English MC studies as the reference, it is found that the very similar semantic features and syntactic representations in English MCs can be found in the Chinese syntactic structures of "V-qilai"[NP+V-qialai+AP](SI) and the "hao-V"[NP+hao-V](S2). Thus the status of the Chinese format [NP+V-qilai+AP] and [NP+hao-V] has been set as the Chinese MCs. And the similarities and differences between them are easily distinguished from their syntactic and semantic features. However, a research has been also made on the sentence structures and the hierarchy structures of the patterns. Moreover a sytematic anlysis has been carried out on the semantic properties of NP, the choice restrictions of V, the semantic orientation of AP and the semantic features.
     The sixth part of the thesis is the conclusion. It is first a summary of the results of the comparative studies and the theoretical thinking of the author, and then a clarification of the research contributions and application revelation. And the weakpoints of the studies have been revealed at the end of the part.
     In this paper, quantitative statistics with qualitative analysis and description with analysis are adopted as the basic research methods by which studies are conducted on the basis of the self-built English-Chinese parallel corpus and the large-scale corpus, such as COCA and the Beijing University Chinese Corpus. The studies in terms of "Quantitative" include the quantitative statistics and analysis on the distribution and frequency of MCs in English corpus as well as those of the corresponding MC in Chinese corpus. And the studies in terms of "Qualitative" include the analysis on the commonness and difference between English and Chinese MCs, especially on their semantic characteristics. Meanwhile "Description" is the basis of quantitative analysis and "Analysis" is the essence of qualitative approach. And the lack of corpus statistics can be compensated by the introspective method.
     Innovation points of this research are mainly in the following several aspects:
     1) From the perspective of linguistic typology, the problems have been solved in the defining and essential characteristics of MCs, and the research object and scope made clear about. And according to the investigation and the statistics made on the large corpora and the self-built bilingual corpus, the Chinese [NP+V-qilai+AP] and [NP+hao-V] format have been demonstrated and their status in MC established.
     2) With the support of a large corpus, the quantitative and qualitative analyses
     on the features of MCs in English and Chinese are helpful to prove the hypothesis of previous patch, offering a confirmation on the argument that "the MCs are of cross-language characteristics," in order to deepen the researches on the universality and heterogeneous ontology of the Chinese language.
     3) From the perspective of the syntagmatic and the paradigmatic relations, two types of MCs, namely,"the generic reference" and "the definite reference," have been put forward in this paper. With an argument on the similarities between the two types of MCs both in English and Chinese, an examination has been conducted on their corresponding semantic changes, pragmatic features and the deep cognitive motivation in the implicit-agents.. The beliefs held by most of domestic scholars have been overturned that all the MCs are characteristic of "genericity" and "universality," which, in fact, is only true of the "the generic reference" middles". In the comparative studies on the two types of MCs, the similar distinctions have been found between English and Chinese:differences between the implied agencies in cognitive motivation, differences in semantic attributes of the subject noun and the differences of the semantic hierarchy levels.
     4) In oder to help understand the nature of MC more deeply, unified interpretations have been made to complex binary opposition and many counter-examples of linguistics and to the features of binary opposition, which have long confused the linguistic field.
     Its insufficients are first in corpus statistics because of some deviation of the data in cutting the sentences not in conformity with the conditions by way of manual operation. And secondly data deviation may occur due to the small capacity of the self-built English-Chinese bilingual corpus which offers no massive amounts of retrieval. According to the shortcomings, the author will try her best to reduce the deviation and to enrich the self-built English-Chinese bilingual corpus in the future.
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